



1、你为什么喜欢这次旅行?why do you like this trip?

Because this trip is the one of the most enjoyable in my all travel. First of all, I have been dreaming of have a visit to Disneyland and this time I realized my dream, and I have a good time there. Second, I have seen the most wonderful dolphin show which make me excited. Third, it’s shocked me that I saw the beautiful Victoria harbor. In fourth, I bought many gifts that I loved, watch, pencil box, wallet and so on. These things are cheaper and more beautiful than Beijing, I like very much. In short, this trip makes me broaden my horizons and experience something new in Hong Kong. So, I like this trip.


2、迪士尼乐园/海洋公园人多吗?门票贵吗?看见外国人了吗?你跟他们说英语了吗?Is there a crowed people in the Disneyland and The Ocean park? Is the ticket expensive? Did you see the foreigners? Did you speak with them?

There are mountains of people there. We have to takes a long time to queue up for games, but everyone is orderly.

I feel the ticket quite expensive. I see many foreigners that have different skin colors, white, black, local person and people all over the world. There are a lot of children here, and I didn’t speak English with them 迪士尼乐园/海洋公园人特别多,玩游戏都要排很长的队,但是大家都很有秩序。


3、你跟米奇拍照了吗?did you take a picture with Mickey?

Yes, I took a picture with Minnie, but I prefer Minnie, I think she is beautiful, and I also took a picture with Pooh.


4、你在北京去过海洋公园吗?北京跟香港的有什么不同?你更喜欢哪一个?为什么?Have you been to the Ocean park in Beijing? What is different from Hong Kong? Which one do you prefer and why?

I have been to the Beijing aquarium, but it’s smaller than Hong Kong, there are more sea animals in the Ocean Park, and dolphins’ show is interesting, they are so clever, I prefer the aquarium in Hong Kong .



5、你们去了多少个商店?你买了什么?你妈妈买了什么?她为什么不在北京买?买纪念品了吗?did you go shopping? What did you buy? Did you buy some souvenirs?

Mom and I went to New World department store, there’s also have a one in Beijing. We spend a couple of hours for shopping, Mom bought a lot of cosmetics, and she said it is cheaper than Beijing. I bought some souvenirs, something like key chain with Hong Kong flag, bauhinia ,Mickey mouse, Donald Duck, etc.


6、你坐船游维多利亚港的时候看到了什么?你感觉如何?是第一次坐船吗?船是大还是小?有几层?贵吗?在船上吃饭了吗?did you take a boat to visit the Victoria harbor? How do you feel? Is this you first time to take a boat? How many layers of the boat? Did you have a dinner on the boat?

I saw many containers at the port, and there are many tall building around the port, the lights very bright in the night, very beautiful.


我喜欢坐船,感觉很好,去年我在上海做过船,觉得比香港的船要大,景色也很美。香港的船有三层,不是很大,我们在船上吃了晚饭,但饭菜味道不好。船上有表演,我们看的一般吧。I like take a boat, last year, I have a boat tour in shanghai, I feel the boat is bigger than Hong Kong and the scenery is beautiful too. The ship in Hong Kong has three stories, the second floor is a cafeteria, we have our dinner in here, but the food is so so. There is also a show on the boat, but it’s not my taste.


香港食物比较清淡,跟北京比更甜一些,但是叉烧饭做的比北京好吃。我更喜欢北京的食物,如烤鸭、面条等等。How about Hong Kong food? What is different from Beijing? Which one do you prefer?

The food in Hong Kong is light, it’s sweeter than Beijing, and the barbecue pork rice is pretty good, compare with Hong Kong, I prefer Beijing Local food, I like Beijing roast duck and noodles.

8、你这是第一次去吗?下次还去吗?除了香港你还去过哪?桂林、上海、香港你更喜欢哪里?is this you first trip you Hong Kong? Do you want visit again? Which cities have you been to except Hong Kong?

我是第一次去,以后我还想再去,我还想再去迪士尼和海洋公园玩,有的项目我还没有玩过。我更喜欢香港。 Yes, but I hope to visit again, because I ‘m not play good enough, I love Disney and ocean park, some game item I haven’t try. I have been to Guilin, Shang Hai , I prefer Hong kong,

9、香港看起来怎样?how was the Hong Kong looks like?

香港比较小,相比还是北京更大。但是香港很干净,人们很友善。 Compare Hong Kong, Beijing is more bigger, but the city is very clean and peoples are kind and friendly.

10、除了去景点玩,你还干了什么?what did you do except visit some place of interests?

我还去了酒店楼下的超市、餐馆,还看了酒店的空中花园。I also went supermarket under the hotel, eat local food and swimming in the pool of hotel.

11、香港天气如何? How about the weather in Hong Kong?

香港比北京热,我们去的时候一直很晴朗。It’s warm than Beijing, it’s been sunny since we arrived



1、你为什么喜欢这次旅行?why do you like this trip?

Because this trip is the one of the most enjoyable in my all travel. First of all, I have been dreaming of have a visit to Disneyland and this time I realized my dream, and I have a good time there. Second, I have seen the most wonderful dolphin show which make me excited. Third, it’s shocked me that I saw the beautiful Victoria harbor. In fourth, I bought many gifts that I loved, watch, pencil box, wallet and so on. These things are cheaper and more beautiful than Beijing, I like very much. In short, this trip makes me broaden my horizons and experience something new in Hong Kong. So, I like this trip.


2、迪士尼乐园/海洋公园人多吗?门票贵吗?看见外国人了吗?你跟他们说英语了吗?Is there a crowed people in the Disneyland and The Ocean park? Is the ticket expensive? Did you see the foreigners? Did you speak with them?

There are mountains of people there. We have to takes a long time to queue up for games, but everyone is orderly.

I feel the ticket quite expensive. I see many foreigners that have different skin colors, white, black, local person and people all over the world. There are a lot of children here, and I didn’t speak English with them 迪士尼乐园/海洋公园人特别多,玩游戏都要排很长的队,但是大家都很有秩序。


3、你跟米奇拍照了吗?did you take a picture with Mickey?

Yes, I took a picture with Minnie, but I prefer Minnie, I think she is beautiful, and I also took a picture with Pooh.


4、你在北京去过海洋公园吗?北京跟香港的有什么不同?你更喜欢哪一个?为什么?Have you been to the Ocean park in Beijing? What is different from Hong Kong? Which one do you prefer and why?

I have been to the Beijing aquarium, but it’s smaller than Hong Kong, there are more sea animals in the Ocean Park, and dolphins’ show is interesting, they are so clever, I prefer the aquarium in Hong Kong .



5、你们去了多少个商店?你买了什么?你妈妈买了什么?她为什么不在北京买?买纪念品了吗?did you go shopping? What did you buy? Did you buy some souvenirs?

Mom and I went to New World department store, there’s also have a one in Beijing. We spend a couple of hours for shopping, Mom bought a lot of cosmetics, and she said it is cheaper than Beijing. I bought some souvenirs, something like key chain with Hong Kong flag, bauhinia ,Mickey mouse, Donald Duck, etc.


6、你坐船游维多利亚港的时候看到了什么?你感觉如何?是第一次坐船吗?船是大还是小?有几层?贵吗?在船上吃饭了吗?did you take a boat to visit the Victoria harbor? How do you feel? Is this you first time to take a boat? How many layers of the boat? Did you have a dinner on the boat?

I saw many containers at the port, and there are many tall building around the port, the lights very bright in the night, very beautiful.


我喜欢坐船,感觉很好,去年我在上海做过船,觉得比香港的船要大,景色也很美。香港的船有三层,不是很大,我们在船上吃了晚饭,但饭菜味道不好。船上有表演,我们看的一般吧。I like take a boat, last year, I have a boat tour in shanghai, I feel the boat is bigger than Hong Kong and the scenery is beautiful too. The ship in Hong Kong has three stories, the second floor is a cafeteria, we have our dinner in here, but the food is so so. There is also a show on the boat, but it’s not my taste.


香港食物比较清淡,跟北京比更甜一些,但是叉烧饭做的比北京好吃。我更喜欢北京的食物,如烤鸭、面条等等。How about Hong Kong food? What is different from Beijing? Which one do you prefer?

The food in Hong Kong is light, it’s sweeter than Beijing, and the barbecue pork rice is pretty good, compare with Hong Kong, I prefer Beijing Local food, I like Beijing roast duck and noodles.

8、你这是第一次去吗?下次还去吗?除了香港你还去过哪?桂林、上海、香港你更喜欢哪里?is this you first trip you Hong Kong? Do you want visit again? Which cities have you been to except Hong Kong?

我是第一次去,以后我还想再去,我还想再去迪士尼和海洋公园玩,有的项目我还没有玩过。我更喜欢香港。 Yes, but I hope to visit again, because I ‘m not play good enough, I love Disney and ocean park, some game item I haven’t try. I have been to Guilin, Shang Hai , I prefer Hong kong,

9、香港看起来怎样?how was the Hong Kong looks like?

香港比较小,相比还是北京更大。但是香港很干净,人们很友善。 Compare Hong Kong, Beijing is more bigger, but the city is very clean and peoples are kind and friendly.

10、除了去景点玩,你还干了什么?what did you do except visit some place of interests?

我还去了酒店楼下的超市、餐馆,还看了酒店的空中花园。I also went supermarket under the hotel, eat local food and swimming in the pool of hotel.

11、香港天气如何? How about the weather in Hong Kong?

香港比北京热,我们去的时候一直很晴朗。It’s warm than Beijing, it’s been sunny since we arrived


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