

in a people's countries to promote a hub, and this is virtue. -- montesquieu

people did not like zoushou alive, it should be the pursuit of knowledge and virtue. -- dante

not to small to do this evil, not good but not as small. however, yin wei tak, can be served in person. -- liu bei

is not a problem of non-respect, and germany is not suffering from chong; buchi paul was not gang, and shame unwise not to blog. -- zhang heng

soil can help walls, as thick and ji-de. -- li bai

to a good thing, he tairan, an daishi bank, qin ying baokui. -- god-han -

into the sludge rather than with, sugar-coated bullets from the erosion of the bourgeoisie, is the most valuable revolutionary quality.

-- zhou enlai

one of the most sad thing without too much conscience simie. -- guo moruo

shy fear is fear of humiliation or emotional, such sentiments can not stop people committing certain despicable acts.

-- spinoza

should be enthusiastic and committed to act as moral, ethical and not empty words. -- democritus

feelings are greatly encouraged by force, therefore, it is all the important prerequisite for moral conduct. -- kai luofu

not a great character, not great, not even the great artists, great actors.

-- romain rolland

higher than the rational mind, thinking reliable than feelings. -- gorky

communism not only in the fields and sweat of cross-flow of the factory, it also manifested in the family, the table next to the pro -

qi, and in mutual relations. -- mayakovsky夫斯基

the reason why people have a moral virtue, but only by less than the temptation of this is not because of their monotonous life

stereotypes, because of their expertise xinyi yi towards a goal next to no time and lab. -- duncan

human beings have been given a work that is the spirit of growth. -- lev tolstoy

in the wisdom that should be excluded on, the moral should be innocent and should be physically clean. -- dmc

he cardiff

by the conscience of people all the knowledge and way of life to decide. -- marx

law-abiding and conscientious person, even if there are pressing needs will not steal, but even if the millions of money to the bootlegging

thief, he also can not expect children not steal from not steal. -- keleiluofu

the spirit of the moral strength to play its potentials, it has raised the banner, then our patriotic fervor and justice

in the sense of reality in both the power and fulfill its role. -- hegel

"virtue" teach your children: virtue is the people's happiness rather than money. this is my jingyanzhitan. at

i support the distress of a moral, i did not commit suicide, in addition to the arts is beyond moral. -- beethoven

if the moral hazard, the fun will certainly decline. -- diderot

i would like to prove that all acts of kindness and noble people, and can therefore play a distress. -- beethoven

the decoration is also incompatible with virtue, because the moral is the soul of the strength and vitality. -- rousseau

i am convinced that the only moral citizens can extend to their motherland will be acceptable to salute. -- rousseau

let us buming yu as a penalty for the most part! -- montesquieu

the fact that the sound judgement is the true foundation of all virtues. -- ja comenius

virtue is the realization by the act, not by the text. -- ja comenius

the only education and work all of the work can be summarized in this concept - ethics. -- herbart

virtue is like a fragrance, or by burning incense and its yulie press, covered the most fortunate will reveal the most evil fate and germany will reveal the united states

germany also. -- francis bacon

conspiracy to trap the others, they will first of all was unfortunate. -- aesop

wise would prefer to prevent diseases in weiran, not medical treatment in the hair; prefer encouraged to overcome pain, suffering and so in order to pursue

consolation. -- thomas more

we have a strong moral struggle that is achieved through the material on the success of this moral applies to both the countries, but also to

individuals. -- russell

- working to develop their physical, pure and lofty morals, broad freedom to accommodate new trend of the spirit of it

is the new trend in the world of swimming, not to be submerged force. -- lu xun

not only in the eradication of the class confrontation, but in real life also forget this stage of confrontation between the social development

, beyond class antagonism and confrontation between the memories go beyond this, the moral was really possible. -- tu


we are proletarian morality, we should develop it, strengthen it and to the moral education of the proletariat

to generation. -- kalinin

the immediate task is, even in the most difficult conditions, but also ore mining, refining pig iron, the main casting marxism

justice and world outlook and world view of this adaptation of the superstructure chungang. -- lenin

conscious mind is the mother of progress, since the low heart is the source of corruption, the conscious mind can not be without, since the heart can not be cheap. --

zou tao-fen

courage, wisdom, almost. -- confucius

shame, in the great buzhi chi. -- wang tong

not a moral revolution to the fall from the sky. it is from the day-to-day struggle and perseverance in the development and consolidation exercise

together, as the jade-the mill, the more pure gold, like the chain. -- ho chi minh

children is to teach others, medical illnesses to others, even if they are teachers or doctors. but the way of life

son, but i am afraid i must own discretion, many people open to the solution, but often is waste paper. -- lu xun

not just can not see, the fear is not courage to see justice. -- xie jue zai

to pay attention, even when you own one, huaihua or do not want to say bad things, and to learn in your own than before

more wisdom in the face of others. -- democritus

static to self, frugal to support germany. -- zhuge liang

gentlemen, do not worry concerns the poor. -- confucius

chan poor but not rich without arrogance. -- zi gong

the use of this strong, the days can not be depleted. -- xun kuang

chi and the poor are lazy, while those of the rich and frugal. -- han fei

cardiff gentlemen's trip to self-quiet, frugal to support germany, without being indifferent to non-ming-chi, no to non-peaceful zhi yuan. --

zhuge liang

extravagance, who thrift the messy, a fierce one right in front of kyrgyzstan. -- bai juyi

nian not be vigilant in peace time, warning extravagance to thrift; andean roots and seeking to cutting wood-mao, a long cypriot sources also in order. -- wei zheng


在一个人民的国家中还要有一种推动的枢纽,这就是美德。 —— 孟德斯鸠

人不能象走兽那样活着,应该追求知识和美德。 —— 但丁

勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。惟贤惟德,能服于人。 —— 刘备

不患位之不尊,而患德之不崇;不耻禄之不伙,而耻智之不博。 —— 张衡

土扶可城墙,积德为厚地。 —— 李白

行一件好事,心中泰然;行一件歹事,衾影抱愧。 —— 神涵光

—— 周恩来

一个人最伤心的事情无过于良心的死灭。 —— 郭沫若

—— 斯宾诺莎

应该热心地致力于照道德行事,而不要空谈道德。 —— 德谟克利特

感情有着极大的鼓舞力量,因此,它是一切道德行为的重要前提。 —— 凯洛夫

—— 罗曼·罗兰

理智要比心灵为高,思想要比感情可靠。 —— 高尔基

戚之间,在相互的关系上。 —— 马雅可夫斯基

刻板,就是因为他们专心一意奔向一个目标而无暇旁顾。 —— 邓肯

人类被赋予了一种工作,那就是精神的成长。 —— 列夫·托尔斯泰

人在智慧上应当是明豁的,道德上应该是清白的,身体上应该是清洁的。 —— 契

良心是由人的知识和全部生活方式来决定的。 —— 马克思

贼,也没法儿指望他从此不偷不盗。 —— 克雷洛夫

感在现实中均得施展其威力和作用。 —— 黑格尔

患难中支持我的是道德,使我不曾自杀的,除了艺术以外也是道德。 —— 贝多芬


我愿证明,凡是行为善良与高尚的人,定能因之而担当患难。 —— 贝多芬

装饰对于德行也同样是格格不入的,因为德行是灵魂的力量和生气。 —— 卢梭

我深信只有有道德的公民才能向自己的祖国致以可被接受的敬礼。 —— 卢梭

让我们把不名誉作为刑罚最重的部分吧! —— 孟德斯鸠

对于事实问题的健全的判断是一切德行的真正基础。 —— 夸美纽斯

德行的实现是由行为,不是由文字。 —— 夸美纽斯

教育的唯一工作与全部工作可以总结在这一概念之中——道德。 —— 赫尔巴特

德也。 —— 培根

阴谋陷害别人的人,自己会首先遭到不幸。 —— 伊索

慰藉。 —— 托马斯·莫尔

于个人。 —— 罗素

是能在世界新潮流中游泳,不被淹没的力量。 —— 鲁迅

上,超越阶级对立和超越这种对立的回忆的、真正人的道德才成为可能。 —— 恩

来的一代。 —— 加里宁

义世界观以及与这一世界观相适应的上层建筑的纯钢。 —— 列宁

自觉心是进步之母,自贱心是堕落之源,故自觉心不可无,自贱心不可有。 ——

知耻近乎勇。 —— 孔丘

辱,莫大于不知耻。 —— 王通

起来的,正如玉石越磨越亮,黄金越炼越纯一样。 —— 胡志明

子,却恐怕要自己斟酌,许多人开来的良方,往往不过是废纸。 —— 鲁迅

不是不能见义,怕的是见义而不勇为。 —— 谢觉哉

在别人面前更知耻。 —— 德谟克利特

静以修身,俭以养德。 —— 诸葛亮

君子忧道不忧贫。 —— 孔丘

贫而无谄,富而无骄。 —— 子贡

强本而节用,则天不能贫。 —— 荀况

侈而惰者贫,而力而俭者富。 —— 韩非

夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。 ——

奢者狼藉俭者安,一凶一吉在眼前。 —— 白居易

不念居安思危,戒奢以俭;斯以伐根而求木茂,塞源而欲流长也。 —— 魏徵

in a people's countries to promote a hub, and this is virtue. -- montesquieu

people did not like zoushou alive, it should be the pursuit of knowledge and virtue. -- dante

not to small to do this evil, not good but not as small. however, yin wei tak, can be served in person. -- liu bei

is not a problem of non-respect, and germany is not suffering from chong; buchi paul was not gang, and shame unwise not to blog. -- zhang heng

soil can help walls, as thick and ji-de. -- li bai

to a good thing, he tairan, an daishi bank, qin ying baokui. -- god-han -

into the sludge rather than with, sugar-coated bullets from the erosion of the bourgeoisie, is the most valuable revolutionary quality.

-- zhou enlai

one of the most sad thing without too much conscience simie. -- guo moruo

shy fear is fear of humiliation or emotional, such sentiments can not stop people committing certain despicable acts.

-- spinoza

should be enthusiastic and committed to act as moral, ethical and not empty words. -- democritus

feelings are greatly encouraged by force, therefore, it is all the important prerequisite for moral conduct. -- kai luofu

not a great character, not great, not even the great artists, great actors.

-- romain rolland

higher than the rational mind, thinking reliable than feelings. -- gorky

communism not only in the fields and sweat of cross-flow of the factory, it also manifested in the family, the table next to the pro -

qi, and in mutual relations. -- mayakovsky夫斯基

the reason why people have a moral virtue, but only by less than the temptation of this is not because of their monotonous life

stereotypes, because of their expertise xinyi yi towards a goal next to no time and lab. -- duncan

human beings have been given a work that is the spirit of growth. -- lev tolstoy

in the wisdom that should be excluded on, the moral should be innocent and should be physically clean. -- dmc

he cardiff

by the conscience of people all the knowledge and way of life to decide. -- marx

law-abiding and conscientious person, even if there are pressing needs will not steal, but even if the millions of money to the bootlegging

thief, he also can not expect children not steal from not steal. -- keleiluofu

the spirit of the moral strength to play its potentials, it has raised the banner, then our patriotic fervor and justice

in the sense of reality in both the power and fulfill its role. -- hegel

"virtue" teach your children: virtue is the people's happiness rather than money. this is my jingyanzhitan. at

i support the distress of a moral, i did not commit suicide, in addition to the arts is beyond moral. -- beethoven

if the moral hazard, the fun will certainly decline. -- diderot

i would like to prove that all acts of kindness and noble people, and can therefore play a distress. -- beethoven

the decoration is also incompatible with virtue, because the moral is the soul of the strength and vitality. -- rousseau

i am convinced that the only moral citizens can extend to their motherland will be acceptable to salute. -- rousseau

let us buming yu as a penalty for the most part! -- montesquieu

the fact that the sound judgement is the true foundation of all virtues. -- ja comenius

virtue is the realization by the act, not by the text. -- ja comenius

the only education and work all of the work can be summarized in this concept - ethics. -- herbart

virtue is like a fragrance, or by burning incense and its yulie press, covered the most fortunate will reveal the most evil fate and germany will reveal the united states

germany also. -- francis bacon

conspiracy to trap the others, they will first of all was unfortunate. -- aesop

wise would prefer to prevent diseases in weiran, not medical treatment in the hair; prefer encouraged to overcome pain, suffering and so in order to pursue

consolation. -- thomas more

we have a strong moral struggle that is achieved through the material on the success of this moral applies to both the countries, but also to

individuals. -- russell

- working to develop their physical, pure and lofty morals, broad freedom to accommodate new trend of the spirit of it

is the new trend in the world of swimming, not to be submerged force. -- lu xun

not only in the eradication of the class confrontation, but in real life also forget this stage of confrontation between the social development

, beyond class antagonism and confrontation between the memories go beyond this, the moral was really possible. -- tu


we are proletarian morality, we should develop it, strengthen it and to the moral education of the proletariat

to generation. -- kalinin

the immediate task is, even in the most difficult conditions, but also ore mining, refining pig iron, the main casting marxism

justice and world outlook and world view of this adaptation of the superstructure chungang. -- lenin

conscious mind is the mother of progress, since the low heart is the source of corruption, the conscious mind can not be without, since the heart can not be cheap. --

zou tao-fen

courage, wisdom, almost. -- confucius

shame, in the great buzhi chi. -- wang tong

not a moral revolution to the fall from the sky. it is from the day-to-day struggle and perseverance in the development and consolidation exercise

together, as the jade-the mill, the more pure gold, like the chain. -- ho chi minh

children is to teach others, medical illnesses to others, even if they are teachers or doctors. but the way of life

son, but i am afraid i must own discretion, many people open to the solution, but often is waste paper. -- lu xun

not just can not see, the fear is not courage to see justice. -- xie jue zai

to pay attention, even when you own one, huaihua or do not want to say bad things, and to learn in your own than before

more wisdom in the face of others. -- democritus

static to self, frugal to support germany. -- zhuge liang

gentlemen, do not worry concerns the poor. -- confucius

chan poor but not rich without arrogance. -- zi gong

the use of this strong, the days can not be depleted. -- xun kuang

chi and the poor are lazy, while those of the rich and frugal. -- han fei

cardiff gentlemen's trip to self-quiet, frugal to support germany, without being indifferent to non-ming-chi, no to non-peaceful zhi yuan. --

zhuge liang

extravagance, who thrift the messy, a fierce one right in front of kyrgyzstan. -- bai juyi

nian not be vigilant in peace time, warning extravagance to thrift; andean roots and seeking to cutting wood-mao, a long cypriot sources also in order. -- wei zheng


在一个人民的国家中还要有一种推动的枢纽,这就是美德。 —— 孟德斯鸠

人不能象走兽那样活着,应该追求知识和美德。 —— 但丁

勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。惟贤惟德,能服于人。 —— 刘备

不患位之不尊,而患德之不崇;不耻禄之不伙,而耻智之不博。 —— 张衡

土扶可城墙,积德为厚地。 —— 李白

行一件好事,心中泰然;行一件歹事,衾影抱愧。 —— 神涵光

—— 周恩来

一个人最伤心的事情无过于良心的死灭。 —— 郭沫若

—— 斯宾诺莎

应该热心地致力于照道德行事,而不要空谈道德。 —— 德谟克利特

感情有着极大的鼓舞力量,因此,它是一切道德行为的重要前提。 —— 凯洛夫

—— 罗曼·罗兰

理智要比心灵为高,思想要比感情可靠。 —— 高尔基

戚之间,在相互的关系上。 —— 马雅可夫斯基

刻板,就是因为他们专心一意奔向一个目标而无暇旁顾。 —— 邓肯

人类被赋予了一种工作,那就是精神的成长。 —— 列夫·托尔斯泰

人在智慧上应当是明豁的,道德上应该是清白的,身体上应该是清洁的。 —— 契

良心是由人的知识和全部生活方式来决定的。 —— 马克思

贼,也没法儿指望他从此不偷不盗。 —— 克雷洛夫

感在现实中均得施展其威力和作用。 —— 黑格尔

患难中支持我的是道德,使我不曾自杀的,除了艺术以外也是道德。 —— 贝多芬


我愿证明,凡是行为善良与高尚的人,定能因之而担当患难。 —— 贝多芬

装饰对于德行也同样是格格不入的,因为德行是灵魂的力量和生气。 —— 卢梭

我深信只有有道德的公民才能向自己的祖国致以可被接受的敬礼。 —— 卢梭

让我们把不名誉作为刑罚最重的部分吧! —— 孟德斯鸠

对于事实问题的健全的判断是一切德行的真正基础。 —— 夸美纽斯

德行的实现是由行为,不是由文字。 —— 夸美纽斯

教育的唯一工作与全部工作可以总结在这一概念之中——道德。 —— 赫尔巴特

德也。 —— 培根

阴谋陷害别人的人,自己会首先遭到不幸。 —— 伊索

慰藉。 —— 托马斯·莫尔

于个人。 —— 罗素

是能在世界新潮流中游泳,不被淹没的力量。 —— 鲁迅

上,超越阶级对立和超越这种对立的回忆的、真正人的道德才成为可能。 —— 恩

来的一代。 —— 加里宁

义世界观以及与这一世界观相适应的上层建筑的纯钢。 —— 列宁

自觉心是进步之母,自贱心是堕落之源,故自觉心不可无,自贱心不可有。 ——

知耻近乎勇。 —— 孔丘

辱,莫大于不知耻。 —— 王通

起来的,正如玉石越磨越亮,黄金越炼越纯一样。 —— 胡志明

子,却恐怕要自己斟酌,许多人开来的良方,往往不过是废纸。 —— 鲁迅

不是不能见义,怕的是见义而不勇为。 —— 谢觉哉

在别人面前更知耻。 —— 德谟克利特

静以修身,俭以养德。 —— 诸葛亮

君子忧道不忧贫。 —— 孔丘

贫而无谄,富而无骄。 —— 子贡

强本而节用,则天不能贫。 —— 荀况

侈而惰者贫,而力而俭者富。 —— 韩非

夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。 ——

奢者狼藉俭者安,一凶一吉在眼前。 —— 白居易

不念居安思危,戒奢以俭;斯以伐根而求木茂,塞源而欲流长也。 —— 魏徵


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