

At present, many college students couldn’t deal with interpersonal relationship very well. Negative relationships will affect college students' life and study. So the important of getting along well with others is self-evident.

What reasons for this phenomena? Firstly, with the rapid development of technology and science, students have access to international information on a daily basis, thus they have few opportunities to talk with others, expect chat with people on the Internet. Secondly, most of the college students are one-child, their parents let them alone due to the busy work and hardly communicate with them. Thirdly, lacking the skill of interpersonal relationship maybe a major obstacle on communicate with others. In my opinion, interpersonal relationship is an important aspect of study and work, so universities must pay more attention to train students master the skill and trick of connections with people.

In conclusion, unity is strength. If one can’t get on well with others, he won’t success.

At present, many college students couldn’t deal with interpersonal relationship very well. Negative relationships will affect college students' life and study. So the important of getting along well with others is self-evident.

What reasons for this phenomena? Firstly, with the rapid development of technology and science, students have access to international information on a daily basis, thus they have few opportunities to talk with others, expect chat with people on the Internet. Secondly, most of the college students are one-child, their parents let them alone due to the busy work and hardly communicate with them. Thirdly, lacking the skill of interpersonal relationship maybe a major obstacle on communicate with others. In my opinion, interpersonal relationship is an important aspect of study and work, so universities must pay more attention to train students master the skill and trick of connections with people.

In conclusion, unity is strength. If one can’t get on well with others, he won’t success.


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