

The Book Report of Oliver Twist

英文学院2班 尹思思 1201010221 In the 19th century, it was the most prosperous period of Britain on economy and military. But it was also the darkest period of the society of Britain. Because of the unfair society, the poor and their children had suffered from starvation and bully. Charles Dickens was born in the times. When he was a child, he had received education in a private school for a period of time. But he had not taken much formal education, essentially studying by himself. By the age of 12, Dickens' father was jailed because of the debt problem. Then he was sent to London as an apprentice in a shoes store, in which he had to work for 10 hours a day. It was due to the experience that he felt very pity for the poor and focused more on the life of labor people in his works. Until now, his works still have a great influence on English literature.

Oliver Twister was one of the works. The main character in the novel was Oliver Twister who was an orphan. He suffered from starvation and bully every day. As he could not endure the abuse of boss, he escaped to London alone. Then the story began. As soon as he reached London, he was noticed by a thief gang. The head of this gang tried to made Oliver work for him. One day, when Oliver and a member of this gang called Bates were walking along the street, Oliver was arrested by the police. Because there was a misunderstanding that a gentleman named Brownlow thought he had stolen his handkerchief. In fact, Mr. Brownlow was one of his father's friends. Eventually, he was not set free until the owner of the bookstore proved that he was innocent. In the prison, he got so much badly hurt that Mr. Brownlow felt very guilty. So Mr. Brownlow took him home to take after him. In Mr. Brownlow's home, Oliver got the warm of family.

Nonetheless, this was not the end of pain. To ensure Oliver would not leak their secrets, the head of the thief gang called Fagin let Nancy and Sikes catch Oliver back. When Oliver went out, they caught him. One midnight, Sikes asked him to steal something in a big house. Oliver went the house through the window and wanted to tell the owner, unfortunately, the steward thought he was a thief and shoot him. The real thief ran away and Oliver was abandoned. Luckily, the owner Merry and her adopt daughter Ross took him in and offered him a warm

shelter. Coincidentally, Merry was his aunt and they never knew each other. One day, a person named Monks came to Fagin and told him that Oliver was his brother. His father left a large sum of heritage and decided to give it Oliver because he was impious unless Oliver was as impious as him. To reach the goal, he let Fagin help him to make Oliver an incurable criminal. While they were talking, Nancy heard it by accident and told it to Ross. When Sikes knew Nancy had betrayed them, he killed Nancy cruelly. The death of Nancy made the thief gang came to an end. Finally, Fagin was arrested and Sikes died. Monks was caught by Mr. Brownlow and told everything. With the truth came out, Mr. Brownlow adopt Oliver.

In the novel, Oliver, Nancy, Ross, Merry and Mr. Brownlow were the representative of goodness and justice. They were kind-hearted and sincere. Particularly, Oliver, Nancy and Ross all had many dark months through their childhood, but they never lost themselves. Besides, Merry and Mr. Brownlow were rich, but they were not hypocritical like the other rich and the church. On the contrary, they were pleased to help the people who were in need and tried their best to give them what they had. What's more, they believed that justice always will defeat evil.

However, when we observe the society at that time through the book, we would find that Fagin and his thief gang were victims at heart. Because they were poor and homeless orphans, and they had nothing. So they could only steal the rich's things and get food and clothes. Oppositely, the rich and the church need not do anything, but they could get anything through exploiting the poor who were the lowest class. If there were not the criminal class society, there would not be homeless orphans and they would not become thieves. Thus, as a matter of fact, Oliver's tragedy was not caused by the bad people but the unfair society. So we must build a new society system in case more children become orphans like Oliver.

The Book Report of Oliver Twist

英文学院2班 尹思思 1201010221 In the 19th century, it was the most prosperous period of Britain on economy and military. But it was also the darkest period of the society of Britain. Because of the unfair society, the poor and their children had suffered from starvation and bully. Charles Dickens was born in the times. When he was a child, he had received education in a private school for a period of time. But he had not taken much formal education, essentially studying by himself. By the age of 12, Dickens' father was jailed because of the debt problem. Then he was sent to London as an apprentice in a shoes store, in which he had to work for 10 hours a day. It was due to the experience that he felt very pity for the poor and focused more on the life of labor people in his works. Until now, his works still have a great influence on English literature.

Oliver Twister was one of the works. The main character in the novel was Oliver Twister who was an orphan. He suffered from starvation and bully every day. As he could not endure the abuse of boss, he escaped to London alone. Then the story began. As soon as he reached London, he was noticed by a thief gang. The head of this gang tried to made Oliver work for him. One day, when Oliver and a member of this gang called Bates were walking along the street, Oliver was arrested by the police. Because there was a misunderstanding that a gentleman named Brownlow thought he had stolen his handkerchief. In fact, Mr. Brownlow was one of his father's friends. Eventually, he was not set free until the owner of the bookstore proved that he was innocent. In the prison, he got so much badly hurt that Mr. Brownlow felt very guilty. So Mr. Brownlow took him home to take after him. In Mr. Brownlow's home, Oliver got the warm of family.

Nonetheless, this was not the end of pain. To ensure Oliver would not leak their secrets, the head of the thief gang called Fagin let Nancy and Sikes catch Oliver back. When Oliver went out, they caught him. One midnight, Sikes asked him to steal something in a big house. Oliver went the house through the window and wanted to tell the owner, unfortunately, the steward thought he was a thief and shoot him. The real thief ran away and Oliver was abandoned. Luckily, the owner Merry and her adopt daughter Ross took him in and offered him a warm

shelter. Coincidentally, Merry was his aunt and they never knew each other. One day, a person named Monks came to Fagin and told him that Oliver was his brother. His father left a large sum of heritage and decided to give it Oliver because he was impious unless Oliver was as impious as him. To reach the goal, he let Fagin help him to make Oliver an incurable criminal. While they were talking, Nancy heard it by accident and told it to Ross. When Sikes knew Nancy had betrayed them, he killed Nancy cruelly. The death of Nancy made the thief gang came to an end. Finally, Fagin was arrested and Sikes died. Monks was caught by Mr. Brownlow and told everything. With the truth came out, Mr. Brownlow adopt Oliver.

In the novel, Oliver, Nancy, Ross, Merry and Mr. Brownlow were the representative of goodness and justice. They were kind-hearted and sincere. Particularly, Oliver, Nancy and Ross all had many dark months through their childhood, but they never lost themselves. Besides, Merry and Mr. Brownlow were rich, but they were not hypocritical like the other rich and the church. On the contrary, they were pleased to help the people who were in need and tried their best to give them what they had. What's more, they believed that justice always will defeat evil.

However, when we observe the society at that time through the book, we would find that Fagin and his thief gang were victims at heart. Because they were poor and homeless orphans, and they had nothing. So they could only steal the rich's things and get food and clothes. Oppositely, the rich and the church need not do anything, but they could get anything through exploiting the poor who were the lowest class. If there were not the criminal class society, there would not be homeless orphans and they would not become thieves. Thus, as a matter of fact, Oliver's tragedy was not caused by the bad people but the unfair society. So we must build a new society system in case more children become orphans like Oliver.


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