



1 考研英语小作文各类型模板总结


Example One:

备忘录的特点是简明扼要,但它们同时也应具备优秀应用文的其他写作原则: 面向你的读者,表达清楚且准确。“memo”来自于拉丁语“memorandum”,意思是“必须记住的”。


备忘录书端(Header ):书端是写在备忘录开头的压缩信息。情况不同,书端的格式可能不同,但是通常应采用下面这种格式。

如:Date: January 24, 2009

To: F. Prefect

From: A. Dent

Subject: My Suggested Revisions to the Local Demolition Schedule



You are an active member of the student newspaper. The newspaper is currently looking for a journalist for the summer semester. Write a memo that will appear in the newspaper next week describing the position available.


Date: August 10, 2010



2 To: All students

From: A. Buttle dfsSubject: Journalist Position Available for the Summer Semester The student newspaper is currently looking for a journalist for the summer semester. Applicants should currently be studying at the university, and should preferably have at least two years’ writing experience.

The successful applicant will be expected to write two articles every week on happenings in the city and on campus. The position will commence at the end of May and will last through to the end of August. The salary for the position is negotiable and will be based on experience. If you are interested, please send your resume to the campus newspaper office.

Example Two:

2010年英语考研二真题答案 感谢信 (感谢在美国期间美国同事的帮助) Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,

I am now back to China safe and sound. In this letter I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you and your lovely children for your kindness and hospitality to host me when I was in New York. Your generous help and tender care made me feel warmly welcomed and transformed my first American trip into a beautiful memory. I do hope that your whole families have a visit to China in future, so that I could have the opportunity to repay your friendship. I assure you that you would enjoy visiting here as I did at your home。

I feel obliged to thank you once more。


Li Ming

Example Three:2011年考研二小作文 祝贺信(祝贺堂兄被哈佛录取) Dear friend,



3 I am writing to congratulate you on your being successfully admitted to Harvard University , which enjoys an international reputation for its academic excellence and give you some suggestions as to how to make preparation for the coming college life. In order for you to adapt yourself to the university life , you are advised to get prepared physically and intellectually. First and foremost, you need to build a strong body for the future academic pursuit , so you can take some exercises during the breaks. Secondly , since the study in university is more demanding than in your secondary school, you are highly suggested to find some introductory books from the library so as to have a good idea of the specialty you are going to take in your college life. Given your sound ability, you are sure to have a successful college life. Congratulate you again and wish you a fruitful college life.

Sincerely yours,

Zhang Wei

Example Four:2012年英语二 投诉信(投诉产品质量不合格)

Dear Mr./Miss:

This letter is a complaint concerning the electronic dictionary that I bought from your online store the other day.

Two weeks ago I mailed the money that ordered and soon received the electronic dictionary. I followed the instructions attached with it. Instead I cannot get it started anyway. After changed the battery inside several times in vain, I totally gave it up. I wrote to your company expecting a prompt solution to this problem. I would hope that you could do something to give me a satisfactory feedback. And I will appreciate it very much if you put a strict test on these electronic dictionaries, thus stop the continuing complaints and suffers of other customers.

Sincerely Yours,

Zhang Wei



4 Example Five:



Dear Editors,

I have been reading your newspaper for many years with a great enthusiasm and interest. It is my view that limiting the use of disposable plastic bags is of utmost significance.

To crack this hard nut, I would like to propose several practical recommendations as follows. First and foremost, it is imperative for us to ban the free use of disposable plastic bags. In addition, we should develop possible alternative forms to replace them, such as paper or clothing bags. Last but not least, plastic bags should be offered in a much higher price in department stores or supermarkets.

I hope you will find the above proposals conducive and I would like to discuss this matter to further details. Your prompt attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

The most important of all, always trust yourself!



1 考研英语小作文各类型模板总结


Example One:

备忘录的特点是简明扼要,但它们同时也应具备优秀应用文的其他写作原则: 面向你的读者,表达清楚且准确。“memo”来自于拉丁语“memorandum”,意思是“必须记住的”。


备忘录书端(Header ):书端是写在备忘录开头的压缩信息。情况不同,书端的格式可能不同,但是通常应采用下面这种格式。

如:Date: January 24, 2009

To: F. Prefect

From: A. Dent

Subject: My Suggested Revisions to the Local Demolition Schedule



You are an active member of the student newspaper. The newspaper is currently looking for a journalist for the summer semester. Write a memo that will appear in the newspaper next week describing the position available.


Date: August 10, 2010



2 To: All students

From: A. Buttle dfsSubject: Journalist Position Available for the Summer Semester The student newspaper is currently looking for a journalist for the summer semester. Applicants should currently be studying at the university, and should preferably have at least two years’ writing experience.

The successful applicant will be expected to write two articles every week on happenings in the city and on campus. The position will commence at the end of May and will last through to the end of August. The salary for the position is negotiable and will be based on experience. If you are interested, please send your resume to the campus newspaper office.

Example Two:

2010年英语考研二真题答案 感谢信 (感谢在美国期间美国同事的帮助) Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,

I am now back to China safe and sound. In this letter I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you and your lovely children for your kindness and hospitality to host me when I was in New York. Your generous help and tender care made me feel warmly welcomed and transformed my first American trip into a beautiful memory. I do hope that your whole families have a visit to China in future, so that I could have the opportunity to repay your friendship. I assure you that you would enjoy visiting here as I did at your home。

I feel obliged to thank you once more。


Li Ming

Example Three:2011年考研二小作文 祝贺信(祝贺堂兄被哈佛录取) Dear friend,



3 I am writing to congratulate you on your being successfully admitted to Harvard University , which enjoys an international reputation for its academic excellence and give you some suggestions as to how to make preparation for the coming college life. In order for you to adapt yourself to the university life , you are advised to get prepared physically and intellectually. First and foremost, you need to build a strong body for the future academic pursuit , so you can take some exercises during the breaks. Secondly , since the study in university is more demanding than in your secondary school, you are highly suggested to find some introductory books from the library so as to have a good idea of the specialty you are going to take in your college life. Given your sound ability, you are sure to have a successful college life. Congratulate you again and wish you a fruitful college life.

Sincerely yours,

Zhang Wei

Example Four:2012年英语二 投诉信(投诉产品质量不合格)

Dear Mr./Miss:

This letter is a complaint concerning the electronic dictionary that I bought from your online store the other day.

Two weeks ago I mailed the money that ordered and soon received the electronic dictionary. I followed the instructions attached with it. Instead I cannot get it started anyway. After changed the battery inside several times in vain, I totally gave it up. I wrote to your company expecting a prompt solution to this problem. I would hope that you could do something to give me a satisfactory feedback. And I will appreciate it very much if you put a strict test on these electronic dictionaries, thus stop the continuing complaints and suffers of other customers.

Sincerely Yours,

Zhang Wei



4 Example Five:



Dear Editors,

I have been reading your newspaper for many years with a great enthusiasm and interest. It is my view that limiting the use of disposable plastic bags is of utmost significance.

To crack this hard nut, I would like to propose several practical recommendations as follows. First and foremost, it is imperative for us to ban the free use of disposable plastic bags. In addition, we should develop possible alternative forms to replace them, such as paper or clothing bags. Last but not least, plastic bags should be offered in a much higher price in department stores or supermarkets.

I hope you will find the above proposals conducive and I would like to discuss this matter to further details. Your prompt attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

The most important of all, always trust yourself!


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