

Time Machine

The moment I opened the box, I got disappointed. It was a small, rusted, ball-shaped object. I thought I was unlucky to get this box. But the moment I was to cover it, a remote sound came into my ears-”Hello, my friend. ” With a great curiosity, I looked into the box once again and to my great astonishment, a polished mini-robot rose before my eyes.

After a brief talk, I got to know that it was a time machine named “Future ” coming from the year of 2046. He told me he had been here for over a century just waiting for a human on earth to find him so that he could go back to his own era. He asked me if I could do him a favor to have a journey with him. After considering for a while, I agreed.

It was amazing. He held my hand and I blinked, the next second when I opened my eyes, a splendid scene came into my eyes- ROBOT were everywhere, cleaning street, charging fuel, cooking in the restaurant, teaching at school…… Technology was so developed that humans were committing themselves to improving the environment as well as the emigration out of the earth to the moon.

Yoghurtyoung 原创


Time Machine

The moment I opened the box, I got disappointed. It was a small, rusted, ball-shaped object. I thought I was unlucky to get this box. But the moment I was to cover it, a remote sound came into my ears-”Hello, my friend. ” With a great curiosity, I looked into the box once again and to my great astonishment, a polished mini-robot rose before my eyes.

After a brief talk, I got to know that it was a time machine named “Future ” coming from the year of 2046. He told me he had been here for over a century just waiting for a human on earth to find him so that he could go back to his own era. He asked me if I could do him a favor to have a journey with him. After considering for a while, I agreed.

It was amazing. He held my hand and I blinked, the next second when I opened my eyes, a splendid scene came into my eyes- ROBOT were everywhere, cleaning street, charging fuel, cooking in the restaurant, teaching at school…… Technology was so developed that humans were committing themselves to improving the environment as well as the emigration out of the earth to the moon.

Yoghurtyoung 原创



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