

Treasure Island is an adventure tale, but it is also the story of one boy’s coming of age. This story includes a few opinions, I’d like to share it here.

On the one hand, the futility of desire. Treasure Island explores the satisfactions of desires, and indeed, the motivation of all the character if greed: everyone wants the treasure. By the end of the adventure, Jim and the crew got the treasure. But Stevenson casts doubt on the possibility of ultimate satisfaction. For the pirates, desire prove futile and goals unattainable, as the treasure map leads them to an empty hole. That hole is the symbol of the futility. Their greed and irrationality lead only to death, loss and dissatisfaction.

On the other hand, the lack of adventure in the modern age. Stevenson suggest that the tale firmly belongs to the past rather than to the present. In the book, he means to point out that the life of the pirates is outdated, but he doesn’t mourn its loss. He makes us wonder whether the world is better off without the pirates’ charisma, charm and spirit. Thus he feels sorry for something that he feels is missing from the modern world in a sad tongue.

Shakespeare once said: do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. In the book , they keep trying, no matter what , that is a kind of spirit. This book implies the author’s romanticism, which is a great fortune to all the human beings.

Treasure Island is an adventure tale, but it is also the story of one boy’s coming of age. This story includes a few opinions, I’d like to share it here.

On the one hand, the futility of desire. Treasure Island explores the satisfactions of desires, and indeed, the motivation of all the character if greed: everyone wants the treasure. By the end of the adventure, Jim and the crew got the treasure. But Stevenson casts doubt on the possibility of ultimate satisfaction. For the pirates, desire prove futile and goals unattainable, as the treasure map leads them to an empty hole. That hole is the symbol of the futility. Their greed and irrationality lead only to death, loss and dissatisfaction.

On the other hand, the lack of adventure in the modern age. Stevenson suggest that the tale firmly belongs to the past rather than to the present. In the book, he means to point out that the life of the pirates is outdated, but he doesn’t mourn its loss. He makes us wonder whether the world is better off without the pirates’ charisma, charm and spirit. Thus he feels sorry for something that he feels is missing from the modern world in a sad tongue.

Shakespeare once said: do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. In the book , they keep trying, no matter what , that is a kind of spirit. This book implies the author’s romanticism, which is a great fortune to all the human beings.


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