

When I was young,I wanted to be an astronaut because i thought the space was mysterious and would like to see it by myself. At that time, I collected many toll space ships and read a lot of books about space. Over time, I lost my dream as I went to school and got busier, and I started to understand that my dream is difficult to fulfill since there are only a few astronauts in the world. As time went by, i almost forgot i used to dream of being an astronaut. By the time I saw our country's first manned spacecraft Shenzhou V went to space, I felt so proud and happy.As a result, it reminds me of my astronaut dream. From then on, I start to learn knowledge of space and study hard. Now, i an still on my way to my dream. As i grow older, I may become an astronaut, if not, I won't be regret of giving up chasing dreams

When I was young,I wanted to be an astronaut because i thought the space was mysterious and would like to see it by myself. At that time, I collected many toll space ships and read a lot of books about space. Over time, I lost my dream as I went to school and got busier, and I started to understand that my dream is difficult to fulfill since there are only a few astronauts in the world. As time went by, i almost forgot i used to dream of being an astronaut. By the time I saw our country's first manned spacecraft Shenzhou V went to space, I felt so proud and happy.As a result, it reminds me of my astronaut dream. From then on, I start to learn knowledge of space and study hard. Now, i an still on my way to my dream. As i grow older, I may become an astronaut, if not, I won't be regret of giving up chasing dreams


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