


一,题目:Due attention should be given to spelling

1. 如今有不少学生在学习英语中不重视拼写

2. 出现这种现象的原因

3. 我认为······(措施)

Due attention should be given to spelling

Nowadays,many students don't put attention into spelling in learning English.The main reasons for the phenomenon have several aspects.Firstly,we don't want to remember the new words because we don't have good

memory.Secondly,we maybe think it is enough for us to talk to others,so we don't need to write.Thirdly,we don't often use pens to put down what we want,so spelling is less important.

In my opinion,spelling is as important as speaking.We can improve our spelling if we usually write something such as keeping diaries in English.We can also improve our spelling by communication with English letters.

To a conclusion,due attention should be given to spelling.

Due attention should be given to spelling

Nowadays,many students don't put importance into spelling in learning English.The main (后面说的是很多原因,而不是主要原因,主要原因一般就一个)reasons for the phenomenon have several aspects.Firstly,we don't want to(不是不想记,是记不住)remember the new words because we don't have good memory (变复数). Secondly, we maybe think it is enough for us to talk to others, so we don't need to write.Thirdly,we don't often use pens to put down what we want,so spelling is less important.

In my opinion,spelling is as important as speaking.We can improve our spelling if we usually write something such as keeping diaries.We can alse (also )improve our spelling by communication with letters.(字面意思:和书信交流,应改为:by /in)

To a conclusion,due attention should be given to spelling. 首先 ,本作文字数不够120,在四级考试中,字数不够120要扣分。


二,题目:My thoughts about advertising

提示:1.Nowadays advertisements are found everywhere.

2.Advertisements fill almost every minute of a day.

3.No one can avoid being influenced by ads.

My thoughts about advertising

Advertisements are everywhere in our life.We can see them on the TV and on the brands.Factories invest(投资)much money on the advertisements to increase the number of the production(产品) such as food and beverages(饮料).We have been customed with advertisements in our life,but i don't like to watch the advertisements between the TV serial (电视连续剧)and I have no choice but to wait.

In my opinion,advertisements influence our lifes more or less.The time of the advertisements can short(缩短)so that we can save much time to watch what we love.Some advertisements which are false can lead us go wrong.So,I think advertisements should be controlled.

三.Online Shopping

1, 现在网上购物已成为一种时尚



Online Shopping

As we know,nowadays,online shopping has been popular with us.Most of us maybe think that we don't need to hang about,and we only have to sit in our house before our computers.It's comfortable for us to scan the colourful subjets.Many people hate to go shopping,because we must walk here and there ,so I will be tired.

However,most of us are against them.They hold the point that it's unsafe to buy something from the Internet.If we'd like to buy clothes and shoes ,we can only watch them on the screens,but don't have a try.We don't know whether they are fit for us.Many people realize it's unfit,and they have to return what they buy(退货).

In my opinion,online shopping has advantages and disadvantages,we must realize them clearly.

Online Shopping

As we know,nowadays,online shopping has been popular with us.

About online shopping,most of us maybe think that we don't need to hang

about,and we only have to sit in our house before our computers.It's comfortable for us to scan the colour subjectes.Many people hate to go shopping,because we must walk here and there,so we will be tired.Not only it is easy to buy something,but also it is cheaper than the same thing in the shop.Because they don't need saleclerks and house.

However,some people are against them as well.They hold the point that it's unsafe to buy something from the Internet,If we'd like to buy clothers and shoes,we can only watch them on the screens,but don't have a try.We don't know whether they are fit for us.And sometimes the thing we recivedis not we want because of the colour and the touching of the clothes and shoes.Many people realize it's unfit,and they have to return what they buy.

In my opinion,online shopping has advantages and disadvantages,we must realize them clearly.


一,题目:Due attention should be given to spelling

1. 如今有不少学生在学习英语中不重视拼写

2. 出现这种现象的原因

3. 我认为······(措施)

Due attention should be given to spelling

Nowadays,many students don't put attention into spelling in learning English.The main reasons for the phenomenon have several aspects.Firstly,we don't want to remember the new words because we don't have good

memory.Secondly,we maybe think it is enough for us to talk to others,so we don't need to write.Thirdly,we don't often use pens to put down what we want,so spelling is less important.

In my opinion,spelling is as important as speaking.We can improve our spelling if we usually write something such as keeping diaries in English.We can also improve our spelling by communication with English letters.

To a conclusion,due attention should be given to spelling.

Due attention should be given to spelling

Nowadays,many students don't put importance into spelling in learning English.The main (后面说的是很多原因,而不是主要原因,主要原因一般就一个)reasons for the phenomenon have several aspects.Firstly,we don't want to(不是不想记,是记不住)remember the new words because we don't have good memory (变复数). Secondly, we maybe think it is enough for us to talk to others, so we don't need to write.Thirdly,we don't often use pens to put down what we want,so spelling is less important.

In my opinion,spelling is as important as speaking.We can improve our spelling if we usually write something such as keeping diaries.We can alse (also )improve our spelling by communication with letters.(字面意思:和书信交流,应改为:by /in)

To a conclusion,due attention should be given to spelling. 首先 ,本作文字数不够120,在四级考试中,字数不够120要扣分。


二,题目:My thoughts about advertising

提示:1.Nowadays advertisements are found everywhere.

2.Advertisements fill almost every minute of a day.

3.No one can avoid being influenced by ads.

My thoughts about advertising

Advertisements are everywhere in our life.We can see them on the TV and on the brands.Factories invest(投资)much money on the advertisements to increase the number of the production(产品) such as food and beverages(饮料).We have been customed with advertisements in our life,but i don't like to watch the advertisements between the TV serial (电视连续剧)and I have no choice but to wait.

In my opinion,advertisements influence our lifes more or less.The time of the advertisements can short(缩短)so that we can save much time to watch what we love.Some advertisements which are false can lead us go wrong.So,I think advertisements should be controlled.

三.Online Shopping

1, 现在网上购物已成为一种时尚



Online Shopping

As we know,nowadays,online shopping has been popular with us.Most of us maybe think that we don't need to hang about,and we only have to sit in our house before our computers.It's comfortable for us to scan the colourful subjets.Many people hate to go shopping,because we must walk here and there ,so I will be tired.

However,most of us are against them.They hold the point that it's unsafe to buy something from the Internet.If we'd like to buy clothes and shoes ,we can only watch them on the screens,but don't have a try.We don't know whether they are fit for us.Many people realize it's unfit,and they have to return what they buy(退货).

In my opinion,online shopping has advantages and disadvantages,we must realize them clearly.

Online Shopping

As we know,nowadays,online shopping has been popular with us.

About online shopping,most of us maybe think that we don't need to hang

about,and we only have to sit in our house before our computers.It's comfortable for us to scan the colour subjectes.Many people hate to go shopping,because we must walk here and there,so we will be tired.Not only it is easy to buy something,but also it is cheaper than the same thing in the shop.Because they don't need saleclerks and house.

However,some people are against them as well.They hold the point that it's unsafe to buy something from the Internet,If we'd like to buy clothers and shoes,we can only watch them on the screens,but don't have a try.We don't know whether they are fit for us.And sometimes the thing we recivedis not we want because of the colour and the touching of the clothes and shoes.Many people realize it's unfit,and they have to return what they buy.

In my opinion,online shopping has advantages and disadvantages,we must realize them clearly.


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