

In the present age, televisions are playing a increasingly significant role in our lives. But in the meantime, what extent the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantage did has sparked much debate. Some people assert that the advantages of its development are more than its disadvantages. While others argue that they are not. Personally, I am in favor of its former view.

Convincing arguments can be made that the advantages of its development outweigh its disadvantage. To start with, television makes our life more colorful. You can find anything that you are interest in from TV. Moreover, the development of television brings about the message passing on speediness. Specifically, you can read any news in any country from it even if you are not there. Lastly, television increases the communication of our society. In other words, we can taste other lifestyles in different area. It makes us have the same feeling even if we do not live together or come from the same country.

Admittedly, the development television also has disadvantage. The reason for this is that the false advertisements are overrun. Obviously, some false ad make consumers lose much money. Even more, some of these merchandises lose much money. Even more, some of these

merchandises do not have high quality.

Having considered the respective merits of both views, I think the advantage of its development outweighs its disadvantage. Also, I would suggest make the role to control the false advertisements, which I believe is soundly based on the above reasoning I have presented.

In the present age, televisions are playing a increasingly significant role in our lives. But in the meantime, what extent the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantage did has sparked much debate. Some people assert that the advantages of its development are more than its disadvantages. While others argue that they are not. Personally, I am in favor of its former view.

Convincing arguments can be made that the advantages of its development outweigh its disadvantage. To start with, television makes our life more colorful. You can find anything that you are interest in from TV. Moreover, the development of television brings about the message passing on speediness. Specifically, you can read any news in any country from it even if you are not there. Lastly, television increases the communication of our society. In other words, we can taste other lifestyles in different area. It makes us have the same feeling even if we do not live together or come from the same country.

Admittedly, the development television also has disadvantage. The reason for this is that the false advertisements are overrun. Obviously, some false ad make consumers lose much money. Even more, some of these merchandises lose much money. Even more, some of these

merchandises do not have high quality.

Having considered the respective merits of both views, I think the advantage of its development outweighs its disadvantage. Also, I would suggest make the role to control the false advertisements, which I believe is soundly based on the above reasoning I have presented.


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