

Our idea about the college education

After a group discussion, we considered that the most important thing in the college is becoming independent. Below are the reasons.

First, most of us seldom left family and always depend on our parents before we came to college. However, college is a new environment for us, for which we need to adjust ourselves and become independent. We should manage our allowance, time and other things on our own in the university. Second, independence not only includes independent behavior, but also contain independent thinking. We will get more new things as well as a broad vision from college life, which means we have to think independently. The last not the least, we will make a living in society after we graduate from university. That means we have nothing to do but become both thinking and behavior independent.

In our opinion, nobody can accompany us forever. Life is a travel which needs us to walks by ourselves. There is no doubt that college is the beginning of independent.

Our idea about the college education

After a group discussion, we considered that the most important thing in the college is becoming independent. Below are the reasons.

First, most of us seldom left family and always depend on our parents before we came to college. However, college is a new environment for us, for which we need to adjust ourselves and become independent. We should manage our allowance, time and other things on our own in the university. Second, independence not only includes independent behavior, but also contain independent thinking. We will get more new things as well as a broad vision from college life, which means we have to think independently. The last not the least, we will make a living in society after we graduate from university. That means we have nothing to do but become both thinking and behavior independent.

In our opinion, nobody can accompany us forever. Life is a travel which needs us to walks by ourselves. There is no doubt that college is the beginning of independent.


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