

智课网IELTS 备考资料



When we think about the long process of our English study and the level of our mastery of this language that we have reached, we should say that the input and output ratio is too low.


Nowadays, there are simply too much violence in TV programs and this is having an extremely negative influence on the daily behaviors of people, especially youngsters.


As is known to all, youngsters tend to copy certain behaviors quickly, so they are the most easily affected group // vulnerable group.


If they are exposed to too much violence or sex, they will just be affected.


Sometimes even adults can be affected if they are exposed to too much violence and sex.


The constant occurrences of shooting of innocent people in the U.S., especially on the campuses, can very much be attributed to the imitation of certain scenes in movies.


We need to foster a strong sense//awareness of abiding by laws and regulations among our children, letting them

know that to be respected, they need, first of all, respect others.


The most precious thing in the world is life. None of us, no matter who we are, has the right to deprive the life of others.


The constant progress of our society relies on generation of generation of young people.

Therefore, it is of vital importance to enforce education of morality and a sense of social responsibility on them.


As a result of their being immature and lack of social experience, young people are often very much restricted in terms of their vision in looking at things which dictates that they are often unable to tell right from wrong.

11.法律的作用是惩恶; 道德的作用是扬善。

The function of law is to punish evil while that of morality is to reward good.


An old Chinese saying goes like this: one step wrong lead


As the saying goes: the effect of good examples is immense. As parents, teachers and adults, we should set good examples for our children.


Therefore, to prevent our children from getting bad, in a sense, we adults need, first of all, discipline ourselves.


Law has eyes.


It takes dozens of years to foster a person, but takes only a few days to ruin him.

智课网IELTS 备考资料



When we think about the long process of our English study and the level of our mastery of this language that we have reached, we should say that the input and output ratio is too low.


Nowadays, there are simply too much violence in TV programs and this is having an extremely negative influence on the daily behaviors of people, especially youngsters.


As is known to all, youngsters tend to copy certain behaviors quickly, so they are the most easily affected group // vulnerable group.


If they are exposed to too much violence or sex, they will just be affected.


Sometimes even adults can be affected if they are exposed to too much violence and sex.


The constant occurrences of shooting of innocent people in the U.S., especially on the campuses, can very much be attributed to the imitation of certain scenes in movies.


We need to foster a strong sense//awareness of abiding by laws and regulations among our children, letting them

know that to be respected, they need, first of all, respect others.


The most precious thing in the world is life. None of us, no matter who we are, has the right to deprive the life of others.


The constant progress of our society relies on generation of generation of young people.

Therefore, it is of vital importance to enforce education of morality and a sense of social responsibility on them.


As a result of their being immature and lack of social experience, young people are often very much restricted in terms of their vision in looking at things which dictates that they are often unable to tell right from wrong.

11.法律的作用是惩恶; 道德的作用是扬善。

The function of law is to punish evil while that of morality is to reward good.


An old Chinese saying goes like this: one step wrong lead


As the saying goes: the effect of good examples is immense. As parents, teachers and adults, we should set good examples for our children.


Therefore, to prevent our children from getting bad, in a sense, we adults need, first of all, discipline ourselves.


Law has eyes.


It takes dozens of years to foster a person, but takes only a few days to ruin him.


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