

Grandmother didn’t just like her coffee, and it wouldn’t really do her justice to say she loved her coffee. Grandmother was to coffee what a sommelier is to wine. She knew the intricacies of coffee, the different tastes and even the textures. And only the best would do for her. No instant coffee, or coffee bought at the grocery store. She had to have fresh coffee, from a respectable coffee shop. “The morning cup of coffee sets the tone for the whole day,” she used to say。


I used to go to Grandmother’s every Sunday morning. Her routine was always the same. She would kiss me once on each cheek, hang up my coat and lead me into the kitchen, slice a piece of banana bread right out of the oven (sometimes cranberry), and pour a cup of freshly brewed coffee。

以前每个星期天的早上,我都会去奶奶家,而她也总会用同样的程序来迎接我。她会在我的两边脸颊上各亲一下,挂起我的外套,然后把我带进厨房,切一片刚出炉的香蕉面包(有时候是蔓越橘口味的) ,并倒一杯新煮的咖啡给我。

“Alexa,” she said to me one day. “Did you know that every person’s personality is like a flavor of coffee?”


“Really?” I said, amused at how Grandmother relished her coffee so much that she related everything to it。


“Ye” she said. “You, my dear, are French vanilla. You are sweet, almost sickeningly so at times to the discerning coffee drinker。” I slightly recoiled at Grandmother’s assessment of me. You expect your grandmother to call you sweet, but never sickeningly sweet。


“Your father is espresso,” she continued. “He comes on strong. There are many people who don’t like him, but others can’t live without that high feeling that he gives them. He has an addictive personality that many people can’t let go of。”


“Let me guess Grandmother. You’re hazelnut 。”


“Hazelnut? Why on earth would you say that?”


“Because I find your coffee talk a bit nutty。”

“因为我发现您的咖啡论挺狂热的。”(双关语,nutty 既指带坚果口味,也指对某事狂热。)

I smiled at Grandmother, but I could tell she was not amused. “Alexa dear, I am trying to teach you a lesson about life here. I do not need you poking fun at me。”


A lesson about life? Is she kidding? “Grandmother, you can’t dissect a person’s personality by comparin g them to a cup of coffee. People are more complex than that. Everyone has nuance personality quirk things that make them different. You just can’t go around saying, ‘She’s a dark roast, he’s an instant, he’s a mocha almond。”


Grandmother looked at me, almost a blank, dull stare. “Then you just don’t understand coffee,” she snapped, clearing my plate and coffee cup from the table. “I guess not,” I sighed, exasperated at my hazelnut grandmother 。


I went to Grandmother’s house many more times after that, and she always kept her same routine. It was a welcome routine, one that I enjoyed every week. Grandmother didn’t talk to me after that about the “coffee catastrophe” as I called it, but eventually, she did start to make more ridiculous claims concerning her favorite drink。


“I knew your grandfather was the right man for me because we loved our coffee the same way,” she said. “Cream with just a touch of sugar。” “我知道你爷爷就是那个最适合我的人,因为我们都喜欢相同味道的咖啡,”她说,“奶油里加上一丁点糖。”

I rolled my eyes. “Grandmother, many people like it that way。” 我转了转眼珠,说:“奶奶,很多人都喜欢那种口味。”

“I disagree,” she said. “For most people, if they prefer cream, they like a lot of sugar, or at least a moderate amount. Those who drink it with just a touch of sugar usually put milk in it, or drink it black 。” “我不同意,”她说,“对于大多数人来说,如果他们喜欢奶油,他们就喜欢加


“And what’s that, Grandmother?”


“Good food, good people, and good coffee。”


I smiled at Grandmother’s simplicity and love for the good things in life. And I hoped that she would find exactly what she would be looking for in the next world。


Grandmother passed away later that week. They found her sitting in her favorite rocker in the living room, half a cup of freshly brewed coffee by her side. And somehow, I knew that it was a sign that everything would be all right for Grandmother。

奶奶在那周末去世了。他们发现她坐在客厅里她最喜欢的摇椅上,身旁还有半杯新煮的咖啡。不知道为什么,我明白这是一个征兆,表明了奶奶会一切都好。 Now, years later, I’m frequently reminded of my Grandmother. The scent of freshly baked banana bread, or the way someone will kiss me on my cheek will bring a quick flashback of her. But my memories are always most vivid when I step foot into a coffee shop, the aroma of freshly roasted beans and brewed coffee livening my senses。


“What would you like?” the person at the counter asks me。 “您想要点什么?”柜台上的人问我。

“A medium hazelnut,” I say. “Cream with just a touch of sugar。” “一杯中杯的榛子咖啡,”我说,“加奶油和一丁点糖。”

Grandmother didn’t just like her coffee, and it wouldn’t really do her justice to say she loved her coffee. Grandmother was to coffee what a sommelier is to wine. She knew the intricacies of coffee, the different tastes and even the textures. And only the best would do for her. No instant coffee, or coffee bought at the grocery store. She had to have fresh coffee, from a respectable coffee shop. “The morning cup of coffee sets the tone for the whole day,” she used to say。


I used to go to Grandmother’s every Sunday morning. Her routine was always the same. She would kiss me once on each cheek, hang up my coat and lead me into the kitchen, slice a piece of banana bread right out of the oven (sometimes cranberry), and pour a cup of freshly brewed coffee。

以前每个星期天的早上,我都会去奶奶家,而她也总会用同样的程序来迎接我。她会在我的两边脸颊上各亲一下,挂起我的外套,然后把我带进厨房,切一片刚出炉的香蕉面包(有时候是蔓越橘口味的) ,并倒一杯新煮的咖啡给我。

“Alexa,” she said to me one day. “Did you know that every person’s personality is like a flavor of coffee?”


“Really?” I said, amused at how Grandmother relished her coffee so much that she related everything to it。


“Ye” she said. “You, my dear, are French vanilla. You are sweet, almost sickeningly so at times to the discerning coffee drinker。” I slightly recoiled at Grandmother’s assessment of me. You expect your grandmother to call you sweet, but never sickeningly sweet。


“Your father is espresso,” she continued. “He comes on strong. There are many people who don’t like him, but others can’t live without that high feeling that he gives them. He has an addictive personality that many people can’t let go of。”


“Let me guess Grandmother. You’re hazelnut 。”


“Hazelnut? Why on earth would you say that?”


“Because I find your coffee talk a bit nutty。”

“因为我发现您的咖啡论挺狂热的。”(双关语,nutty 既指带坚果口味,也指对某事狂热。)

I smiled at Grandmother, but I could tell she was not amused. “Alexa dear, I am trying to teach you a lesson about life here. I do not need you poking fun at me。”


A lesson about life? Is she kidding? “Grandmother, you can’t dissect a person’s personality by comparin g them to a cup of coffee. People are more complex than that. Everyone has nuance personality quirk things that make them different. You just can’t go around saying, ‘She’s a dark roast, he’s an instant, he’s a mocha almond。”


Grandmother looked at me, almost a blank, dull stare. “Then you just don’t understand coffee,” she snapped, clearing my plate and coffee cup from the table. “I guess not,” I sighed, exasperated at my hazelnut grandmother 。


I went to Grandmother’s house many more times after that, and she always kept her same routine. It was a welcome routine, one that I enjoyed every week. Grandmother didn’t talk to me after that about the “coffee catastrophe” as I called it, but eventually, she did start to make more ridiculous claims concerning her favorite drink。


“I knew your grandfather was the right man for me because we loved our coffee the same way,” she said. “Cream with just a touch of sugar。” “我知道你爷爷就是那个最适合我的人,因为我们都喜欢相同味道的咖啡,”她说,“奶油里加上一丁点糖。”

I rolled my eyes. “Grandmother, many people like it that way。” 我转了转眼珠,说:“奶奶,很多人都喜欢那种口味。”

“I disagree,” she said. “For most people, if they prefer cream, they like a lot of sugar, or at least a moderate amount. Those who drink it with just a touch of sugar usually put milk in it, or drink it black 。” “我不同意,”她说,“对于大多数人来说,如果他们喜欢奶油,他们就喜欢加


“And what’s that, Grandmother?”


“Good food, good people, and good coffee。”


I smiled at Grandmother’s simplicity and love for the good things in life. And I hoped that she would find exactly what she would be looking for in the next world。


Grandmother passed away later that week. They found her sitting in her favorite rocker in the living room, half a cup of freshly brewed coffee by her side. And somehow, I knew that it was a sign that everything would be all right for Grandmother。

奶奶在那周末去世了。他们发现她坐在客厅里她最喜欢的摇椅上,身旁还有半杯新煮的咖啡。不知道为什么,我明白这是一个征兆,表明了奶奶会一切都好。 Now, years later, I’m frequently reminded of my Grandmother. The scent of freshly baked banana bread, or the way someone will kiss me on my cheek will bring a quick flashback of her. But my memories are always most vivid when I step foot into a coffee shop, the aroma of freshly roasted beans and brewed coffee livening my senses。


“What would you like?” the person at the counter asks me。 “您想要点什么?”柜台上的人问我。

“A medium hazelnut,” I say. “Cream with just a touch of sugar。” “一杯中杯的榛子咖啡,”我说,“加奶油和一丁点糖。”


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