

The Confrontation Between Dream and Reality

-----The great Gatsby review The 20th century is the golden age of the novel, but the Great Gatsby still has an outstanding reputation. It is regarded as Fitzgerald's finest novel. At the cover of this book is a sentence: the novel chronicles an era that Fitzgerald himself dubbed the "Jazz Age ". After I finished reading this book, I was full of emotional thoughts about Gatsby's tragedy. The story about Gatsby and Daisy's love and breaking up should be a mundane story. Someone may have a question why Gatsby is so great. Gatsby set his mind to pursue "a magnificent world beyond expression "since a young age. The platonic philosophy rooted in his mind made him

have a broad, profound, vulgar and flashy dream. As the embodiment of Gatsby's dream, Daisy was a very worldly woman who has the beautiful appearance in vain. She was very frivolous, selfish and materialistic. There were not human love, friendship and affection but the money inside Daisy. Obviously, Daisy was no match for Gatsby's dream. Maybe that was not her fault because the dream created by Gatsby was so perfect that appears to be beyond everything. Although Daisy had already passed affection to Tom because of material desire and Gatsby could clearly understand her voice was full of money, he still didn't change his mind and insisted on reviving an old dream.

At the beginning the narrator indicated that he

would never easily appraise people. But when he had a bid farewell with Gatsby, he rightfully shouted: "They're no good, any of them! You are better than all of them! "Certainly, his obsessive pursuit and dedication for his dream also beyond the resentment caused by men and women's affairs in the world. He associated himself in filthy New York money world just for his old dream. But he had no real interest in wealth and the flashy life. His soul was suffering while he was loyal to his dream without any complaint and regret. He didn't lose his original dream. So we said Gatsby is great! However, the reality is so cruel. After Gatsby fell in love with Daisy, either someone admonished him nor comforted him. The only saw Gatsby drifted

deeper and deeper perversely. His past friends and guests didn't attend to his funeral. Tom and Daisy went out to travel without trembling. They even didn't give him a bunch of flower. Gatsby couldn't get any emotional support from around people because the human relation and emotion was fading, which directly reflect the hypocrisy of the wealthy and the interest relationship and degeneration of love between man and man. Gatsby devoted everything to a magnificent dream which resulted in his tragedy. He naively thought he could buy her love if only he had money. I love the sentence at the end of this novel: so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly in to the past.

As Gatsby, there is a dream, American dream, rooted in American's mind. American dream, is a belief that as long as the United States after a hard struggle will be able to achieve the ideal of a better life. Yet, the dream has already become a nightmare. Since the Industry Revolution, American's lifestyle and ideology have also been transformed. The United States has become a materialistic society. Fitzgerald wanted to express the topic that the "American dream " was disillusioned. The confrontation between dream and reality brought Gatsby to ruin, but his death waked up the American. People learn from his tragedy and think about reality sanely. In a word, we should have a dream because it can inspire us go straight, but we

can't live in a beautiful dream.

The Confrontation Between Dream and Reality

-----The great Gatsby review The 20th century is the golden age of the novel, but the Great Gatsby still has an outstanding reputation. It is regarded as Fitzgerald's finest novel. At the cover of this book is a sentence: the novel chronicles an era that Fitzgerald himself dubbed the "Jazz Age ". After I finished reading this book, I was full of emotional thoughts about Gatsby's tragedy. The story about Gatsby and Daisy's love and breaking up should be a mundane story. Someone may have a question why Gatsby is so great. Gatsby set his mind to pursue "a magnificent world beyond expression "since a young age. The platonic philosophy rooted in his mind made him

have a broad, profound, vulgar and flashy dream. As the embodiment of Gatsby's dream, Daisy was a very worldly woman who has the beautiful appearance in vain. She was very frivolous, selfish and materialistic. There were not human love, friendship and affection but the money inside Daisy. Obviously, Daisy was no match for Gatsby's dream. Maybe that was not her fault because the dream created by Gatsby was so perfect that appears to be beyond everything. Although Daisy had already passed affection to Tom because of material desire and Gatsby could clearly understand her voice was full of money, he still didn't change his mind and insisted on reviving an old dream.

At the beginning the narrator indicated that he

would never easily appraise people. But when he had a bid farewell with Gatsby, he rightfully shouted: "They're no good, any of them! You are better than all of them! "Certainly, his obsessive pursuit and dedication for his dream also beyond the resentment caused by men and women's affairs in the world. He associated himself in filthy New York money world just for his old dream. But he had no real interest in wealth and the flashy life. His soul was suffering while he was loyal to his dream without any complaint and regret. He didn't lose his original dream. So we said Gatsby is great! However, the reality is so cruel. After Gatsby fell in love with Daisy, either someone admonished him nor comforted him. The only saw Gatsby drifted

deeper and deeper perversely. His past friends and guests didn't attend to his funeral. Tom and Daisy went out to travel without trembling. They even didn't give him a bunch of flower. Gatsby couldn't get any emotional support from around people because the human relation and emotion was fading, which directly reflect the hypocrisy of the wealthy and the interest relationship and degeneration of love between man and man. Gatsby devoted everything to a magnificent dream which resulted in his tragedy. He naively thought he could buy her love if only he had money. I love the sentence at the end of this novel: so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly in to the past.

As Gatsby, there is a dream, American dream, rooted in American's mind. American dream, is a belief that as long as the United States after a hard struggle will be able to achieve the ideal of a better life. Yet, the dream has already become a nightmare. Since the Industry Revolution, American's lifestyle and ideology have also been transformed. The United States has become a materialistic society. Fitzgerald wanted to express the topic that the "American dream " was disillusioned. The confrontation between dream and reality brought Gatsby to ruin, but his death waked up the American. People learn from his tragedy and think about reality sanely. In a word, we should have a dream because it can inspire us go straight, but we

can't live in a beautiful dream.


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