

一、How to learn English



(1) 经常听英文广播和看英文电影。

(2) 多学唱英文歌曲。

(3) 英语课上要总是说英语,尽量多和外国人谈话。

(4) 多读英文报纸和自己喜欢的英语杂志。

(5) 最好交一个英国或美国笔友经常发英文的电子邮件。


Dear classmates, I’m very glad to share my ideas on how to learn English well with you. I think we should often learn to the radio in English and watch English films. When we are free, why not learn to sing more English songs? It’s good for our listening and speaking. When we are having English classes, we should always speak English, and after class, try to speak to foreigners. It’s also a good idea to read newspapers and magazines in English. We can make a pen friend from England or America and write emails to each other.

Wish all of us can improve our English.

That’s all. Thank you for listening to me.

二、How to keep healthy.

Dear Linda,

Thanks for your last letter. I’m very well now.

I have a healthy lifestyle. I exercise every morning. Exercising makes me healthy. When I finish my homework, I will play basketball with my friends. I like basketball best. My brother Tom likes it ,too. My eating habits are very good. I try to eat a lot of vegetables, usually ten or eleven times a week. And I eat fruit every day. Ilike junk food, but I hardly ever eat it. I drink milk every night before I go to bed. I sleep nine hours every nighy. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.

What about your lifetyle? Please write to me soon.



三、On the holiday morning,I went to the park with my friend,because this day is my friend’s birthday,my friend wanted me to go the park with

her,so I went to the park with my friend,there were lots of people in the park,the weather was good.we stayed in the park about two hours,we left about nine o’clock.in the afternoon,I went to my aunt’s home with my parents,my aunt gave me lots of sweet,this is my favorite food.in the evening,I ate dinner with my parents at my aunt’s home,at eight o’clock,we went home today,I was very happy,how about your holiday?

四、My Life in Ten Years

In ten years, I think I’ll be a reporter. I’ll live in Beijing, because I went to Beijing last year and fell in love with it. I will live in an apartment with my pets. I likeanimals very much so I’ll have many different pets. I may also collect plane tickets because I will travel a lot of places. And I think I will wear a suit during the weekdays. I hope I can go to America and Australia on vacation in ten years. So now I should work hard to make my dreamscome true.

五、假如你是来自于美国的Mark, 现在在中国学习, 请你给在美国的祖母写一封信, 介绍一下你在中国新结交的好朋友Li Lin。


(1)Li Lin是个比我外向的人, 他对我很友善, 给了我很多帮助。

(2)Li Lin比我矮, 但很喜欢运动, 我们现在每周在一起打两次篮球。

(3)我比Li Lin聪明一点, 但Li Lin比我用功很多。每次考试, 我们都能取得好成绩。

2. 开头部分已写好, 你只需接着写, 内容可以适当补充和发挥;

3. 词数:80左右。


Dear Grandma,

How is everything going? Now I am studying in China. I have a good friend. His name is Li Lin. He is a Chinese boy. He is more outgoing than me, and he is very friendly to me. At school, he often helps me a lot and I like him very much. Although he is shorter than me, he likes sports very much and his favorite sport is basketball. I like basketball, too. We play basketball twice a week. As for study, I think I am a little smarter than him, but he works much harder than me. Both of us can get good grades in every exam.



一、How to learn English



(1) 经常听英文广播和看英文电影。

(2) 多学唱英文歌曲。

(3) 英语课上要总是说英语,尽量多和外国人谈话。

(4) 多读英文报纸和自己喜欢的英语杂志。

(5) 最好交一个英国或美国笔友经常发英文的电子邮件。


Dear classmates, I’m very glad to share my ideas on how to learn English well with you. I think we should often learn to the radio in English and watch English films. When we are free, why not learn to sing more English songs? It’s good for our listening and speaking. When we are having English classes, we should always speak English, and after class, try to speak to foreigners. It’s also a good idea to read newspapers and magazines in English. We can make a pen friend from England or America and write emails to each other.

Wish all of us can improve our English.

That’s all. Thank you for listening to me.

二、How to keep healthy.

Dear Linda,

Thanks for your last letter. I’m very well now.

I have a healthy lifestyle. I exercise every morning. Exercising makes me healthy. When I finish my homework, I will play basketball with my friends. I like basketball best. My brother Tom likes it ,too. My eating habits are very good. I try to eat a lot of vegetables, usually ten or eleven times a week. And I eat fruit every day. Ilike junk food, but I hardly ever eat it. I drink milk every night before I go to bed. I sleep nine hours every nighy. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.

What about your lifetyle? Please write to me soon.



三、On the holiday morning,I went to the park with my friend,because this day is my friend’s birthday,my friend wanted me to go the park with

her,so I went to the park with my friend,there were lots of people in the park,the weather was good.we stayed in the park about two hours,we left about nine o’clock.in the afternoon,I went to my aunt’s home with my parents,my aunt gave me lots of sweet,this is my favorite food.in the evening,I ate dinner with my parents at my aunt’s home,at eight o’clock,we went home today,I was very happy,how about your holiday?

四、My Life in Ten Years

In ten years, I think I’ll be a reporter. I’ll live in Beijing, because I went to Beijing last year and fell in love with it. I will live in an apartment with my pets. I likeanimals very much so I’ll have many different pets. I may also collect plane tickets because I will travel a lot of places. And I think I will wear a suit during the weekdays. I hope I can go to America and Australia on vacation in ten years. So now I should work hard to make my dreamscome true.

五、假如你是来自于美国的Mark, 现在在中国学习, 请你给在美国的祖母写一封信, 介绍一下你在中国新结交的好朋友Li Lin。


(1)Li Lin是个比我外向的人, 他对我很友善, 给了我很多帮助。

(2)Li Lin比我矮, 但很喜欢运动, 我们现在每周在一起打两次篮球。

(3)我比Li Lin聪明一点, 但Li Lin比我用功很多。每次考试, 我们都能取得好成绩。

2. 开头部分已写好, 你只需接着写, 内容可以适当补充和发挥;

3. 词数:80左右。


Dear Grandma,

How is everything going? Now I am studying in China. I have a good friend. His name is Li Lin. He is a Chinese boy. He is more outgoing than me, and he is very friendly to me. At school, he often helps me a lot and I like him very much. Although he is shorter than me, he likes sports very much and his favorite sport is basketball. I like basketball, too. We play basketball twice a week. As for study, I think I am a little smarter than him, but he works much harder than me. Both of us can get good grades in every exam.




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