

我骄傲,我是中国人!作者:王怀让 在无数蓝色的眼睛和褐色的眼睛之中, 我有着一双宝石般的黑色眼睛。 我骄傲,我是中国人!

在无数白色的皮肤和黑色的皮肤之中, 我有着大地般黄色的皮肤, 我骄傲,我是中国人!


黄土高原是我挺起的胸脯, 黄河流水是我沸腾的热血; 长城是我扬起的手臂, 泰山是我站立的脚跟。


我的祖先最早走出森林, 我的祖先最早开始耕耘。 我是指南针、印刷术的后裔, 我是圆周率、地动仪的子孙。



孔夫子,司马迁,李自成,孙中山, 还有那文学史上万古不朽的

花木兰,林黛玉,孙悟空,鲁智深。 我骄傲我是中国人!


我那黄河一样粗犷的声音, 不光响在联合国的大厦里, 大声发表着中国的议论, 也响在奥林匹克的赛场上, 大声高喊着“中国得分”。

当掌声把中国的旗帜送上蓝天, 我骄傲,我是中国人!


我那长城一样的巨大手臂, 不光把采油机钻杆钻进外国人 预言打不出石油的地心, 也把通信卫星送上祖先们 梦里也没有到过的白云。

当五大洲倾听东方声音的时候, 我骄傲,我是中国人。



让那翩翩欲飞的壁画与我们同往, 我就是飞天,飞天就是我们。 我骄傲,我是中国人!


In countless blue eyes and brown eyes, And I have a pair of gem like black eyes. I ’m proud, I am a Chinese!

In numerous white skin and black skin, I like the earth has a yellow skin, I ’m proud, I am a Chinese!

I am a Chinese --

I stood in the Loess Plateau is the chest, Yellow River water is my blood boiling; Great Wall is my arm raised, Mount Tai is my standing heel.

I am a Chinese

My ancestors first out of the forest, My ancestors first began to work.

I was the compass, printing descendants,

I was pi, children and grandchildren Seismoscope.

In my nation,

Not only have the history books forever immortal Confucius, Sima Qian,Cheng Li, Sun Yat-sen, And the literary history last immortal Hua Mu Lan, Lin, Sun, Lu.

I ’m proud, I am a Chinese!

I am a Chinese

I like it rough voice of the Yellow River, Ring not only in the United Nations building, China's comment published loudly, Also ring in the Olympic arena, Loud shouting, "China's scores."

When the applause of the Chinese flag into the blue sky, I ’m proud, I am a Chinese!

I am a Chinese

I like the Great Wall of the great arm, Not only the drill pipe oil drilling machine

Predicted that oil hit the center of the earth can not, Also the communication satellite into ancestors Dream has not been to the white clouds.

When the five oceans of time to listen to the voice of the East, I ’m proud, I am Chinese.

I am a Chinese

I am a person of the Mogao Caves mural, Let the dance to the mural to fly into with us I am flying, Flying is us. I ’m proud, I am a Chinese!

我骄傲,我是中国人!作者:王怀让 在无数蓝色的眼睛和褐色的眼睛之中, 我有着一双宝石般的黑色眼睛。 我骄傲,我是中国人!

在无数白色的皮肤和黑色的皮肤之中, 我有着大地般黄色的皮肤, 我骄傲,我是中国人!


黄土高原是我挺起的胸脯, 黄河流水是我沸腾的热血; 长城是我扬起的手臂, 泰山是我站立的脚跟。


我的祖先最早走出森林, 我的祖先最早开始耕耘。 我是指南针、印刷术的后裔, 我是圆周率、地动仪的子孙。



孔夫子,司马迁,李自成,孙中山, 还有那文学史上万古不朽的

花木兰,林黛玉,孙悟空,鲁智深。 我骄傲我是中国人!


我那黄河一样粗犷的声音, 不光响在联合国的大厦里, 大声发表着中国的议论, 也响在奥林匹克的赛场上, 大声高喊着“中国得分”。

当掌声把中国的旗帜送上蓝天, 我骄傲,我是中国人!


我那长城一样的巨大手臂, 不光把采油机钻杆钻进外国人 预言打不出石油的地心, 也把通信卫星送上祖先们 梦里也没有到过的白云。

当五大洲倾听东方声音的时候, 我骄傲,我是中国人。



让那翩翩欲飞的壁画与我们同往, 我就是飞天,飞天就是我们。 我骄傲,我是中国人!


In countless blue eyes and brown eyes, And I have a pair of gem like black eyes. I ’m proud, I am a Chinese!

In numerous white skin and black skin, I like the earth has a yellow skin, I ’m proud, I am a Chinese!

I am a Chinese --

I stood in the Loess Plateau is the chest, Yellow River water is my blood boiling; Great Wall is my arm raised, Mount Tai is my standing heel.

I am a Chinese

My ancestors first out of the forest, My ancestors first began to work.

I was the compass, printing descendants,

I was pi, children and grandchildren Seismoscope.

In my nation,

Not only have the history books forever immortal Confucius, Sima Qian,Cheng Li, Sun Yat-sen, And the literary history last immortal Hua Mu Lan, Lin, Sun, Lu.

I ’m proud, I am a Chinese!

I am a Chinese

I like it rough voice of the Yellow River, Ring not only in the United Nations building, China's comment published loudly, Also ring in the Olympic arena, Loud shouting, "China's scores."

When the applause of the Chinese flag into the blue sky, I ’m proud, I am a Chinese!

I am a Chinese

I like the Great Wall of the great arm, Not only the drill pipe oil drilling machine

Predicted that oil hit the center of the earth can not, Also the communication satellite into ancestors Dream has not been to the white clouds.

When the five oceans of time to listen to the voice of the East, I ’m proud, I am Chinese.

I am a Chinese

I am a person of the Mogao Caves mural, Let the dance to the mural to fly into with us I am flying, Flying is us. I ’m proud, I am a Chinese!


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