

A few days ago, I read the novel Jane Eyre. Now I will share my opinion about the novel Jane Eyre. In the novel, the most impressive part is the love between Jane and Rochester.

First, let me give you a brief introduction about the novel.

Jane Eyre was an orphan and raised by her aunt Mrs. Reed whom is a cruel and wealthy woman. Shortly after Mr. Reed died, Jane was helpless and emaciated. Jane was treated with great cruelty by her aunt and cousins.When confronting with misfortune, Jane has been fighting for her dignity. At her ten years old, she was sent to a charity school in where actually the school was an orphanage. Although Jane worked hard in the school, she still was treated unfairly. After graduating from charity school, she looked for a job as a tutor, teaching Adele at Mr. Rochester's manor. Rochester believed Jane was a person who was worthy to be believed, and fell in love with Jane. And also Jane had great passion for Rochester, indeed it is love. Rochester decided to marry Jane. At the wedding, Jane knew that Rochester had an insane wife and fled Thornfield. Jane is forced to sleep outdoors and beg for food. At last, three siblings took her in. Their names are Mary, Diana, and St. John. Jane and the three people became friends. St. John is a clergyman, and he helped Jane find a job teaching at a charity school in Morton. Jane's uncle, John Eyre, has died and left her a large fortune: about 20,000 pounds. They found that Jane and St. John are cousins. Jane immediately decided

to share her inheritance equally with her three relatives. St. John decided to travel to India to preach. He wanted to marry Jane and took her to India together. Jane agreed to go to India, but she refused to marry John because she do not love John. Jane still loved and missed Rochester. So, Jane decided to return Thornfield to look for Rochester. She was told that Thornfield was burned in the fire by Rochester' s insane wife. Rochester saved the servants but lost his eyesight and one of his hands. Jane decided to go to Rochester's new residence, Ferndean, where he lives with two servants named John and Mary.At Ferndean, Jane and Rochester married.

Second, I will share my views about hero and heroine's character. Jane Eyre was the heroine who had great power. She proved to be an industrious and positive woman. She is a talented, hard-working and honest girl. She never gave up and she was passionate about life.

Edward Fairfax Rochester was the owner of Thornfield Manor. He possessed great wealth, but his face was extremely plain and his moods changed quickly. He also was an impetuous man.

Third, I will talk about the love between Jane and Rochester.

Rochester fell in love with Jane because of her simplicity, bluntness, intellectual capacity and plainness. At first, Jane believed their love was unequal. Jane was poor and not attractive while Rochester was wealth and handsome. Jane always called Rochester "sir " rather than "Rochester ". They are unequal. After a period time, Jane became wealthy while

Rochester lost his fortune. Jane found Rochester. She called Rochester instead of "Sir ". They were equal in status.

In conclusion, the love between Jane and Rochester was equal and great. They were respect and love each other.

A few days ago, I read the novel Jane Eyre. Now I will share my opinion about the novel Jane Eyre. In the novel, the most impressive part is the love between Jane and Rochester.

First, let me give you a brief introduction about the novel.

Jane Eyre was an orphan and raised by her aunt Mrs. Reed whom is a cruel and wealthy woman. Shortly after Mr. Reed died, Jane was helpless and emaciated. Jane was treated with great cruelty by her aunt and cousins.When confronting with misfortune, Jane has been fighting for her dignity. At her ten years old, she was sent to a charity school in where actually the school was an orphanage. Although Jane worked hard in the school, she still was treated unfairly. After graduating from charity school, she looked for a job as a tutor, teaching Adele at Mr. Rochester's manor. Rochester believed Jane was a person who was worthy to be believed, and fell in love with Jane. And also Jane had great passion for Rochester, indeed it is love. Rochester decided to marry Jane. At the wedding, Jane knew that Rochester had an insane wife and fled Thornfield. Jane is forced to sleep outdoors and beg for food. At last, three siblings took her in. Their names are Mary, Diana, and St. John. Jane and the three people became friends. St. John is a clergyman, and he helped Jane find a job teaching at a charity school in Morton. Jane's uncle, John Eyre, has died and left her a large fortune: about 20,000 pounds. They found that Jane and St. John are cousins. Jane immediately decided

to share her inheritance equally with her three relatives. St. John decided to travel to India to preach. He wanted to marry Jane and took her to India together. Jane agreed to go to India, but she refused to marry John because she do not love John. Jane still loved and missed Rochester. So, Jane decided to return Thornfield to look for Rochester. She was told that Thornfield was burned in the fire by Rochester' s insane wife. Rochester saved the servants but lost his eyesight and one of his hands. Jane decided to go to Rochester's new residence, Ferndean, where he lives with two servants named John and Mary.At Ferndean, Jane and Rochester married.

Second, I will share my views about hero and heroine's character. Jane Eyre was the heroine who had great power. She proved to be an industrious and positive woman. She is a talented, hard-working and honest girl. She never gave up and she was passionate about life.

Edward Fairfax Rochester was the owner of Thornfield Manor. He possessed great wealth, but his face was extremely plain and his moods changed quickly. He also was an impetuous man.

Third, I will talk about the love between Jane and Rochester.

Rochester fell in love with Jane because of her simplicity, bluntness, intellectual capacity and plainness. At first, Jane believed their love was unequal. Jane was poor and not attractive while Rochester was wealth and handsome. Jane always called Rochester "sir " rather than "Rochester ". They are unequal. After a period time, Jane became wealthy while

Rochester lost his fortune. Jane found Rochester. She called Rochester instead of "Sir ". They were equal in status.

In conclusion, the love between Jane and Rochester was equal and great. They were respect and love each other.


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