

智课网TOEFL 备考资料


摘要: 在笔者的教学中,除了一直在强调官方评价标准外,也一直强调写作规范,其实在词汇方面,也是有特定的规范的,可是这个规范极难把握。,有些写作教程会用“适合作者写作意图”又或“与所表达的内容自然地融为一体”来表述,但何谓“适合”和“自然”却没有进一步说明; 究竟什么样的词汇是“inappropriate”的,下面我们来了解一下。

本文主要为大家介绍一些 托福 写作的词汇选择法:1、口语化语言或俚语;2. 行话;3. 过于“华丽”或“矫揉造作”的词藻,下面我们就每一方面来为大家介绍一下。


口语和书面语显然是有比较大的区别的:前者较随意,后者较正式; 前者可以在语法层面犯些不影响理解的错误,后者必须按照语法规则书写; 前者有时受发音规则影响,后者则不考虑音节因素。由于这些区别,口语化的语言是不适合出现在规范写作中的。


【例1】 the environmental problem is pretty serious today.

修改: the environmental problem is extremely serious today.

【例2】 Should he study hard, the final exam is to become a piece of cake.

修改: Should he study hard, the final exam is not to become a problem.

【例3】 Since democracy has been acknowledged by the world, it is sort of

strange to see some politicians lean on the authority.

修改: Since democracy has been acknowledged by the world, it is a little

strange to see some politicians threaten the authority.

2. 行话



【例4】 The new generation is believed to commence their age by ameliorating

the living conditions in economically deprived areas.

修改: The new generation is believed to start/create their age by

improving/changing the living conditions in poor/less-developed areas.

【例5】 It is hard to believe that students perusing books all the time

without thinking critically can actually carry out viable life goals.

修改: It is hard to believe that students reading books all the time without

thinking critically can actually arrange his life properly.

【例6】 When they night came, they went out for a perambulation, but soon

enough, they shrank back in discomfort, surmising that an unidentified object

tried to murder them.

修改: When they night came, they went out for a walk, but soon enough, they

returned in discomfort, dreading somebody in the dark who tried to kill


3. 过于“华丽”或“矫揉造作”的词藻


misconception frequently held by novice writers is that word choice mirrors

thought: the more impenetrable the word, the more involved the ideas.”


【例7】 Unfortunately, the TV station in some countries does not have an

appropriate classification of adult entertainment, so children may have access

to those unhealthy programs.

修改: Unfortunately, the TV station in some countries does not have an

appropriate classification of pornography, so children may have access to those

unhealthy programs.

【例8】 One feasible solution is that the industry should be stopped and those

who have more than enough cars should sell their preowned automobiles.

修改: One feasible solution is that the industry should be stopped and those

who have more than enough cars should sell their used cars.

【例9】 I do believe that no country would refuse such revenue enhancers.

修改: I do believe that no country would refuse such taxes.

以上就是有关 新托福 作文的词汇选择法的相关内容介绍,希望对你的 托福写作 会有一定的帮助,托福考前

冲刺班,临近考试,让我们赢得几率再大一点, 小马 托福考试 前冲刺版,听说读写四位老师,专门为我们护航。

智课网TOEFL 备考资料


摘要: 在笔者的教学中,除了一直在强调官方评价标准外,也一直强调写作规范,其实在词汇方面,也是有特定的规范的,可是这个规范极难把握。,有些写作教程会用“适合作者写作意图”又或“与所表达的内容自然地融为一体”来表述,但何谓“适合”和“自然”却没有进一步说明; 究竟什么样的词汇是“inappropriate”的,下面我们来了解一下。

本文主要为大家介绍一些 托福 写作的词汇选择法:1、口语化语言或俚语;2. 行话;3. 过于“华丽”或“矫揉造作”的词藻,下面我们就每一方面来为大家介绍一下。


口语和书面语显然是有比较大的区别的:前者较随意,后者较正式; 前者可以在语法层面犯些不影响理解的错误,后者必须按照语法规则书写; 前者有时受发音规则影响,后者则不考虑音节因素。由于这些区别,口语化的语言是不适合出现在规范写作中的。


【例1】 the environmental problem is pretty serious today.

修改: the environmental problem is extremely serious today.

【例2】 Should he study hard, the final exam is to become a piece of cake.

修改: Should he study hard, the final exam is not to become a problem.

【例3】 Since democracy has been acknowledged by the world, it is sort of

strange to see some politicians lean on the authority.

修改: Since democracy has been acknowledged by the world, it is a little

strange to see some politicians threaten the authority.

2. 行话



【例4】 The new generation is believed to commence their age by ameliorating

the living conditions in economically deprived areas.

修改: The new generation is believed to start/create their age by

improving/changing the living conditions in poor/less-developed areas.

【例5】 It is hard to believe that students perusing books all the time

without thinking critically can actually carry out viable life goals.

修改: It is hard to believe that students reading books all the time without

thinking critically can actually arrange his life properly.

【例6】 When they night came, they went out for a perambulation, but soon

enough, they shrank back in discomfort, surmising that an unidentified object

tried to murder them.

修改: When they night came, they went out for a walk, but soon enough, they

returned in discomfort, dreading somebody in the dark who tried to kill


3. 过于“华丽”或“矫揉造作”的词藻


misconception frequently held by novice writers is that word choice mirrors

thought: the more impenetrable the word, the more involved the ideas.”


【例7】 Unfortunately, the TV station in some countries does not have an

appropriate classification of adult entertainment, so children may have access

to those unhealthy programs.

修改: Unfortunately, the TV station in some countries does not have an

appropriate classification of pornography, so children may have access to those

unhealthy programs.

【例8】 One feasible solution is that the industry should be stopped and those

who have more than enough cars should sell their preowned automobiles.

修改: One feasible solution is that the industry should be stopped and those

who have more than enough cars should sell their used cars.

【例9】 I do believe that no country would refuse such revenue enhancers.

修改: I do believe that no country would refuse such taxes.

以上就是有关 新托福 作文的词汇选择法的相关内容介绍,希望对你的 托福写作 会有一定的帮助,托福考前

冲刺班,临近考试,让我们赢得几率再大一点, 小马 托福考试 前冲刺版,听说读写四位老师,专门为我们护航。


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