

Medical Advances and Social Equity

In public awareness, the word “medicine ” will always allow them to freeze in the same scene: a man in white gowns holds a scalpel around the operating table, or a physician wearing a stethoscope is listening the patient's heart-biting. But the medicine is not only this. It includes many categories: basic medicine, clinical medicine, public medicine, nursing, and medical management.And all these medical disciplines determine the progress of medicine and medical distribution. This involves two questions: medical advances and applications; unfair medicine.

We know that inventing a new technology or a new drug needs a lot of successful researches and costs. These costs will eventually be reflected in the patients’ medical expenses. This leads to patients who are in poor economic conditions can not enjoy the treatment of new technology or new drug. Even if the medicine is highly developed, many unjust phenomenon will last long, such as hospital only provide extremely effective and expensive therapies for rich people and the poor can’t gain such especial Nursing because of lacking of money, the medical advancement can increase the cost of curing many difficult diseases and make more and more poor people can’t afford it. In this case, medical progress has led to some social injustice.

We know that there is a large part of the national finance to foot the bill of these new technologies and new drug . Such as, advanced training of medical experts, the various funding of medical research and medical equipment.At the same time, the national financial mainly comes from tax revenue. Here we find a problem is that in the development of drugs and new medical technologies, we have paid the full money. But in the end, it only benefits the rich. Had to say, it is unfair.

Medical Advances and Social Equity

In public awareness, the word “medicine ” will always allow them to freeze in the same scene: a man in white gowns holds a scalpel around the operating table, or a physician wearing a stethoscope is listening the patient's heart-biting. But the medicine is not only this. It includes many categories: basic medicine, clinical medicine, public medicine, nursing, and medical management.And all these medical disciplines determine the progress of medicine and medical distribution. This involves two questions: medical advances and applications; unfair medicine.

We know that inventing a new technology or a new drug needs a lot of successful researches and costs. These costs will eventually be reflected in the patients’ medical expenses. This leads to patients who are in poor economic conditions can not enjoy the treatment of new technology or new drug. Even if the medicine is highly developed, many unjust phenomenon will last long, such as hospital only provide extremely effective and expensive therapies for rich people and the poor can’t gain such especial Nursing because of lacking of money, the medical advancement can increase the cost of curing many difficult diseases and make more and more poor people can’t afford it. In this case, medical progress has led to some social injustice.

We know that there is a large part of the national finance to foot the bill of these new technologies and new drug . Such as, advanced training of medical experts, the various funding of medical research and medical equipment.At the same time, the national financial mainly comes from tax revenue. Here we find a problem is that in the development of drugs and new medical technologies, we have paid the full money. But in the end, it only benefits the rich. Had to say, it is unfair.


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