




The earth is our home. We have only one earth. So we should love and take good care of her.

Being good friends of the earth, we should help to keep our earth clean. People have lived on the earth for millions of years. The earth was clean many years ago. But now the pollution is so serious that our earth is becoming dirtier and dirtier. So we must help to fight pollution so as to make our earth clean. Factories must make the waste water clean before they let it out. Cars and buses must use a new kind of fuel which doesn't pollute the air. 。com .

Being good friends of the earth, we should live together with the animals and plants in a friendly way. We mustn't cut down forests. We should plant more trees in order to make the air fresh and clean. We must stop killing animals. Our earth is a beautiful planet. We should try our best to make it more beautiful.




The earth is our home. We have only one earth. So we should love and take good care of her.

Being good friends of the earth, we should help to keep our earth clean. People have lived on the earth for millions of years. The earth was clean many years ago. But now the pollution is so serious that our earth is becoming dirtier and dirtier. So we must help to fight pollution so as to make our earth clean. Factories must make the waste water clean before they let it out. Cars and buses must use a new kind of fuel which doesn't pollute the air. 。com .

Being good friends of the earth, we should live together with the animals and plants in a friendly way. We mustn't cut down forests. We should plant more trees in order to make the air fresh and clean. We must stop killing animals. Our earth is a beautiful planet. We should try our best to make it more beautiful.


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