

智课网IELTS 备考资料


对于备考 雅思 考试的考生而言,在准备雅思作文的时候,有必要就一些比较常见的经典句子进行重点掌握,最好争取能够做到熟练掌握,这样讲会在很大程度上给予大家帮助的。下面便是雅思作文中最常使用的经典句子的介绍。

1) From sth./what one has done, he can derive profits (will well deserve punishments) as follows.

(e.g. From his great inventions in many fields, man has well deserved punishments as follows.)

2) Sth., if made the best/the worst of, will bring some distinct advantages/disadvantages to our social

development/one"s growth.

(e.g. Stock markets, if made the best of, will bring some advantages to our social construction.)

3) Sth. is expected to do a lot of benefit/threat/harm to sb./sth. else. (e.g. Cloning, as a new-born thing, is expected to do a lot of benefit to the human progress.)

4) (Doing) sth. will enrich/endanger/influence one"s life in more than one aspect.

(e.g. Having one"s head in the clouds sometimes can enrich a good teacher"s teaching in more than one aspect.)

5) Some good/bad/unexpected effects come of what we have done/sth. done in...

(e.g. Some good effects will certainly come of the efforts we have mad e in birth control.)

1、从其所做来看,他可以得到如下好处(他将受到如下的惩罚) :






4、(做) 某事将不止在一个方面丰富/危害/影响一个人的生活。




雅思写作 常见中心句40句(附译文)

6) There are several reasons/causes/factors for the changes/increase/decline/growth in...(First,...Second...)

(e.g. There are probably a variety of reasons for the drastic changes in people"s moral concepts.)

7) The reasons/causes/factors for sth. are complex/varied/profound. (Some attribute it...Others put it down to...Still others owe it to...)

(e.g. The causes for the prevalence of living together are varied and complex.)

8) The success/failure/change/increase/decline(in sth.) mainly/largely stems/derives/results from the factors as follows.(One lies in...Another is found in...Still another consists in...)

(e.g. The rise in China"s economy mainly derives from a number of factors/the factors as follows.)

9) Why has/did/is...- (For one thing/...For another...Perhaps the most fundamental/adequate/competent reason is...)

(e.g. Why is there a growing drift toward power-seeking in society-)

10) It is no easy/simple task/job to furnish/identify/find every reason / cause for sth., but/while, on the whole, three/some factors shout louder/weigh heavier than others/stand out from others.

(e.g. It is no easy job to find every reason for the increase in the number of teenagers who run away from their homes, but, on the whole, two factors shout louder than others.)

6 …的变化/增加/下降/增长有几个方面的原因/因素。首先…,其次…


7 某事的原因/起因很复杂/不一/深刻。有些人归因于…,有些人归结为…,还有些人认为是…的结果。


8 某事物的成功/失败/改变/增长/下降主要/大体上是由于以下的因素。一个是…,另一个是…,还有一个



9 为什么…-首先…;其次…;也许最根本的/最大的原因是…


10 要提供/辨别/找到某事物的每一个原因并不简单,但总体上有三个/一些相对较为突出的因素。


上述这些都是雅思作文中最常使用的经典句子,考生在备考 雅思考试 的时候,就有必要对这些句子进行重点掌握,越熟练越好。

智课网IELTS 备考资料


对于备考 雅思 考试的考生而言,在准备雅思作文的时候,有必要就一些比较常见的经典句子进行重点掌握,最好争取能够做到熟练掌握,这样讲会在很大程度上给予大家帮助的。下面便是雅思作文中最常使用的经典句子的介绍。

1) From sth./what one has done, he can derive profits (will well deserve punishments) as follows.

(e.g. From his great inventions in many fields, man has well deserved punishments as follows.)

2) Sth., if made the best/the worst of, will bring some distinct advantages/disadvantages to our social

development/one"s growth.

(e.g. Stock markets, if made the best of, will bring some advantages to our social construction.)

3) Sth. is expected to do a lot of benefit/threat/harm to sb./sth. else. (e.g. Cloning, as a new-born thing, is expected to do a lot of benefit to the human progress.)

4) (Doing) sth. will enrich/endanger/influence one"s life in more than one aspect.

(e.g. Having one"s head in the clouds sometimes can enrich a good teacher"s teaching in more than one aspect.)

5) Some good/bad/unexpected effects come of what we have done/sth. done in...

(e.g. Some good effects will certainly come of the efforts we have mad e in birth control.)

1、从其所做来看,他可以得到如下好处(他将受到如下的惩罚) :






4、(做) 某事将不止在一个方面丰富/危害/影响一个人的生活。




雅思写作 常见中心句40句(附译文)

6) There are several reasons/causes/factors for the changes/increase/decline/growth in...(First,...Second...)

(e.g. There are probably a variety of reasons for the drastic changes in people"s moral concepts.)

7) The reasons/causes/factors for sth. are complex/varied/profound. (Some attribute it...Others put it down to...Still others owe it to...)

(e.g. The causes for the prevalence of living together are varied and complex.)

8) The success/failure/change/increase/decline(in sth.) mainly/largely stems/derives/results from the factors as follows.(One lies in...Another is found in...Still another consists in...)

(e.g. The rise in China"s economy mainly derives from a number of factors/the factors as follows.)

9) Why has/did/is...- (For one thing/...For another...Perhaps the most fundamental/adequate/competent reason is...)

(e.g. Why is there a growing drift toward power-seeking in society-)

10) It is no easy/simple task/job to furnish/identify/find every reason / cause for sth., but/while, on the whole, three/some factors shout louder/weigh heavier than others/stand out from others.

(e.g. It is no easy job to find every reason for the increase in the number of teenagers who run away from their homes, but, on the whole, two factors shout louder than others.)

6 …的变化/增加/下降/增长有几个方面的原因/因素。首先…,其次…


7 某事的原因/起因很复杂/不一/深刻。有些人归因于…,有些人归结为…,还有些人认为是…的结果。


8 某事物的成功/失败/改变/增长/下降主要/大体上是由于以下的因素。一个是…,另一个是…,还有一个



9 为什么…-首先…;其次…;也许最根本的/最大的原因是…


10 要提供/辨别/找到某事物的每一个原因并不简单,但总体上有三个/一些相对较为突出的因素。


上述这些都是雅思作文中最常使用的经典句子,考生在备考 雅思考试 的时候,就有必要对这些句子进行重点掌握,越熟练越好。


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