

on september 30, to anger at the door, sits on intercept taxi mistake is a red car, will arrive at the destination, i pass the driver in the moment, the driver money: younger sister, you will not see me, i will take what car 300,000 car rental? i stay, i sent the wrong, hurriedly apology, that car is perfect, he is a good man, what do i go home, i sent directly is really happy...

with the national day holiday mood began plan:nation day is coming,during the nation day i plan to the hainan island for a vacation.i want to leave for on29th,the later the better,we can have more time to play. we want to go there by plane because it takes less time.we can stay there about 5 days.we can go to the beach,and we can go fising there.we can go shopping,because there must be many funny things.we aslo can go to the sightseeing,it must be very beatiful.i think we can have a good time then . i hope it is coming soon

on september 30, to anger at the door, sits on intercept taxi mistake is a red car, will arrive at the destination, i pass the driver in the moment, the driver money: younger sister, you will not see me, i will take what car 300,000 car rental? i stay, i sent the wrong, hurriedly apology, that car is perfect, he is a good man, what do i go home, i sent directly is really happy...

with the national day holiday mood began plan:nation day is coming,during the nation day i plan to the hainan island for a vacation.i want to leave for on29th,the later the better,we can have more time to play. we want to go there by plane because it takes less time.we can stay there about 5 days.we can go to the beach,and we can go fising there.we can go shopping,because there must be many funny things.we aslo can go to the sightseeing,it must be very beatiful.i think we can have a good time then . i hope it is coming soon


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