Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感
旁白:Mr. Henry Dashwood was the owner of Norland Park, he had a one son by a former marriage and three daughters by his present lady. He gave all his fortune to his son and let his son take care of his widow and daughters before he died. But his son ’s selfish wife didn’t want him to give any money to his sisters and step-mother. Now, Mr. John Dashwood became the new master of the Norland Park and his wife Fanny installed herself mistress of Norland, and her mother and sisters-in-law were degraded to the condition of visitors.
【在Norland Park的花园里,仆人Martha 在弹地毯,Elinor 走上前】 艾莉诺:Martha, What are you doing? Didn’t you do them a week ago?
玛莎:Mrs. John Dashwood’s orders, miss. They’re all to be done again with the
gentlemen coming. (继续弹)
艾莉诺:(叹气)Those carpets are clean. Go and see to your work. (拿过弹子) 玛莎:(微笑, 行屈膝礼) Thank you, Miss Elinor.
【艾莉诺仰天叹气,看着毯子,狠狠地抽过去,刚转身要走,爱德华迎面出现】 艾莉诺:Oh, I was just…
爱德华:Beating carpets.
爱德华:Edward Ferrars. How do you do? (摘下帽子,绅士)
艾莉诺:Elinor Dashwood. (行淑女礼)
爱德华:(微笑)Would you like some help? With the carpet beating? (看毯子,再
艾莉诺:(皱眉)No. I had better take you to in to see your sister.
【图书馆 Margaret 蹲在角落看书,Fanny, Edward走进】
范妮:(指着四周) I think the first thing to do is rip out this dingy old paneling, so dark
and dusty, I’m sure you’ll agree. And all these books, how could a gentlemen bear to sit a gloomy old den like this?
【Elinor 走进,坐在一旁】
范妮:Oh Elinor. Don not let us disturb you.(继续要对Edward 说)
爱德华:Do you know, Fanny, I do believe this library is quite perfect just as it is. 范妮:Edward, you know you only say these to annoy me.
【Fanny 走向后台,Edward 看眼Elinor ,下台】
【Elinor 与Edward 在舞台上走着聊天,Edward 双手背着,Elinor 双手交叉】 爱德华:I ’m afraid it must pain you to see my sister refurbishing Norland after her
own taste.
艾莉诺:It is her house now. She must do as she sees fit, I suppose.
爱德华:She ’s doing her best to refurbish me, too. (艾莉诺笑) I’m a grave
disappointment to my family, Miss Dashwood. Fanny would like me to be a great man of some sort. Important, talked about, riding around in a barouche. 艾莉诺:(诧异)And you don’t see yourself in a barouche?
爱德华:A pony and trap would do we me very well. I want to go into the church, you
see, a quiet country parish.(两人面对面停下)But that’s not smart enough for my family.(停顿,惆怅) I think we all have to find our own ways to be happy. 艾莉诺:So do I. And I think I prefer your notion of happiness.
爱德华:Do you? Good. Quiet country parish it is, then.
爱德华:This must be a very hard time for you, you father’s death. My own father
died when I was 17. (停下脚步) I was like a boat that had lost its anchor. We must all have someone to listen to us. To understand what we feel.
【Elinor 刚想说,Margaret 跑出来】
玛格丽特:(叫)Elinor! It’s not fair!
爱德华:What ’s not fair?
玛格丽特:Henry ’s got my pony, nobody asked me if he could ride him. And he is
pulling his mouth.
艾莉诺:Meg, he doesn’t mean any harm. And you’re much too big now for such a
little horse.
玛格丽特:It is a matter of principle.
爱德华:You are quite right. I will speak to my sister about it. Meanwhile. how about
setting your sights a bit higher than a pony?
【Edward 拉过Margaret 的手,三人一起下台】
【姐妹仨坐着聊天,Elinor 手拿一本书,Margaret 拿着玩具】
玛丽安:Do you love him?
艾莉诺:I …I think very highly of him.(玛丽安奇怪的看她,艾莉诺笑,低头)I like him,
玛丽安:But is he worthy of you? He has no taste for drawing or music or anything of
that kind.
艾莉诺:There are worse faults than failing to appreciate your music.
玛丽安:But his reading last evening, so calm and spiritless.
艾莉诺:He has a different style from yours. He allows the words to speak for
玛丽安:Well, when you tell me to love him as my brother-in-law, I promise I’ll think
him as perfect as you do.
艾莉诺:Oh, Marianne, there’s no question of that. Not yet! He has family duties, he
has obligations.
玛丽安:What obligations?
艾莉诺:I don’t know.
玛丽安:If he loves you, he will act upon his feelings whatever his family might say. 艾莉诺:Marianne, stop. Nothing has been said between us. I do have feelings for
him. (深吸一口气)And I believe he returns them. But, please, don’t hope for something that may never happen.
玛丽安:Then you’re not engaged? I was sure that you were in secret.
玛丽安:Well, I’m sure it will happen very soon.
玛格丽特:And so am I.
【Marianne 笑】
旁白:Mrs. Dashwood received a letter from her cousin, he has offered them a
cottage on his estate. So she decided to accept it and leave Norland Park in a week.
【Elinor 和Marianne ,Margaret 在收拾东西,Edward 拿着东西进来】 爱德华:Oh, I was, um…(看着Elinor)
玛丽安:Excuse me, Edward, I must just ask Mama something. Come along, Meg.(拉着Margaret 下台 )
爱德华:Shall you be very sorry to leave Norland?
艾莉诺:Of course. But in the circumstance…
爱德华:Yes. Yes, quite. (深呼吸,酝酿) These last few weeks have been very happy
ones for me.
艾莉诺:For me, too.
爱德华:In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.
爱德华:(深吸气) I’m very glad(停顿) to have been able to offer you friendship at this
difficult time. And… I want you… to know that I…very much… (酝酿) value your friendship too.
【Edward 拿出背后的东西,放到Elinor 面前,叹气】
爱德华:(鞠躬) Excuse me. (走下台)
【Elinor 拿着东西下台】
范妮:Well...Goodbye, Mary.
妈妈:Thank you, Fanny.
玛格丽特:Edward, promise, you'll come and see us soon.
爱德华:As soon as I can.
旁白:Mrs. Dashwood and her three daughters settled in the cottage in Devonshire
now. Her cousin was so kind and friendly to them, but Edward still not
came in short time. So Mrs. Dashwood wanted to write a letter to Edward to invite him. But Elinor stopped her to send the letter. She think it must be with good reason if he doesn't come at all.
【三姐妹在台上走,Margaret 走在后面,慢吞吞,爱德华出现】
玛格丽特:(大叫)It's Edward!
爱德华:HI! Miss Dashwood, Marianne, Margaret, I can only stay one night, but I
hope I'll be none the less welcome for that.(对艾莉诺说) I'm very happy to see you again.
艾莉诺:And I you.
妈妈:So, Edward, what are your mother's intentions for you at present? Are you still
to be a great orator in spite of yourself?
爱德华:No, I think even she is convinced now that I'm not destined for public life.
My brother Robert is the man for that.
玛丽安:So are you going to distinguish yourself?
爱德华:I shan't attempt it at all. I have no wish to be distinguished.
玛丽安:You are distinguished to us, Edward. And in any case, what have wealth or
grandeur to de with happiness?
艾莉诺:Wealth has a good deal to do with that.
玛丽安:Elinor, for shame! Are we not happy? Have we not been happy here, and we
as poor as the Gypsies?
艾莉诺:Yes, and I think we might've been even happier if we had a little more
玛格丽特:I wish someone would give us all a thousand pounds each!
艾莉诺:Yes, that would be very welcome.
玛丽安:Elinor, you have no soul!
艾莉诺:Perhaps not, but I flatter myself I do have a little sense.
玛丽安:What do you think, Edward? Do you believe money has anything to do with
爱德华:Money can solve some problems.(搬椅子坐下)For others, it's completely
useless. (思考状)
妈妈:Edward? You seem unhappy.
爱德华:Do I? Forgive me. I am... Prone to those dark moods from time to time.
Perhaps I should not have come here at all. But I did want to see you all. 妈妈:And we are very happy that you have come.
玛格丽特:We were waiting and waiting for you to come.
爱德华:I am sorry that it took me so long.
妈妈:I never saw you wear a ring before, Edward
妈妈:Is that your sister's hair? I thought her hair had been lighter.
爱德华:Yes it is Fanny's hair. The setting casts a different shade on it, I suppose.
艾琳诺:I thought it was Thomas...out servant.
爱德华:He ’s gone to the village. I saw the logs. I enjoy this work. A man can relieve
his feelings(继续砍一下).And you have very little help here.(接着砍一下) 艾莉诺:We manage.
爱德华:Yes, but if only…
艾莉诺:What is it?
爱德华:Nothing.(停顿)Nothing I can speak of. I should never have come here.(再砍)
玛丽安:That was your hair in Edward’s ring, wasn’t it?
艾莉诺:(沉默)It did look like my hair…but he never asked me for a lock of it,
玛丽安:I am sure he still loves you as much as ever. Did he say anything to you? Did
he speak of his love for you?
艾莉诺:I don’t know.
【John Middleton表亲,妈妈,三女儿,Lucy 在场】
约翰:Miss Dashwood, Miss Marianne Dashwood, Miss Margaret Dashwood, allow
me to introduce.(指向Lucy)This is Miss Steele, My second cousins’
【Lucy 行屈膝礼】
露西:(看后面)Look, the weather is much brighter! I wonder Miss Dashwood, would
you do we the honour of taking the air with me?
【其余人下台,除Lucy ,Elinor 】
露西:Oh, Miss Dashwood, if I dared tell you all, you would be very much surprised.
we will be very intimately connected with your sister-in-law’s mother Mrs. Ferrars.
艾莉诺:What do you mean? Are you acquainted with Mr Robert Ferrars?
露西:(笑,开心)No, not with him! I never saw him in my life! But with his elder
brother, we are engaged.
艾莉诺:(迟疑)Mr... Edward Ferrars?
露西:Of course you are surprised because it was always meant to be a great secret.
None of my relations know it.
艾莉诺:May I ask if your engagement is of long standing? (压抑)
露西:We have been engaged these four years. Because he lives in London we hardly
see each other, but he has a lock of my hair that i gave him, set in a ring. I
wonder, did you notice it?
艾莉诺:(停顿)I did, Yes.
旁白:Elinor didn’t tell this to anyone include her mother and sisters until Edward’s
sister, Fanny heard it and told it to Mrs. Dashwood.
【仆人Thomas 站在舞台上,Elinor ,Marianne 出现,Thomas 摘帽行礼】 托马斯:Beg Pardon, Miss Elinor, Mrs. Ferrars sends her compliments.
艾莉诺:(皱眉疑惑)Mrs. Ferrars?
托马斯:Miss Lucy Steele as was. I run into them this morning. Married a week gone,
she said, so I made myself free to wish her joy.
艾莉诺:(楞)Thank you, Thomas.
玛丽安:(担忧) Oh, Elinor.
艾莉诺:Nothing to surprise or upset us.
玛丽安:I wish you could be happy.
艾莉诺:So do I.
【妈妈和Elinor ,Marianne 穿围裙干活】
玛格丽特:(从后台跑出来,边喊边出现) Elinor! Elinor! It’s Edward! (跑到面前)
Edward is here.
妈妈:(看艾莉诺)Oh, my dear!
【大家停止手中活,迅速摘围裙,坐好,爱德华和仆人Thomas 出现】 托马斯:Mr. Edward Ferrars, ma’am.
【爱德华摘帽子,给Thomas ,站好,Thomas 退,众人起立】
妈妈:Edward, we are delighted to see you. May I wish you joy?
爱德华:(点头) Thank you.
妈妈:I hope you left Mrs Ferrars very well?
爱德华:Yes, my mother is quite well on the whole.
玛丽安:We meant, Mrs Edward Ferrars.
爱德华:(迟疑) Surely you mean Mrs Robert Ferrars?
爱德华:You have not heard. My brother is lately married to Miss Lucy Steele. When
my mother made over my inheritance to Robert, Miss Steele made over her affections also, thus releasing me from my engagement.
玛格丽特:(开心)So now you can marry Elinor!
【Elinor 捂嘴,哭,冲向桌子,穿围裙干活背对Edward ,其余人下除Edward 】 爱德华:(跟艾莉诺) Miss Dasnwood…Elinor. I came here with no expectation. After
everything that’s happened, you have every right to turn me this instant. But I cannot leave here without conveying the intensity of my feelings for you. I loved you at Norland, almost our first encounter. I could not
express it then as I was bound by my promise to Lucy, but I think you felt it and were puzzled and hurt my lack of openness with you. Let me be open now.(语速快)
【Elinor 啜泣,捂嘴哭,停止干活】
爱德华:Every day since I first met you, my love for you has grown.(停顿) Elinor, I
know. I have no right to hope, but I must ask… Can you forgive me? Can you love me?(停顿,酝酿,笑) Will you marry me?
旁白:Since then, Elinor and Edward were living in the small cottage. Edward got a
job as what he wanted to work in the church. They were happiness, and that is a happy ending, isn’t it?
------------------------【END 】--------------------
Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感
旁白:Mr. Henry Dashwood was the owner of Norland Park, he had a one son by a former marriage and three daughters by his present lady. He gave all his fortune to his son and let his son take care of his widow and daughters before he died. But his son ’s selfish wife didn’t want him to give any money to his sisters and step-mother. Now, Mr. John Dashwood became the new master of the Norland Park and his wife Fanny installed herself mistress of Norland, and her mother and sisters-in-law were degraded to the condition of visitors.
【在Norland Park的花园里,仆人Martha 在弹地毯,Elinor 走上前】 艾莉诺:Martha, What are you doing? Didn’t you do them a week ago?
玛莎:Mrs. John Dashwood’s orders, miss. They’re all to be done again with the
gentlemen coming. (继续弹)
艾莉诺:(叹气)Those carpets are clean. Go and see to your work. (拿过弹子) 玛莎:(微笑, 行屈膝礼) Thank you, Miss Elinor.
【艾莉诺仰天叹气,看着毯子,狠狠地抽过去,刚转身要走,爱德华迎面出现】 艾莉诺:Oh, I was just…
爱德华:Beating carpets.
爱德华:Edward Ferrars. How do you do? (摘下帽子,绅士)
艾莉诺:Elinor Dashwood. (行淑女礼)
爱德华:(微笑)Would you like some help? With the carpet beating? (看毯子,再
艾莉诺:(皱眉)No. I had better take you to in to see your sister.
【图书馆 Margaret 蹲在角落看书,Fanny, Edward走进】
范妮:(指着四周) I think the first thing to do is rip out this dingy old paneling, so dark
and dusty, I’m sure you’ll agree. And all these books, how could a gentlemen bear to sit a gloomy old den like this?
【Elinor 走进,坐在一旁】
范妮:Oh Elinor. Don not let us disturb you.(继续要对Edward 说)
爱德华:Do you know, Fanny, I do believe this library is quite perfect just as it is. 范妮:Edward, you know you only say these to annoy me.
【Fanny 走向后台,Edward 看眼Elinor ,下台】
【Elinor 与Edward 在舞台上走着聊天,Edward 双手背着,Elinor 双手交叉】 爱德华:I ’m afraid it must pain you to see my sister refurbishing Norland after her
own taste.
艾莉诺:It is her house now. She must do as she sees fit, I suppose.
爱德华:She ’s doing her best to refurbish me, too. (艾莉诺笑) I’m a grave
disappointment to my family, Miss Dashwood. Fanny would like me to be a great man of some sort. Important, talked about, riding around in a barouche. 艾莉诺:(诧异)And you don’t see yourself in a barouche?
爱德华:A pony and trap would do we me very well. I want to go into the church, you
see, a quiet country parish.(两人面对面停下)But that’s not smart enough for my family.(停顿,惆怅) I think we all have to find our own ways to be happy. 艾莉诺:So do I. And I think I prefer your notion of happiness.
爱德华:Do you? Good. Quiet country parish it is, then.
爱德华:This must be a very hard time for you, you father’s death. My own father
died when I was 17. (停下脚步) I was like a boat that had lost its anchor. We must all have someone to listen to us. To understand what we feel.
【Elinor 刚想说,Margaret 跑出来】
玛格丽特:(叫)Elinor! It’s not fair!
爱德华:What ’s not fair?
玛格丽特:Henry ’s got my pony, nobody asked me if he could ride him. And he is
pulling his mouth.
艾莉诺:Meg, he doesn’t mean any harm. And you’re much too big now for such a
little horse.
玛格丽特:It is a matter of principle.
爱德华:You are quite right. I will speak to my sister about it. Meanwhile. how about
setting your sights a bit higher than a pony?
【Edward 拉过Margaret 的手,三人一起下台】
【姐妹仨坐着聊天,Elinor 手拿一本书,Margaret 拿着玩具】
玛丽安:Do you love him?
艾莉诺:I …I think very highly of him.(玛丽安奇怪的看她,艾莉诺笑,低头)I like him,
玛丽安:But is he worthy of you? He has no taste for drawing or music or anything of
that kind.
艾莉诺:There are worse faults than failing to appreciate your music.
玛丽安:But his reading last evening, so calm and spiritless.
艾莉诺:He has a different style from yours. He allows the words to speak for
玛丽安:Well, when you tell me to love him as my brother-in-law, I promise I’ll think
him as perfect as you do.
艾莉诺:Oh, Marianne, there’s no question of that. Not yet! He has family duties, he
has obligations.
玛丽安:What obligations?
艾莉诺:I don’t know.
玛丽安:If he loves you, he will act upon his feelings whatever his family might say. 艾莉诺:Marianne, stop. Nothing has been said between us. I do have feelings for
him. (深吸一口气)And I believe he returns them. But, please, don’t hope for something that may never happen.
玛丽安:Then you’re not engaged? I was sure that you were in secret.
玛丽安:Well, I’m sure it will happen very soon.
玛格丽特:And so am I.
【Marianne 笑】
旁白:Mrs. Dashwood received a letter from her cousin, he has offered them a
cottage on his estate. So she decided to accept it and leave Norland Park in a week.
【Elinor 和Marianne ,Margaret 在收拾东西,Edward 拿着东西进来】 爱德华:Oh, I was, um…(看着Elinor)
玛丽安:Excuse me, Edward, I must just ask Mama something. Come along, Meg.(拉着Margaret 下台 )
爱德华:Shall you be very sorry to leave Norland?
艾莉诺:Of course. But in the circumstance…
爱德华:Yes. Yes, quite. (深呼吸,酝酿) These last few weeks have been very happy
ones for me.
艾莉诺:For me, too.
爱德华:In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.
爱德华:(深吸气) I’m very glad(停顿) to have been able to offer you friendship at this
difficult time. And… I want you… to know that I…very much… (酝酿) value your friendship too.
【Edward 拿出背后的东西,放到Elinor 面前,叹气】
爱德华:(鞠躬) Excuse me. (走下台)
【Elinor 拿着东西下台】
范妮:Well...Goodbye, Mary.
妈妈:Thank you, Fanny.
玛格丽特:Edward, promise, you'll come and see us soon.
爱德华:As soon as I can.
旁白:Mrs. Dashwood and her three daughters settled in the cottage in Devonshire
now. Her cousin was so kind and friendly to them, but Edward still not
came in short time. So Mrs. Dashwood wanted to write a letter to Edward to invite him. But Elinor stopped her to send the letter. She think it must be with good reason if he doesn't come at all.
【三姐妹在台上走,Margaret 走在后面,慢吞吞,爱德华出现】
玛格丽特:(大叫)It's Edward!
爱德华:HI! Miss Dashwood, Marianne, Margaret, I can only stay one night, but I
hope I'll be none the less welcome for that.(对艾莉诺说) I'm very happy to see you again.
艾莉诺:And I you.
妈妈:So, Edward, what are your mother's intentions for you at present? Are you still
to be a great orator in spite of yourself?
爱德华:No, I think even she is convinced now that I'm not destined for public life.
My brother Robert is the man for that.
玛丽安:So are you going to distinguish yourself?
爱德华:I shan't attempt it at all. I have no wish to be distinguished.
玛丽安:You are distinguished to us, Edward. And in any case, what have wealth or
grandeur to de with happiness?
艾莉诺:Wealth has a good deal to do with that.
玛丽安:Elinor, for shame! Are we not happy? Have we not been happy here, and we
as poor as the Gypsies?
艾莉诺:Yes, and I think we might've been even happier if we had a little more
玛格丽特:I wish someone would give us all a thousand pounds each!
艾莉诺:Yes, that would be very welcome.
玛丽安:Elinor, you have no soul!
艾莉诺:Perhaps not, but I flatter myself I do have a little sense.
玛丽安:What do you think, Edward? Do you believe money has anything to do with
爱德华:Money can solve some problems.(搬椅子坐下)For others, it's completely
useless. (思考状)
妈妈:Edward? You seem unhappy.
爱德华:Do I? Forgive me. I am... Prone to those dark moods from time to time.
Perhaps I should not have come here at all. But I did want to see you all. 妈妈:And we are very happy that you have come.
玛格丽特:We were waiting and waiting for you to come.
爱德华:I am sorry that it took me so long.
妈妈:I never saw you wear a ring before, Edward
妈妈:Is that your sister's hair? I thought her hair had been lighter.
爱德华:Yes it is Fanny's hair. The setting casts a different shade on it, I suppose.
艾琳诺:I thought it was Thomas...out servant.
爱德华:He ’s gone to the village. I saw the logs. I enjoy this work. A man can relieve
his feelings(继续砍一下).And you have very little help here.(接着砍一下) 艾莉诺:We manage.
爱德华:Yes, but if only…
艾莉诺:What is it?
爱德华:Nothing.(停顿)Nothing I can speak of. I should never have come here.(再砍)
玛丽安:That was your hair in Edward’s ring, wasn’t it?
艾莉诺:(沉默)It did look like my hair…but he never asked me for a lock of it,
玛丽安:I am sure he still loves you as much as ever. Did he say anything to you? Did
he speak of his love for you?
艾莉诺:I don’t know.
【John Middleton表亲,妈妈,三女儿,Lucy 在场】
约翰:Miss Dashwood, Miss Marianne Dashwood, Miss Margaret Dashwood, allow
me to introduce.(指向Lucy)This is Miss Steele, My second cousins’
【Lucy 行屈膝礼】
露西:(看后面)Look, the weather is much brighter! I wonder Miss Dashwood, would
you do we the honour of taking the air with me?
【其余人下台,除Lucy ,Elinor 】
露西:Oh, Miss Dashwood, if I dared tell you all, you would be very much surprised.
we will be very intimately connected with your sister-in-law’s mother Mrs. Ferrars.
艾莉诺:What do you mean? Are you acquainted with Mr Robert Ferrars?
露西:(笑,开心)No, not with him! I never saw him in my life! But with his elder
brother, we are engaged.
艾莉诺:(迟疑)Mr... Edward Ferrars?
露西:Of course you are surprised because it was always meant to be a great secret.
None of my relations know it.
艾莉诺:May I ask if your engagement is of long standing? (压抑)
露西:We have been engaged these four years. Because he lives in London we hardly
see each other, but he has a lock of my hair that i gave him, set in a ring. I
wonder, did you notice it?
艾莉诺:(停顿)I did, Yes.
旁白:Elinor didn’t tell this to anyone include her mother and sisters until Edward’s
sister, Fanny heard it and told it to Mrs. Dashwood.
【仆人Thomas 站在舞台上,Elinor ,Marianne 出现,Thomas 摘帽行礼】 托马斯:Beg Pardon, Miss Elinor, Mrs. Ferrars sends her compliments.
艾莉诺:(皱眉疑惑)Mrs. Ferrars?
托马斯:Miss Lucy Steele as was. I run into them this morning. Married a week gone,
she said, so I made myself free to wish her joy.
艾莉诺:(楞)Thank you, Thomas.
玛丽安:(担忧) Oh, Elinor.
艾莉诺:Nothing to surprise or upset us.
玛丽安:I wish you could be happy.
艾莉诺:So do I.
【妈妈和Elinor ,Marianne 穿围裙干活】
玛格丽特:(从后台跑出来,边喊边出现) Elinor! Elinor! It’s Edward! (跑到面前)
Edward is here.
妈妈:(看艾莉诺)Oh, my dear!
【大家停止手中活,迅速摘围裙,坐好,爱德华和仆人Thomas 出现】 托马斯:Mr. Edward Ferrars, ma’am.
【爱德华摘帽子,给Thomas ,站好,Thomas 退,众人起立】
妈妈:Edward, we are delighted to see you. May I wish you joy?
爱德华:(点头) Thank you.
妈妈:I hope you left Mrs Ferrars very well?
爱德华:Yes, my mother is quite well on the whole.
玛丽安:We meant, Mrs Edward Ferrars.
爱德华:(迟疑) Surely you mean Mrs Robert Ferrars?
爱德华:You have not heard. My brother is lately married to Miss Lucy Steele. When
my mother made over my inheritance to Robert, Miss Steele made over her affections also, thus releasing me from my engagement.
玛格丽特:(开心)So now you can marry Elinor!
【Elinor 捂嘴,哭,冲向桌子,穿围裙干活背对Edward ,其余人下除Edward 】 爱德华:(跟艾莉诺) Miss Dasnwood…Elinor. I came here with no expectation. After
everything that’s happened, you have every right to turn me this instant. But I cannot leave here without conveying the intensity of my feelings for you. I loved you at Norland, almost our first encounter. I could not
express it then as I was bound by my promise to Lucy, but I think you felt it and were puzzled and hurt my lack of openness with you. Let me be open now.(语速快)
【Elinor 啜泣,捂嘴哭,停止干活】
爱德华:Every day since I first met you, my love for you has grown.(停顿) Elinor, I
know. I have no right to hope, but I must ask… Can you forgive me? Can you love me?(停顿,酝酿,笑) Will you marry me?
旁白:Since then, Elinor and Edward were living in the small cottage. Edward got a
job as what he wanted to work in the church. They were happiness, and that is a happy ending, isn’t it?
------------------------【END 】--------------------