

FromSeclusion toOpening Reform Seclusion, that means cutting off country from outsides. In 18th century, Qing Dynasty of China, fearing of the increasingly frequent trade between China and foreign countries and the Anti-Qing Uprisings, in 1717,the Qing

governmentorderedthat Chinese merchants were not allowed to tradein Nanyang area where was under Europeans’ control. That’s the beginning of the Seclusion.

The aim of the Seclusionis to maintain the feudal rule of the Qing Dynasty and defend the western colonists. However, it’s an extremely passive defense measure. From then on, this Celestial Empire cut down the communication to outsides and the western countries were rapid developing. Finally, the gunfire of the Opium War opened the door of Qing, Empire Qing is heading for disaster. It has been a long time for Chinese people to suffer from the poverty. In 1949, the President of Mao Zedong announced the founding of new China, but until the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committeewas held in1978, the theory of

Opening Reform (Chinese Economic Reform and open up)was put forward by Deng Xiaoping. He established the Special Economic Zones, and the door re-opened towards the outside countries,which was a real beginning for people to live with strong and prosperous.From Seclusion to Opening Reform, we conclude thatour country is progressing because of the Opening Reform. China has become one of the most attractive countries in the world. The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games showed the world how beautiful and fantastic China is, how proud and confident the Chinese people are, and how great and unique Chinese culture is. Such successful and amazing Olympic

Games would not have been possible if not been for the Policy in the past thirty years.

Only do we open the door, our country will be wealthier and stronger.We are strongly believe that one day, the Great Rejuvenation of Chinese nation willbe achieved.

FromSeclusion toOpening Reform Seclusion, that means cutting off country from outsides. In 18th century, Qing Dynasty of China, fearing of the increasingly frequent trade between China and foreign countries and the Anti-Qing Uprisings, in 1717,the Qing

governmentorderedthat Chinese merchants were not allowed to tradein Nanyang area where was under Europeans’ control. That’s the beginning of the Seclusion.

The aim of the Seclusionis to maintain the feudal rule of the Qing Dynasty and defend the western colonists. However, it’s an extremely passive defense measure. From then on, this Celestial Empire cut down the communication to outsides and the western countries were rapid developing. Finally, the gunfire of the Opium War opened the door of Qing, Empire Qing is heading for disaster. It has been a long time for Chinese people to suffer from the poverty. In 1949, the President of Mao Zedong announced the founding of new China, but until the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committeewas held in1978, the theory of

Opening Reform (Chinese Economic Reform and open up)was put forward by Deng Xiaoping. He established the Special Economic Zones, and the door re-opened towards the outside countries,which was a real beginning for people to live with strong and prosperous.From Seclusion to Opening Reform, we conclude thatour country is progressing because of the Opening Reform. China has become one of the most attractive countries in the world. The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games showed the world how beautiful and fantastic China is, how proud and confident the Chinese people are, and how great and unique Chinese culture is. Such successful and amazing Olympic

Games would not have been possible if not been for the Policy in the past thirty years.

Only do we open the door, our country will be wealthier and stronger.We are strongly believe that one day, the Great Rejuvenation of Chinese nation willbe achieved.


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