

In modern times,the Internet is becoming more and more 在摩登时代,上网正变得越来越流行,popular,especially,for the middle school students.Some students think it is good 特别是对于中学生而言。一些同学认为网络对他们很有帮助。for them to get the useful imformation and study on the Internet.Besides(另外), 他们可以上网查有关学习的有用的资料,在网上学习。另外they can know about the latest news,widen their field of vision,and gain their 他们还可以了解最新消息、开阔视野,扩大知识面knowledge.On the other hand,some students chat, paly computer games even scan the bad network raher than study.但是,有的同学却不是用来学习的,而是用来聊天、玩游戏,甚至是浏览不良网页。Meanwhile,a long-time searching on the internet makes their health badly. 而且,长时间的上网会对他们的身心健康造成严重伤害。 In my opinion,every coin has two sides,that is to say ,one is bad ,the other one is good.在我看来,上网没有好坏之分,每一个事物都有两面,一面是好的,另一面就是不好的。So I think combining the entertainment with the study is the best. 因此我认为把娱乐与学习结合起来是最好的。

In modern times,the Internet is becoming more and more 在摩登时代,上网正变得越来越流行,popular,especially,for the middle school students.Some students think it is good 特别是对于中学生而言。一些同学认为网络对他们很有帮助。for them to get the useful imformation and study on the Internet.Besides(另外), 他们可以上网查有关学习的有用的资料,在网上学习。另外they can know about the latest news,widen their field of vision,and gain their 他们还可以了解最新消息、开阔视野,扩大知识面knowledge.On the other hand,some students chat, paly computer games even scan the bad network raher than study.但是,有的同学却不是用来学习的,而是用来聊天、玩游戏,甚至是浏览不良网页。Meanwhile,a long-time searching on the internet makes their health badly. 而且,长时间的上网会对他们的身心健康造成严重伤害。 In my opinion,every coin has two sides,that is to say ,one is bad ,the other one is good.在我看来,上网没有好坏之分,每一个事物都有两面,一面是好的,另一面就是不好的。So I think combining the entertainment with the study is the best. 因此我认为把娱乐与学习结合起来是最好的。


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