



Watching anime is one of the favorite things I like to do. Some one may say watching anime is a waste of time and a kind of naive thing, but I don't think so. In fact, I can learn a lot from watching anime. For example , , believe , confidence , and love. I like the person in the anime too. Because they are usually more vivid or lover than the real people. They always calm our mind or disturb our heart.And of all,I admire the most is films directed by Makoto Shinkai.

Makoto Shinkai is a Japanese animation director, most of whose animation are speak of a distance as the theme.His films are almost about love from different distance. Many things are given a certain symbolic significance.We may not understand him to a certain extent,but we finally fall in love with his imagine.It is a feeling we can not speak out. I just love it.In addition , video image quality is so good that each frame of films can be set as Wallpaper of your PC.

Now,I will recommend you two animation of him:


A chain of short stories about their distance.The theme is ……

If the falling speed of cheery blossoms is 5 cm per second ,then how long can 2 hears close?

Maybe living with a speed of five cm per second, I will meet you again.

The garden of words(言叶之庭) I don’t know if it is the correct translation.I can hardly understand it even in Chinese.But I love the quiet 、bright style and a bit oppressive

feeling.The story of the love means lonely desirability.

There is a saying may express it:

If I should meet you

After long years

How should I greet you? With silence and tears.

OK ,The two films are regarded as his masterpieces .I hope you like it and I hope you feel my feelings.



Watching anime is one of the favorite things I like to do. Some one may say watching anime is a waste of time and a kind of naive thing, but I don't think so. In fact, I can learn a lot from watching anime. For example , , believe , confidence , and love. I like the person in the anime too. Because they are usually more vivid or lover than the real people. They always calm our mind or disturb our heart.And of all,I admire the most is films directed by Makoto Shinkai.

Makoto Shinkai is a Japanese animation director, most of whose animation are speak of a distance as the theme.His films are almost about love from different distance. Many things are given a certain symbolic significance.We may not understand him to a certain extent,but we finally fall in love with his imagine.It is a feeling we can not speak out. I just love it.In addition , video image quality is so good that each frame of films can be set as Wallpaper of your PC.

Now,I will recommend you two animation of him:


A chain of short stories about their distance.The theme is ……

If the falling speed of cheery blossoms is 5 cm per second ,then how long can 2 hears close?

Maybe living with a speed of five cm per second, I will meet you again.

The garden of words(言叶之庭) I don’t know if it is the correct translation.I can hardly understand it even in Chinese.But I love the quiet 、bright style and a bit oppressive

feeling.The story of the love means lonely desirability.

There is a saying may express it:

If I should meet you

After long years

How should I greet you? With silence and tears.

OK ,The two films are regarded as his masterpieces .I hope you like it and I hope you feel my feelings.


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