



2. 词数120左右。

Dear Peter,

It is a pleasure for me to write this letter to tell you how much I enjoyed my stay with your family during the exchange activity organised by our school.

. . .

Please give my best regards to your wife and children.


Li Hua


It is a pleasure for me to write this letter to tell you how much I enjoyed my stay with your family during the exchange activity organised by our school. This was my first visit to England and stay with an English family. At first I was worried about my poor English. But When I saw your wife and children waiting for me with warm smiles of welcome on their faces, I immediately knew that everything would be all right. There are many happy memories of that time that I will keep with me forever. I particularly enjoyed driving through the countryside with you and seeing the changing colours of the leaves on the trees. I also liked the fishing trip, which was so much fun.

Please give my best regards to your wife and children.


Li Hua


1. Who is Mr. Zhang? (our math teacher)

2. How does he work? (work hard, make everything clear in class)

3. Do your classmates like him? (no, never smile, never joke with students)

4. What do some of your classmates do? (stay away from him, talk about him behind his back)

5. What will you do to solve the problem?

Possible version:

Mr. Zhang is our math teacher. He works very hard. He makes everything easy and clear in class. But my classmates don’t like him, because he never smiles, or jokes

with us. Some of my classmates stay away from him and even talk about him behind his back. Neither the teacher nor the students are happy. To Mr. Zhang I want to say: smile to us and we will love you even more. To the students I want to say: be nice to him. He is a good teacher after all.



2. 词数120左右。

Dear Peter,

It is a pleasure for me to write this letter to tell you how much I enjoyed my stay with your family during the exchange activity organised by our school.

. . .

Please give my best regards to your wife and children.


Li Hua


It is a pleasure for me to write this letter to tell you how much I enjoyed my stay with your family during the exchange activity organised by our school. This was my first visit to England and stay with an English family. At first I was worried about my poor English. But When I saw your wife and children waiting for me with warm smiles of welcome on their faces, I immediately knew that everything would be all right. There are many happy memories of that time that I will keep with me forever. I particularly enjoyed driving through the countryside with you and seeing the changing colours of the leaves on the trees. I also liked the fishing trip, which was so much fun.

Please give my best regards to your wife and children.


Li Hua


1. Who is Mr. Zhang? (our math teacher)

2. How does he work? (work hard, make everything clear in class)

3. Do your classmates like him? (no, never smile, never joke with students)

4. What do some of your classmates do? (stay away from him, talk about him behind his back)

5. What will you do to solve the problem?

Possible version:

Mr. Zhang is our math teacher. He works very hard. He makes everything easy and clear in class. But my classmates don’t like him, because he never smiles, or jokes

with us. Some of my classmates stay away from him and even talk about him behind his back. Neither the teacher nor the students are happy. To Mr. Zhang I want to say: smile to us and we will love you even more. To the students I want to say: be nice to him. He is a good teacher after all.


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