连词成句2 五年级作文1600字



1、English can songs I sing (.)

2、at you home helpful are (?)

3、do what party you can the for (?)

4、any Oliver kung can do fu (?)

5、the can what rabbit do (?)

6、Robot a can use computer (?)

7、email please me an send (.)

8、look bike and my come at new (.)

9、my here computer the is on desk (.)

10、nice really room your is (.)

11、father of our my has garden front a in

house (.)

12、my very I new love room much (.)

13、a there two and photos is plant (.)

14、are bottle books a and water there two (.)

15、Zhang Peng well draw can very (.)

16、wall the is wall picture the on (.)

17、are pencils crayons everywhere there and (.)

18、of on there books are lots floor the (.)

19、on what the can table you see (?)

20、park let ’s to nature go the (.)

21、a hill there behind is river the (?)

22、a room of is my this photo (.)

23、lakes forest there any the in are (?)

24、three desk there under are the pencils (?)

25、a mountain the front in village there of small is (.)

26、you like room my do (?)

27、desks in there blackboard of front many are the (.)

28、nature is the a there park in forest (.)

29、a in river is park there the (?)

30、park is in river the a there (.)

31、small in village are many there houses my (.)

32、tall in are city there buildings the (.)

33、any village are in there your bridges (?)

34、mountains near there many are village my (.)

35、in there any are pandas mountains the (?)

36、no are buildings there tall (.)


1、English can songs I sing (.)

2、at you home helpful are (?)

3、do what party you can the for (?)

4、any Oliver kung can do fu (?)

5、the can what rabbit do (?)

6、Robot a can use computer (?)

7、email please me an send (.)

8、look bike and my come at new (.)

9、my here computer the is on desk (.)

10、nice really room your is (.)

11、father of our my has garden front a in

house (.)

12、my very I new love room much (.)

13、a there two and photos is plant (.)

14、are bottle books a and water there two (.)

15、Zhang Peng well draw can very (.)

16、wall the is wall picture the on (.)

17、are pencils crayons everywhere there and (.)

18、of on there books are lots floor the (.)

19、on what the can table you see (?)

20、park let ’s to nature go the (.)

21、a hill there behind is river the (?)

22、a room of is my this photo (.)

23、lakes forest there any the in are (?)

24、three desk there under are the pencils (?)

25、a mountain the front in village there of small is (.)

26、you like room my do (?)

27、desks in there blackboard of front many are the (.)

28、nature is the a there park in forest (.)

29、a in river is park there the (?)

30、park is in river the a there (.)

31、small in village are many there houses my (.)

32、tall in are city there buildings the (.)

33、any village are in there your bridges (?)

34、mountains near there many are village my (.)

35、in there any are pandas mountains the (?)

36、no are buildings there tall (.)


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