


My favourite hobby(写作)

Many people have hobbies, beacuse hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skils. I have many hobbies, such as writing, collecting and playing basketball. But my favourite hobby is writing.I began to write when I was six. I spend two hours writing every day. I often write stories about my school life as well as my experiences. I'm very lucky because it has brought me great pleasure and success. It's sometimes difficult for me to spend all my time on my favourite hobby. I'm also interested in some other things and I often spend my free time playing tennis.

My hobby(阅读)

Hello! Everyone! My name is Li Ming. As we all know, hobbies can help us grow as a person. My hobby is reading books.

I began to enjoy reading day by day. Reading is so interesting that I often lose myself in it. I can gain knowledge and open my eyes through reading, so I enjoy it a lot. So far, I have read many 体) So I often do some reading in my bedroom. There‟s a big shelf in my bedroom and I‟m very proud of it. I am crazy about reading so I read books at least an hour every day. Books are so amazing that I get to know a lot about the world.

My hobby has brought me pleasure. Hobby can develop our interests. I love reading and it has become part of my life.

My hobby(打篮球)

My favourite hobby is playing basketball. When I was young, I was very weak after a long illness and I wanted to be healthy like others. So my father began to teach me how to play basketball. Day by day, I enjoyed this sport and I became much healthier.

Now I often play basketball with my classmates and we all think that it can bring us health and pleasure. We usually play basketball three times a week. Sometimes we play basketball at school. It‟s the most interesting sport. It also teaches us to work together. My dream is to be an excellent basketball player.

This is my hobby. What about yours?

A trip to Mount Tai(经历experience )

Last summer my parents and I spent time off in Shangdong Province. We visited Mount Tai. It‟s an exciting place. We had a wonderful time there.

Mount Tai is in Tai ‟an City of Shangdong Province. It ‟s only about twelve kilometers from the city centre. It‟s very large, about 426 square kilometres. It is an amazing land with rich culture. Many famous people come here to write poems, paint and take photos.

Mount Tai is 1545 metres high, so we took a cable car(缆车) up Mount Tai. From the top we enjoyed a wonderful sight of the mountain. But it was a pity that it was cloudy. Then we walked down the path , there are about 7,000 steps(台阶). And we could see different beautiful view/scenery at each step.

Finally we went down by ourselves. We were tired but we were vey happy. I will

never forget the wonderful memory.

A trip to Beijing(经历)

Hello, everyone, my name is Lucy. I like travelling very much. It‟s exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see beautiful places of interests, meet and make friends with people from different places, and you can even get to know the customs (习俗) and living habits(习惯) of the local people.

So far, I have been to many places, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and so on. Of all these places, I like Beijing best, it‟s the capital of China with a long history. I went to Beijing with my parents last summer holiday. There were many interesting places in Beijing, I have travelled around Beijing by bike and climbed the Great Wall, it‟s really amazing . I have also visited the Summer Palace(颐和园) and the Palace Museum (故宫). As well as the interesting places, the food in Beijing is also fantastic, especially the Beijing Roast Duck(北京烤鸭), I couldn‟t help eating it. During the journey, I took lots of photos and made friends with foreigners. What a wonderful experience!

In short, Beijing is worth visiting(值得一游). As the saying goes, “Travelling makes a full man”, I will keep travelling and I hope to go there again.

How to keep healthy(健康)

As we all konw, keeping healthy is important to our lives. Without health, we can achieve nothing. But how to keep fit in our daily life? Let me tell you.

First of all, early sleep and early up(早睡早起) is very important for us. We can‟t stay up late at night to play copmuter games. Besides(另外), we should do more sports in our free time, such as playing basketball, running, swimming and so on. Third, Eating healthy food is helpful as well. As the saying goes, “ A close mouth catches no flies”(病从口入), that‟s telling us to pay attention to our food. And if you feel ill, go to see a doctor at once. The last but not the least, we must form some good habits (养成好习惯), for example, washing your hands before eating and drinking boiled-water (开水).

If you can follow my advice/suggestions, I „m sure you will have a healthy body.

Should students have a computer?(表达观点)

Should we students have a computer? Different people have different ideas. The parents think that the students shouldn‟t have a computer. They believe that the students will spend too much time on computer games. It is not only a waste of time but also harmful to students‟ health and study.

While we students hold the opinion (观点) that we should have a computer. Because we can get more information and improve our English at the same time. What‟s more, we can relax ourselves by listening to music or talking with friends by QQ.

As for me/ In my opinion/ In my eyes, computer is helpful in our life and study. But if we spend too much time sitting in front of computers, it will be bad for our study. As a result, we should use it properly(合理地).


My favourite hobby(写作)

Many people have hobbies, beacuse hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skils. I have many hobbies, such as writing, collecting and playing basketball. But my favourite hobby is writing.I began to write when I was six. I spend two hours writing every day. I often write stories about my school life as well as my experiences. I'm very lucky because it has brought me great pleasure and success. It's sometimes difficult for me to spend all my time on my favourite hobby. I'm also interested in some other things and I often spend my free time playing tennis.

My hobby(阅读)

Hello! Everyone! My name is Li Ming. As we all know, hobbies can help us grow as a person. My hobby is reading books.

I began to enjoy reading day by day. Reading is so interesting that I often lose myself in it. I can gain knowledge and open my eyes through reading, so I enjoy it a lot. So far, I have read many 体) So I often do some reading in my bedroom. There‟s a big shelf in my bedroom and I‟m very proud of it. I am crazy about reading so I read books at least an hour every day. Books are so amazing that I get to know a lot about the world.

My hobby has brought me pleasure. Hobby can develop our interests. I love reading and it has become part of my life.

My hobby(打篮球)

My favourite hobby is playing basketball. When I was young, I was very weak after a long illness and I wanted to be healthy like others. So my father began to teach me how to play basketball. Day by day, I enjoyed this sport and I became much healthier.

Now I often play basketball with my classmates and we all think that it can bring us health and pleasure. We usually play basketball three times a week. Sometimes we play basketball at school. It‟s the most interesting sport. It also teaches us to work together. My dream is to be an excellent basketball player.

This is my hobby. What about yours?

A trip to Mount Tai(经历experience )

Last summer my parents and I spent time off in Shangdong Province. We visited Mount Tai. It‟s an exciting place. We had a wonderful time there.

Mount Tai is in Tai ‟an City of Shangdong Province. It ‟s only about twelve kilometers from the city centre. It‟s very large, about 426 square kilometres. It is an amazing land with rich culture. Many famous people come here to write poems, paint and take photos.

Mount Tai is 1545 metres high, so we took a cable car(缆车) up Mount Tai. From the top we enjoyed a wonderful sight of the mountain. But it was a pity that it was cloudy. Then we walked down the path , there are about 7,000 steps(台阶). And we could see different beautiful view/scenery at each step.

Finally we went down by ourselves. We were tired but we were vey happy. I will

never forget the wonderful memory.

A trip to Beijing(经历)

Hello, everyone, my name is Lucy. I like travelling very much. It‟s exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see beautiful places of interests, meet and make friends with people from different places, and you can even get to know the customs (习俗) and living habits(习惯) of the local people.

So far, I have been to many places, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and so on. Of all these places, I like Beijing best, it‟s the capital of China with a long history. I went to Beijing with my parents last summer holiday. There were many interesting places in Beijing, I have travelled around Beijing by bike and climbed the Great Wall, it‟s really amazing . I have also visited the Summer Palace(颐和园) and the Palace Museum (故宫). As well as the interesting places, the food in Beijing is also fantastic, especially the Beijing Roast Duck(北京烤鸭), I couldn‟t help eating it. During the journey, I took lots of photos and made friends with foreigners. What a wonderful experience!

In short, Beijing is worth visiting(值得一游). As the saying goes, “Travelling makes a full man”, I will keep travelling and I hope to go there again.

How to keep healthy(健康)

As we all konw, keeping healthy is important to our lives. Without health, we can achieve nothing. But how to keep fit in our daily life? Let me tell you.

First of all, early sleep and early up(早睡早起) is very important for us. We can‟t stay up late at night to play copmuter games. Besides(另外), we should do more sports in our free time, such as playing basketball, running, swimming and so on. Third, Eating healthy food is helpful as well. As the saying goes, “ A close mouth catches no flies”(病从口入), that‟s telling us to pay attention to our food. And if you feel ill, go to see a doctor at once. The last but not the least, we must form some good habits (养成好习惯), for example, washing your hands before eating and drinking boiled-water (开水).

If you can follow my advice/suggestions, I „m sure you will have a healthy body.

Should students have a computer?(表达观点)

Should we students have a computer? Different people have different ideas. The parents think that the students shouldn‟t have a computer. They believe that the students will spend too much time on computer games. It is not only a waste of time but also harmful to students‟ health and study.

While we students hold the opinion (观点) that we should have a computer. Because we can get more information and improve our English at the same time. What‟s more, we can relax ourselves by listening to music or talking with friends by QQ.

As for me/ In my opinion/ In my eyes, computer is helpful in our life and study. But if we spend too much time sitting in front of computers, it will be bad for our study. As a result, we should use it properly(合理地).


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