1 老外为何害怕黑色星期五?
The superstitious have long regarded Friday the 13th to be a day prone to accidents and misfortune.
有关黑色星期五的说法最早来自于基督教,耶稣就是在这一天被钉十字架的。 The roots of Friday as an unlucky day lie in early Christianity; it was the day on which Christ was crucified.
In Britain there are regional variations. In Somerset, it is said that whoever turns a bed on a Friday turns ships at sea. In Cumberland, babies born on a Friday were laid on the family Bible.
In some areas, calling a doctor for the first time on a Friday is a certain omen of death. Cutting hair and nails on a Friday is a certain path to misfortune, and many couples will refrain from marrying on a Friday.
A Yorkshire legend has it that laudry should not be performed on a Friday. It is said that as Christ was walking to Calvary a woman washing outside her house derisively waved a wet garment at his face, leading him to curse her and all those who washed on that day in future.
Suspicion around the number 13 has Christian origins as well, reflecting the last supper where Christ dined with his twelve apostles.
1 老外为何害怕黑色星期五?
The superstitious have long regarded Friday the 13th to be a day prone to accidents and misfortune.
有关黑色星期五的说法最早来自于基督教,耶稣就是在这一天被钉十字架的。 The roots of Friday as an unlucky day lie in early Christianity; it was the day on which Christ was crucified.
In Britain there are regional variations. In Somerset, it is said that whoever turns a bed on a Friday turns ships at sea. In Cumberland, babies born on a Friday were laid on the family Bible.
In some areas, calling a doctor for the first time on a Friday is a certain omen of death. Cutting hair and nails on a Friday is a certain path to misfortune, and many couples will refrain from marrying on a Friday.
A Yorkshire legend has it that laudry should not be performed on a Friday. It is said that as Christ was walking to Calvary a woman washing outside her house derisively waved a wet garment at his face, leading him to curse her and all those who washed on that day in future.
Suspicion around the number 13 has Christian origins as well, reflecting the last supper where Christ dined with his twelve apostles.