

假如你是李华,放假期间你进行了一次有意思的旅游,现在你要写信给你的好朋友Tom 告诉他你的这次有趣的旅行。


提示词:假期holiday ,exciting ,trip

Dear Tom,

I’m very glad to tell you something about my holiday trip.

______________________________________________________How is your holiday ?

Yours sincerely, Li Hua

风花雪月: the wind of Xiaguan

the flowers of Shangguan

the snow of Cangshan

the moon of Erhai Lake

三塔:three pagodas

No visit to Dali is complete with a call at these three pagodas. 蝴蝶泉: the Butterfly Springs

乳扇:milk fan 炒饵块:Fried rice-flour cake

米线:rice noodles

Dear Tom,

I’m very glad to tell you something about my holiday trip. On summer holiday, I went to Dali by plane. Dali is a city in Yunnan province. We all know that(周所周知) Dali is famous for its beautiful scenery. Lots of people from different countries want to live in Dali. On the first day, I went to the Dali ancient city. There are many things of ethnic style to sell. So I bought a lot of souvenirs of Dali. And I also tasted the ethnic flavor of food — milk fan(乳扇). The milk fan is delicious.

The following days, I visited Erhai Lake. “Erhai ” means “Ear — shaped Sea. ” The water of Erhai Lake is very clean. It is worth mentioning that besides the clean water of Erhai, you can enjoy the moon of Erhai Lake. In the moonlight, Erhai Lake looks quite and beautiful. The beautiful scenery of Dali will let me unforgettable. I hope I will come here again.

How is your holiday ?

Yours sincerely, Li Hua

假如你是李华,放假期间你进行了一次有意思的旅游,现在你要写信给你的好朋友Tom 告诉他你的这次有趣的旅行。


提示词:假期holiday ,exciting ,trip

Dear Tom,

I’m very glad to tell you something about my holiday trip.

______________________________________________________How is your holiday ?

Yours sincerely, Li Hua

风花雪月: the wind of Xiaguan

the flowers of Shangguan

the snow of Cangshan

the moon of Erhai Lake

三塔:three pagodas

No visit to Dali is complete with a call at these three pagodas. 蝴蝶泉: the Butterfly Springs

乳扇:milk fan 炒饵块:Fried rice-flour cake

米线:rice noodles

Dear Tom,

I’m very glad to tell you something about my holiday trip. On summer holiday, I went to Dali by plane. Dali is a city in Yunnan province. We all know that(周所周知) Dali is famous for its beautiful scenery. Lots of people from different countries want to live in Dali. On the first day, I went to the Dali ancient city. There are many things of ethnic style to sell. So I bought a lot of souvenirs of Dali. And I also tasted the ethnic flavor of food — milk fan(乳扇). The milk fan is delicious.

The following days, I visited Erhai Lake. “Erhai ” means “Ear — shaped Sea. ” The water of Erhai Lake is very clean. It is worth mentioning that besides the clean water of Erhai, you can enjoy the moon of Erhai Lake. In the moonlight, Erhai Lake looks quite and beautiful. The beautiful scenery of Dali will let me unforgettable. I hope I will come here again.

How is your holiday ?

Yours sincerely, Li Hua


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