爱丽丝梦游仙境 英文读后感作文3100字


Book report

personal view on《Alice ‘s adventure in wonderland》 These days, I have read a book which I have read in Chinese for several times. The book is called" Alice's advantage in wonderland". I still remember how concentrate and impressive I am while I was reading it. Every scene is so vivid. From another prospective, they, together with my thin and weak imagination, created a most colorful, various and splendid dream in my childhood memories.

The story, however, it is not very complex. It tells a girl named Alice who once chases after a well dressed white rabbit , falls down rabbit hole and suddenly goes into a whole new fantastic world. The author is a man of keen intellect. The characters inside are peculiar , bardic, anthropomorphic. Different creatures have their own feature, the red queen seems vicious and arbitrary while the white queen seems divine and submissive. This two translate the two sides to of humanity and make us clear. I am deeply attracted by one character, the mad hatter. He makes jokes on Alice and even laughs at Alice, but really gives her useful advice to survive in this strange world. Alice, the main character in this book, is the best representative of the merits inside human beings. She is independent, brave, precipitant, sincere and friendly. From all these personalities, the author indicates that the wonderland is also a society, even though it seems ridiculous and inauthentic.

And about the plots, Alice experiences more like an expedition than a simple adventure. Based on the brilliant background of the wonderland, Alice goes though many difficulties, she keeps learning and accepting new knowledge and solutions. I still remember when it comes to a sudden misfortune for her to fall down the hole, instead of crying sadly to complain about the terrible and despairing situation, she uses a kind of self comforting method to calm down and tries to figure out how to extricate herself from this dilemma. I firmly believe that most of the girls, even some boys and adults cannot as composed as she can. This is the first thing that impressed me the most. Another thing is that she never lost her mind towards the truth. Neither she was threatened by the red queen, nor even she may be lost her life. She always does what she thought was right, she doesn't care what will others might think of it. The sad truth is, It reflects the real society, we put a mask on our face, we may say everything to flatter a person if we aim to obtain something from him. We say something that we don't even admit its authenticity or accuracy. People love to talk with a frank and genuine person not a hypocritical one. So am I. Now the problem arose, no one, however, wants to sacrifice their own interests. Therefore, we all admire those who make a difference to the convention.

Shakespeare once said:"If you believe in one thing, it suddenly becomes real, it does no matter how unbelievable it seems."Alice has her ambition and she never gives up herself. I suggest, why don't we have a dream and experience in your own wonderland?

Book report

personal view on《Alice ‘s adventure in wonderland》 These days, I have read a book which I have read in Chinese for several times. The book is called" Alice's advantage in wonderland". I still remember how concentrate and impressive I am while I was reading it. Every scene is so vivid. From another prospective, they, together with my thin and weak imagination, created a most colorful, various and splendid dream in my childhood memories.

The story, however, it is not very complex. It tells a girl named Alice who once chases after a well dressed white rabbit , falls down rabbit hole and suddenly goes into a whole new fantastic world. The author is a man of keen intellect. The characters inside are peculiar , bardic, anthropomorphic. Different creatures have their own feature, the red queen seems vicious and arbitrary while the white queen seems divine and submissive. This two translate the two sides to of humanity and make us clear. I am deeply attracted by one character, the mad hatter. He makes jokes on Alice and even laughs at Alice, but really gives her useful advice to survive in this strange world. Alice, the main character in this book, is the best representative of the merits inside human beings. She is independent, brave, precipitant, sincere and friendly. From all these personalities, the author indicates that the wonderland is also a society, even though it seems ridiculous and inauthentic.

And about the plots, Alice experiences more like an expedition than a simple adventure. Based on the brilliant background of the wonderland, Alice goes though many difficulties, she keeps learning and accepting new knowledge and solutions. I still remember when it comes to a sudden misfortune for her to fall down the hole, instead of crying sadly to complain about the terrible and despairing situation, she uses a kind of self comforting method to calm down and tries to figure out how to extricate herself from this dilemma. I firmly believe that most of the girls, even some boys and adults cannot as composed as she can. This is the first thing that impressed me the most. Another thing is that she never lost her mind towards the truth. Neither she was threatened by the red queen, nor even she may be lost her life. She always does what she thought was right, she doesn't care what will others might think of it. The sad truth is, It reflects the real society, we put a mask on our face, we may say everything to flatter a person if we aim to obtain something from him. We say something that we don't even admit its authenticity or accuracy. People love to talk with a frank and genuine person not a hypocritical one. So am I. Now the problem arose, no one, however, wants to sacrifice their own interests. Therefore, we all admire those who make a difference to the convention.

Shakespeare once said:"If you believe in one thing, it suddenly becomes real, it does no matter how unbelievable it seems."Alice has her ambition and she never gives up herself. I suggest, why don't we have a dream and experience in your own wonderland?


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