


1 I have my cousin a lovely cousin. My cousin is not tall not short, not fat not thin. She is

having the eye; is small nose round circle like a pair of grapes. The most outstanding is that piece of little face, her face is very ruddy , appear very lovely. My cousin loves to cry very much. Cried every time, I and elder sister are about to persuade her not to cry, but she resembles fragile princess, want to cry namely, we take her to do not have method. As long as the uncle is white she is one, cousin dare not cry again. Listen to aunt to say cousin wants to cry at least everyday. Once, i, elder sister, small quick, cousin, play together with cousin play hide-and-seek, was turn for cousin to catch, cousin says: I do not think “ catch! You go to the cousin catch! Why does ”“ want me to catch? Yourself goes catching! I say ” , elder sister and ground of cousin all with one voice say: Y ou go to “ catch, otherwise cousin can cry! ”“ cries! Am I afraid of? I say ” , at this moment, I heard “ cry of ground of ” , turn the head looks, original cousin cried really, I resemble —— of ants on a hot pan urgently turning urgently all round. I say: I go to “ good …… catch! ” cousin listened, broken caw is laugh. This is me lachrymose cousin. Tutor: Thank a teacher you are written very systematically, cry the appearance characteristic of cousin and love the characteristic is written specific. Cheer! Www.jinshihao.info


1 I have my cousin a lovely cousin. My cousin is not tall not short, not fat not thin. She is

having the eye; is small nose round circle like a pair of grapes. The most outstanding is that piece of little face, her face is very ruddy , appear very lovely. My cousin loves to cry very much. Cried every time, I and elder sister are about to persuade her not to cry, but she resembles fragile princess, want to cry namely, we take her to do not have method. As long as the uncle is white she is one, cousin dare not cry again. Listen to aunt to say cousin wants to cry at least everyday. Once, i, elder sister, small quick, cousin, play together with cousin play hide-and-seek, was turn for cousin to catch, cousin says: I do not think “ catch! You go to the cousin catch! Why does ”“ want me to catch? Yourself goes catching! I say ” , elder sister and ground of cousin all with one voice say: Y ou go to “ catch, otherwise cousin can cry! ”“ cries! Am I afraid of? I say ” , at this moment, I heard “ cry of ground of ” , turn the head looks, original cousin cried really, I resemble —— of ants on a hot pan urgently turning urgently all round. I say: I go to “ good …… catch! ” cousin listened, broken caw is laugh. This is me lachrymose cousin. Tutor: Thank a teacher you are written very systematically, cry the appearance characteristic of cousin and love the characteristic is written specific. Cheer! Www.jinshihao.info


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