

Global warming-an incredible reality

We didn’t ask for Global warming,but here it is.First,I want to have a brief explanation about global warming.Atmosphere is being thickened by all of the global warming pollution such as carbon dioxide,and more of the outgoing infrared is trapped so that the atmosphere heats up worldwide. That ’s global warming.Glaciers and ice shelves retreat every single year and Sea level is getting higher and higher.The temperature increases are taking place all over the world.when the oceans get warmer,that causes stronger stroms even hurricanes and typhoons which can cause huge damage. Global warming creates more evaporation off the oceans to seed the clouds,but it sucks moisture out of the soil,paradoxically,causes not only more flooding,but also more drought.Millions of ecological niches are affected by global

warming,species loss is now occurring at an amazing rate. Global warming is a major deal. It is the biggest damn crisis in the history of this planet for humanity to fix.

Global warming is a polical and moral issue. Should we make a choice between economic and environment?The answer is not,because doing the right thing moves us forward,that’s means we can take both of them into account. Many countries are using old technologies that are dirty and

polluting,but each of them has a hard time shaking loose the familiar patterns that it has relied on in the past. With the rapid development of technology,we can ’t just mindlessly continue the patterns of the past.Humanity already possesses the fundamental scientific ,technical,and industrial know-how to solve the carbon and climate problem.If we use more efficient and renewable energy such as solar power and wind power,we can save very much off of the global warming pollution that would otherwise be put into the atmosphere.It is our time to seize the issue so as to secure our future.

It ’s Irresponsible for us to think that Global warming is too big to do anything about.Each one of us is a cause of global warming,but each of us can make choices to change that.With the things we buy,the more efficient electricity we use,the smaller displacement car we drive.when we use an air conditioning ,we can change our thermostat and use clock thermostats to

reduce energy for heating and cooling.when we can,walk or ride a bicycle,use subway and mass transit. when we can,switch to renewable sources of energy. when we can,plant trees. when we can,put our konwledege into action.we just have to have the determination to make these humble little things happen.At last,I firmly believe that the climate crisis can be solved.

Global warming-an incredible reality

We didn’t ask for Global warming,but here it is.First,I want to have a brief explanation about global warming.Atmosphere is being thickened by all of the global warming pollution such as carbon dioxide,and more of the outgoing infrared is trapped so that the atmosphere heats up worldwide. That ’s global warming.Glaciers and ice shelves retreat every single year and Sea level is getting higher and higher.The temperature increases are taking place all over the world.when the oceans get warmer,that causes stronger stroms even hurricanes and typhoons which can cause huge damage. Global warming creates more evaporation off the oceans to seed the clouds,but it sucks moisture out of the soil,paradoxically,causes not only more flooding,but also more drought.Millions of ecological niches are affected by global

warming,species loss is now occurring at an amazing rate. Global warming is a major deal. It is the biggest damn crisis in the history of this planet for humanity to fix.

Global warming is a polical and moral issue. Should we make a choice between economic and environment?The answer is not,because doing the right thing moves us forward,that’s means we can take both of them into account. Many countries are using old technologies that are dirty and

polluting,but each of them has a hard time shaking loose the familiar patterns that it has relied on in the past. With the rapid development of technology,we can ’t just mindlessly continue the patterns of the past.Humanity already possesses the fundamental scientific ,technical,and industrial know-how to solve the carbon and climate problem.If we use more efficient and renewable energy such as solar power and wind power,we can save very much off of the global warming pollution that would otherwise be put into the atmosphere.It is our time to seize the issue so as to secure our future.

It ’s Irresponsible for us to think that Global warming is too big to do anything about.Each one of us is a cause of global warming,but each of us can make choices to change that.With the things we buy,the more efficient electricity we use,the smaller displacement car we drive.when we use an air conditioning ,we can change our thermostat and use clock thermostats to

reduce energy for heating and cooling.when we can,walk or ride a bicycle,use subway and mass transit. when we can,switch to renewable sources of energy. when we can,plant trees. when we can,put our konwledege into action.we just have to have the determination to make these humble little things happen.At last,I firmly believe that the climate crisis can be solved.


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