

junwu past.then light clouds, in the branch of the season, we should have the motherland 56 birthday with you, can with zhuguoqing, i feel very happy. here, i want to motherland proud mother said: i love you, china!

ah! huanghe river, wall, you feed the onsweep of what a splendid ethnic! five thousand years of history, the chinese civilization, etc to breathtaking. oh, the motherland, the river is flowing through a long run you elegant long long mountain is hale backbone. you have mountains of treasure, you have beautiful varied landscape, you are resplendent and magnificent imperial palace, have you wan ting stretch of the great wall, the history, there are eight. you still have a lot of... in your vast territory, generation after generation descendants with our own hands created splendid oriental civilization.

however, we will not forget, the chinese nation also had the vicissitudes of life, after suffering, our motherland has much humiliation and insult. we shall never forget the bright garden, forget in every chinese head "asia" hat, forget the park gate "chinese and dog allowed" sign, forget the 300,000 compatriots in nanjing yangtze river is red with blood. the earth in the yellow river in cry moans, however, chinese people never crushed.

chinese children in humen was uncovered against aggression. the taiping heavenly kingdom, the flag of 1898, the yi ho tuan warrior jinglei broadsword, the revolution of 1911 gunshots, show the world that the chinese nation: chinese people don't apprehend,. the may 4th movement, the communist party of china was established, more like jinglei though the sky. from nanchang to jinggangshan, from yenan to xibaipo, "a little spark kindles a great fire. chinese people just with millet and rifle hit a splendid china, we this oriental giant finally again stand up!

junwu past.then light clouds, in the branch of the season, we should have the motherland 56 birthday with you, can with zhuguoqing, i feel very happy. here, i want to motherland proud mother said: i love you, china!

ah! huanghe river, wall, you feed the onsweep of what a splendid ethnic! five thousand years of history, the chinese civilization, etc to breathtaking. oh, the motherland, the river is flowing through a long run you elegant long long mountain is hale backbone. you have mountains of treasure, you have beautiful varied landscape, you are resplendent and magnificent imperial palace, have you wan ting stretch of the great wall, the history, there are eight. you still have a lot of... in your vast territory, generation after generation descendants with our own hands created splendid oriental civilization.

however, we will not forget, the chinese nation also had the vicissitudes of life, after suffering, our motherland has much humiliation and insult. we shall never forget the bright garden, forget in every chinese head "asia" hat, forget the park gate "chinese and dog allowed" sign, forget the 300,000 compatriots in nanjing yangtze river is red with blood. the earth in the yellow river in cry moans, however, chinese people never crushed.

chinese children in humen was uncovered against aggression. the taiping heavenly kingdom, the flag of 1898, the yi ho tuan warrior jinglei broadsword, the revolution of 1911 gunshots, show the world that the chinese nation: chinese people don't apprehend,. the may 4th movement, the communist party of china was established, more like jinglei though the sky. from nanchang to jinggangshan, from yenan to xibaipo, "a little spark kindles a great fire. chinese people just with millet and rifle hit a splendid china, we this oriental giant finally again stand up!


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