

The little princess

Recently, i read a book,the little princess.It was written by a famous American writer Frances. It describeda noble, kind-hearted, behavior and mannersgirl salacious story. The story is about us the little hero from his father's side, into the UK Ming Qi girls school began. Sara was a wealthy heiress, because of family reasons; the principal is very popular in the Ming Qi School welcome, because her father can give them a lot of good schools. Although her family is very rich, but she told everyone in the school is so poor family students courteous and accessible, including Sara's father.

Later because of gold mining encountered problems, her father became ill and died, her life became helpless. By the time the headmaster, Minchin immediately changed a face to Sara as general cold. But Sara beggar mean no matter how cold and sad reality, has lost the courage to live. Finally Sara and father mine gold partner Sara find, and told Sara that they mined gold is successful, there are countless diamonds, Sara has since become a real princess.

This story tells us that when it comes to any people and things, we should use a kind, caring, considerate and caring heart to treat them; in the face of difficulties and misfortune, too don't be disappointed and pessimistic, with strong will and courage, courage to live, one day will All sufferings have their reward!

The little princess

Recently, i read a book,the little princess.It was written by a famous American writer Frances. It describeda noble, kind-hearted, behavior and mannersgirl salacious story. The story is about us the little hero from his father's side, into the UK Ming Qi girls school began. Sara was a wealthy heiress, because of family reasons; the principal is very popular in the Ming Qi School welcome, because her father can give them a lot of good schools. Although her family is very rich, but she told everyone in the school is so poor family students courteous and accessible, including Sara's father.

Later because of gold mining encountered problems, her father became ill and died, her life became helpless. By the time the headmaster, Minchin immediately changed a face to Sara as general cold. But Sara beggar mean no matter how cold and sad reality, has lost the courage to live. Finally Sara and father mine gold partner Sara find, and told Sara that they mined gold is successful, there are countless diamonds, Sara has since become a real princess.

This story tells us that when it comes to any people and things, we should use a kind, caring, considerate and caring heart to treat them; in the face of difficulties and misfortune, too don't be disappointed and pessimistic, with strong will and courage, courage to live, one day will All sufferings have their reward!


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