雅思剑10 Test1小作文升级版_雅思写作作文高三


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雅思剑10 Test1小作文升级版_雅思写作

剑桥雅思10 Test1给我们提供了一篇3.5分的小作文,为此特发此文,提供一篇质量高一些的文章,希望能给想要拿高分的鸭鸭一些有价值的参考。尤其是在语言多样性和信息连接性方面。



The two pie charts illustrate statistical information respectively regarding how energy is used in an average Australian household and the greenhouse gas emissions that result from these energy uses.

我们先来谈谈澳大利亚的能源使用情况。heating 占据了整体的能源消耗的最大比例,42%。而the figure for water heating也占据了一个大的比例,仅比heating 低那么一点,30%。相比之下,refrigeration ,lighting ,

cooling 只占了比较小的一部分比重,分别占据7%, 4%和只有2%。之后,剩下的15%的能源消耗是用在其他家电上的。

First let us talk about the energy consumption of household facilities in Australia. Heating possesses the largest

proportion of total energy usage in family unit, accounting for 42%, followed by the figure for water heating which also occupies a large percentage with 30%. In contrast, the data for refrigeration,lighting ,cooling are much less

significant, 7%, 4% and only 2% respectively. Finally, the remaining 15% of the consumption is used on other appliances.

再看看以上提到的这些家电的温室气体排放情况,与上图存在很大不同。首先,能耗最大的heating 在温室气体排放方面略有逊色,以15%的比重排在第三。而最多的温室气体排放来自于water heating ,32%。 相比之下,refrigeration ,lighting ,cooling 的温室气体排放量几乎都是它们的能源使用量的两倍。其他家电所产生的CO2,占据了剩下的28%。

As for the situation of greenhouse gas emissions from the appliances mentioned above, it largely differs from the last pie. First, heating, which consumes the greatest amount of energy, shows a smaller share in greenhouse gas emission, listed in the third place with a proportion of 15%, while the biggest share of emissions is from water heating (32%). By comparison, proportions of greenhouse gas emissions in refrigeration, lighting and cooling almost double their figures for energy use. CO2 derived from other appliances consist of the remaining 28%.

根据这两个饼状图,heating 是最为环保的家电,而water heating不仅能耗大,CO2的排放量也相当大。refrigeration 和lighting 虽然能耗比较小,但是温室气体的排放量也比较大。

Overall, it is noticeable that heating is the most environmentally friendly appliance while water hearing not only

consumes more energy sources but also give out the most carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, although refrigeration and lighting consume less, they emit more as well.


1. Heating——题目中所给的名词

2. the data for refrigeration,lighting ,cooling ——“数据”作主语

3. the remaining 15%——数字作主语

4. the biggest share/proportions of greenhouse gas emissions——比重词作主语

5. CO2——题目中greenhouse gas的同义改写作主语

6. they——代词作主语



智课网IELTS 备考资料

雅思剑10 Test1小作文升级版_雅思写作

剑桥雅思10 Test1给我们提供了一篇3.5分的小作文,为此特发此文,提供一篇质量高一些的文章,希望能给想要拿高分的鸭鸭一些有价值的参考。尤其是在语言多样性和信息连接性方面。



The two pie charts illustrate statistical information respectively regarding how energy is used in an average Australian household and the greenhouse gas emissions that result from these energy uses.

我们先来谈谈澳大利亚的能源使用情况。heating 占据了整体的能源消耗的最大比例,42%。而the figure for water heating也占据了一个大的比例,仅比heating 低那么一点,30%。相比之下,refrigeration ,lighting ,

cooling 只占了比较小的一部分比重,分别占据7%, 4%和只有2%。之后,剩下的15%的能源消耗是用在其他家电上的。

First let us talk about the energy consumption of household facilities in Australia. Heating possesses the largest

proportion of total energy usage in family unit, accounting for 42%, followed by the figure for water heating which also occupies a large percentage with 30%. In contrast, the data for refrigeration,lighting ,cooling are much less

significant, 7%, 4% and only 2% respectively. Finally, the remaining 15% of the consumption is used on other appliances.

再看看以上提到的这些家电的温室气体排放情况,与上图存在很大不同。首先,能耗最大的heating 在温室气体排放方面略有逊色,以15%的比重排在第三。而最多的温室气体排放来自于water heating ,32%。 相比之下,refrigeration ,lighting ,cooling 的温室气体排放量几乎都是它们的能源使用量的两倍。其他家电所产生的CO2,占据了剩下的28%。

As for the situation of greenhouse gas emissions from the appliances mentioned above, it largely differs from the last pie. First, heating, which consumes the greatest amount of energy, shows a smaller share in greenhouse gas emission, listed in the third place with a proportion of 15%, while the biggest share of emissions is from water heating (32%). By comparison, proportions of greenhouse gas emissions in refrigeration, lighting and cooling almost double their figures for energy use. CO2 derived from other appliances consist of the remaining 28%.

根据这两个饼状图,heating 是最为环保的家电,而water heating不仅能耗大,CO2的排放量也相当大。refrigeration 和lighting 虽然能耗比较小,但是温室气体的排放量也比较大。

Overall, it is noticeable that heating is the most environmentally friendly appliance while water hearing not only

consumes more energy sources but also give out the most carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, although refrigeration and lighting consume less, they emit more as well.


1. Heating——题目中所给的名词

2. the data for refrigeration,lighting ,cooling ——“数据”作主语

3. the remaining 15%——数字作主语

4. the biggest share/proportions of greenhouse gas emissions——比重词作主语

5. CO2——题目中greenhouse gas的同义改写作主语

6. they——代词作主语




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