







The origin of the Chinese zodiac sheep

Sheep in eighth place, in the Chinese zodiac and the twelve earthly branches bundled "not", so the day "at the seventh hour" - afternoon 12:00 Chen one to three also known as "sheep".

In the five elements, the sheep belongs to fire, so fire for livestock.

In the Chinese folklore, sheep steal the corn seed to human. There is no grain in ancient times, human survival by vegetables and weeds, looks like severe malnutrition, sallow and emaciated. One day in the autumn, and a sheep came to earth from heaven, he found human face sallow, look weak. Asked why, just know the human being is not food, doesn't even know what is food. God sheep with benevolence, promptly tell people must give them to bring some seeds next time. Originally was only Tiangong royal field kind of nutritious food in abundance. Stingy, the jade emperor wouldn't share delicious food to human. God the sheep back to the heavenly palace, guardian angel was sleeping in the middle of the night, while sneaking into the field, took the grain (rice, millet, wheat, beans, hemp), contain in the mouth, in the morning, sneak to the earth, humans heard God bring them corn seeds, sheep are very

curious. God sheep give seeds to humans, and commanded the

method of planting grain went quietly back to the heavenly palace.

Human sown corn seeds, this year to grow crops. At the time of harvest, the human saw the corn ear, namely looks like sheep head, entered, and like grain fragrant and sweet, the harvest of linen clothes, light and warm. People after the autumn harvest winterizing, held a grand ceremony of sacrifice, to thank God sheep sending such a peasant to human. This ceremony still a part of the autumn harvest winterizing held in rural areas.

Big sheep ritual shocked the Jade emperor, the Jade emperor and thought about the world in the grain. Immediately think the God sheep bring the seed to human. Sheep, after find out the situation, the jade emperor was angry with God sheep and commands Tiangong slaughtered sheep on the earth, and people eat mutton.

The second year in a strange thing happened, in the place where God sheep on the execution, the first long out of the grass, then long out of the lamb, sheep from now on in the human family, eating grass for a living, his own meat, milk selflessly contribution to human beings, human is out of gratitude, for sheep give the Greek festival, held each year, as a

souvenir. When humans heard Chinese zodiac jade emperor wants to choose twelve animals to human beings, and given to God, after people rallying around the sheep for this type of Chinese zodiac. In spite of the jade emperor angry about the matter of the sheep stolen valley, but difficult to ignore the public opinions, so we have to agree to sheep when the Chinese

zodiac. 1-3 PM (that is, "at the seventh hour"), it is said that sheep at this time, most frequently, pee is aspersed urine can cure the disease itself a surprise, therefore, at the seventh hour is belong to the sheep.

Humans have no food.

The God sheep gave the seeds to the humans.

The jade emperor punished the God sheep.

Human elected the sheep as one of the twelve Chinese zodiacs.







The origin of the Chinese zodiac sheep

Sheep in eighth place, in the Chinese zodiac and the twelve earthly branches bundled "not", so the day "at the seventh hour" - afternoon 12:00 Chen one to three also known as "sheep".

In the five elements, the sheep belongs to fire, so fire for livestock.

In the Chinese folklore, sheep steal the corn seed to human. There is no grain in ancient times, human survival by vegetables and weeds, looks like severe malnutrition, sallow and emaciated. One day in the autumn, and a sheep came to earth from heaven, he found human face sallow, look weak. Asked why, just know the human being is not food, doesn't even know what is food. God sheep with benevolence, promptly tell people must give them to bring some seeds next time. Originally was only Tiangong royal field kind of nutritious food in abundance. Stingy, the jade emperor wouldn't share delicious food to human. God the sheep back to the heavenly palace, guardian angel was sleeping in the middle of the night, while sneaking into the field, took the grain (rice, millet, wheat, beans, hemp), contain in the mouth, in the morning, sneak to the earth, humans heard God bring them corn seeds, sheep are very

curious. God sheep give seeds to humans, and commanded the

method of planting grain went quietly back to the heavenly palace.

Human sown corn seeds, this year to grow crops. At the time of harvest, the human saw the corn ear, namely looks like sheep head, entered, and like grain fragrant and sweet, the harvest of linen clothes, light and warm. People after the autumn harvest winterizing, held a grand ceremony of sacrifice, to thank God sheep sending such a peasant to human. This ceremony still a part of the autumn harvest winterizing held in rural areas.

Big sheep ritual shocked the Jade emperor, the Jade emperor and thought about the world in the grain. Immediately think the God sheep bring the seed to human. Sheep, after find out the situation, the jade emperor was angry with God sheep and commands Tiangong slaughtered sheep on the earth, and people eat mutton.

The second year in a strange thing happened, in the place where God sheep on the execution, the first long out of the grass, then long out of the lamb, sheep from now on in the human family, eating grass for a living, his own meat, milk selflessly contribution to human beings, human is out of gratitude, for sheep give the Greek festival, held each year, as a

souvenir. When humans heard Chinese zodiac jade emperor wants to choose twelve animals to human beings, and given to God, after people rallying around the sheep for this type of Chinese zodiac. In spite of the jade emperor angry about the matter of the sheep stolen valley, but difficult to ignore the public opinions, so we have to agree to sheep when the Chinese

zodiac. 1-3 PM (that is, "at the seventh hour"), it is said that sheep at this time, most frequently, pee is aspersed urine can cure the disease itself a surprise, therefore, at the seventh hour is belong to the sheep.

Humans have no food.

The God sheep gave the seeds to the humans.

The jade emperor punished the God sheep.

Human elected the sheep as one of the twelve Chinese zodiacs.


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