

Internet slang

"Maybe I learned a fake book." my roommate said this sentence sadly. I gave her a smell showing that I knew she had a terrible exam

experience. Recent years, internet slang has affected our daily life from every aspect. If you don't catch the pace of the times, you will feel puzzled when people talk. Recently, people are used to say "six, six, six "to express the

admiration and use other slang in the daily communication. The internet is the birth land of slang and blows them everywhere. Time changes, slang change, but the enthusiasm people chase them never change.

Different people have different views. Striplings seem more accessible to the internet slang. Young people think slang is fashion and funny while the wrinkly goes the other way. The old regards the Internet slang as a boring and meaningless thing, even deem this as a phenomenon showing the lack of culture.Furthermore, some scholars think the invasion of internet slang may destroy the purity of official Chinese. Particularly the dirty words among the internet slang may have a harmful influence on the growth of teenagers. In general, there are two diverse views on internet slang.

To my way of thinking, internet slang can coexist with formal

Chinese. Hegel said "existence in possible". People living in stressful life need a vent to show our emotion and attitude, and people regard slang as

entertainment and a way to communicate with others. The socialists and

linguist can also regard the slang as a griddle to show ideology and the concern of folks, which also show people's livelihood and medical problems to

government. Additionally, internet slang has nothing to do with communication in formal events. Those who hold the view that internet slang causing impurity are inconsistent with the trend. Why not change a point of view to the slang and they will find it funny and convenient to use internet slang.

Internet slang

"Maybe I learned a fake book." my roommate said this sentence sadly. I gave her a smell showing that I knew she had a terrible exam

experience. Recent years, internet slang has affected our daily life from every aspect. If you don't catch the pace of the times, you will feel puzzled when people talk. Recently, people are used to say "six, six, six "to express the

admiration and use other slang in the daily communication. The internet is the birth land of slang and blows them everywhere. Time changes, slang change, but the enthusiasm people chase them never change.

Different people have different views. Striplings seem more accessible to the internet slang. Young people think slang is fashion and funny while the wrinkly goes the other way. The old regards the Internet slang as a boring and meaningless thing, even deem this as a phenomenon showing the lack of culture.Furthermore, some scholars think the invasion of internet slang may destroy the purity of official Chinese. Particularly the dirty words among the internet slang may have a harmful influence on the growth of teenagers. In general, there are two diverse views on internet slang.

To my way of thinking, internet slang can coexist with formal

Chinese. Hegel said "existence in possible". People living in stressful life need a vent to show our emotion and attitude, and people regard slang as

entertainment and a way to communicate with others. The socialists and

linguist can also regard the slang as a griddle to show ideology and the concern of folks, which also show people's livelihood and medical problems to

government. Additionally, internet slang has nothing to do with communication in formal events. Those who hold the view that internet slang causing impurity are inconsistent with the trend. Why not change a point of view to the slang and they will find it funny and convenient to use internet slang.


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