

Five years later...

One day in the morning

Today is little Emma ’s three-year-old birthday.Little Emma ,the daughter of Darcy and Elizabeth,was still sleeping soundly in the bed.Elizabeth was tiptoeing to the bed where little Emma lay asleep.Suddenly,Emma’s eyelids flickered, then opened. “Good morning,sunshine.Happy birthday,my dear baby, ” Elizabeth gave her lovely daughter a big smile the moment saw she awake.The little girl's attractive eye winked, “What ’s birthday, Mama? ” she asked. “Ha,a birthday means birthday cake and a lot ...a lot of presents,you like it?” Elizabeth answered as she helped Emma got dressed. “yeah~ I super like, ”little Emma cheered and began to dance. “Okay,now get dressed,your Papa is waiting for you downstairs, ” Elizabeth said ,gazed at Emma lovingly. “Yes, Mrs Darcy , ”Emma answered ,then bowed to her mother. “You naughty girl,who have taught you said that? ”“Ha ha... ” little Emma began to giggle.

. Little Emma’s birthday party started at 7 p.m. The guests have been gradually embarked on the house.Darcy, as well as Elizabeth,was busy accepting the guest while their naughty daughter was looking greedily at the cake. “Emma,come

here,Aunt Jane is coming.” Elizabeth called. “Ah~Aunt Jane,I’m so miss you, ” Emma cried out and ran toward Jane. “happy birthday,my precious, ”Jane stooped down to pick up Emma in her arms,and said with a beautiful smile on her face.“Ha~so you don ’t miss me,I’m so sad now,little Emma,”the Mr Binglay stood nearby said to Emma as he making a sad face.Emma giggled and looked at him,said in her baby voice, “Miss you,too. ” Mr Binglay gently stroked Emma’s head and said happily , “That ’s it,my good Emma.” Just then,Darcy walked toward them. “The dinner is ready,everyone,” he said as he took Emma from Jane. “Yeah~go!cake,” Emma cried out cheerfully in her father ’s arms.And then everybody began to laugh.

As darkness fell, the guests had all gone away. “She is a bit tired today,isn’t she?” Darcy l said to his wife as he lovingly gazed at the little Emma who was sleeping in her mother’s arms . “She ’s so happy today,” Elizabeth smiled.Then she gave her daughter an affectionate kiss and put her to bed.Little Emma still cannot understand what a birthday mean,but now she knows that today is the best day ever for everyone had come to her house include her dear Aunt Jane and that cake was so good.

. Darcy and Elizabeth decided to go for a walk when they came out of Emma’s bedroom. They made their way, hand in hand, down the path. “I still can’t believe that Mrs Catherine came today ,for Emma, ”Elizabeth said. “Me ,either.Thanks to our little baby, Aunt Catherine finally came to visited us,” Darcy answered. “Right,everything is getting better now,no more prejudice, ”Elizabeth looked at her husband,smiled.


The end. .











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Five years later...

One day in the morning

Today is little Emma ’s three-year-old birthday.Little Emma ,the daughter of Darcy and Elizabeth,was still sleeping soundly in the bed.Elizabeth was tiptoeing to the bed where little Emma lay asleep.Suddenly,Emma’s eyelids flickered, then opened. “Good morning,sunshine.Happy birthday,my dear baby, ” Elizabeth gave her lovely daughter a big smile the moment saw she awake.The little girl's attractive eye winked, “What ’s birthday, Mama? ” she asked. “Ha,a birthday means birthday cake and a lot ...a lot of presents,you like it?” Elizabeth answered as she helped Emma got dressed. “yeah~ I super like, ”little Emma cheered and began to dance. “Okay,now get dressed,your Papa is waiting for you downstairs, ” Elizabeth said ,gazed at Emma lovingly. “Yes, Mrs Darcy , ”Emma answered ,then bowed to her mother. “You naughty girl,who have taught you said that? ”“Ha ha... ” little Emma began to giggle.

. Little Emma’s birthday party started at 7 p.m. The guests have been gradually embarked on the house.Darcy, as well as Elizabeth,was busy accepting the guest while their naughty daughter was looking greedily at the cake. “Emma,come

here,Aunt Jane is coming.” Elizabeth called. “Ah~Aunt Jane,I’m so miss you, ” Emma cried out and ran toward Jane. “happy birthday,my precious, ”Jane stooped down to pick up Emma in her arms,and said with a beautiful smile on her face.“Ha~so you don ’t miss me,I’m so sad now,little Emma,”the Mr Binglay stood nearby said to Emma as he making a sad face.Emma giggled and looked at him,said in her baby voice, “Miss you,too. ” Mr Binglay gently stroked Emma’s head and said happily , “That ’s it,my good Emma.” Just then,Darcy walked toward them. “The dinner is ready,everyone,” he said as he took Emma from Jane. “Yeah~go!cake,” Emma cried out cheerfully in her father ’s arms.And then everybody began to laugh.

As darkness fell, the guests had all gone away. “She is a bit tired today,isn’t she?” Darcy l said to his wife as he lovingly gazed at the little Emma who was sleeping in her mother’s arms . “She ’s so happy today,” Elizabeth smiled.Then she gave her daughter an affectionate kiss and put her to bed.Little Emma still cannot understand what a birthday mean,but now she knows that today is the best day ever for everyone had come to her house include her dear Aunt Jane and that cake was so good.

. Darcy and Elizabeth decided to go for a walk when they came out of Emma’s bedroom. They made their way, hand in hand, down the path. “I still can’t believe that Mrs Catherine came today ,for Emma, ”Elizabeth said. “Me ,either.Thanks to our little baby, Aunt Catherine finally came to visited us,” Darcy answered. “Right,everything is getting better now,no more prejudice, ”Elizabeth looked at her husband,smiled.


The end. .











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