

Dear editor,

I am Li Hua from Xingguang Middle school. I am writing to tell you my opinions about the frequent traffic accidents. I think most road or walking against traffic rules or by careless driving, such as driving beyond the limited speed , driving while the red traffic light is on, driving after drinking wine, crossing the road carelessly and so on. Nowadays, traffic accidents which cause a lot of injuries and deaths happen frequently. I feel sorry for that.

Therefore, I do hope, on the one hand,

some measures should be taken by the government to avoid such traffic accidents .On the other hand , danger on the road. Everyone should obey traffic rules consciously in the daily life ,and pay more attention to the traffic safety , for life is doubly.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

Welcome to our school, I feel it an honour to have the chance to tell you something about our activities at school after class. Some students read books in the reading-room. Some have sports on the playground. Some sing songs in the theater hall. Some learn to operate computers in the lab and others take part in their group work about different subjects. The majority are most interested in sports and computers.

We hope that we can have less homework and more time to join in the activities . we are also looking forward to more visits and tour trips.

That’s all. Thank you.

Dear Andy,

How are you doing these days? I’d like to tell you something about the annual Campus Book Fair in my school.

It was held on the afternoon of last Thursday in order to encourage teachers and students to read more. The latest books of different types brought by the booksellers were displayed for us to read and purchase . Teachers and students also sold or exchanged their used books. I like the fair very much, which not only introduced us to a lot of interesting books but it gave us a chance to make new friends. Do you have similar activities in your school?

学业水平测试七 composition I am Liping, a girl of sixteen, presently attending Guangming Middle School. I like music, especially classical music. I am also interested in photography because it allows me to record the beautiful moments in my life. Through my hobbies, I have made many friends. In fact, I like meeting new people and enjoy talking with them. Believing we all need help from each other, I appreciate friends’ help, and I am willing to help anyone in need.

I love life, Mother Nature as well as peace. I hate any form of violence.

I would like to join the Peace and Friendship Summer Camp since it would be a great opportunity to make friends with young people from different countries and learn about their cultures.


In the picture, a young man with a heavy backpack was trying to ask for directions in a modern community. First, he asked a young man for help and received no reply. Then he came to an old man and tried his luck . The old man silently pointed at a sign which said “Do not talk to strangers! ” And the security guard holding the warning sign was enjoying his daytime sleep.

I feel sorry that such a social phenomenon exists . In my opinion, we should try our best to help strangers. If no one helps strangers , who can we turn to for help when we are in trouble someday?


Recently, I have done a survey of students ’ outdoor activities on weekends, and the results are not pleasing. Students don ’t or seldom enjoy outdoor activities for many reasons. Too much homework and lack of money are two major obstacles for students to take part in outdoor activities. Moreover , parents and teachers are concerned that students may be injured once they are out of reach.

I think outdoor activities are very important for students ’ health and character building . Something should be done to change the situation. First, teachers should give students less homework. The time spent outdoors will refresh students and make them learn more efficiently. Second, students can choose some inexpensive and safe outdoor activities, such as running and playing basketball in the neighborhood.

58% of the students will turn to their classmates or friends because they are of the same age and they can communicate with each other easily. While 16% prefer to talk to their parents. For parents understand and love them very much. They will try their best to help them. About the same percentage of the students choose to turn to their teachers. In their minds, teachers not only have rich experience but are friendly, warm-hearted and can be trusted. Only a few students, who are not good at communication or can not get along well with others, always solve problems by themselves.

In my opinion, when in trouble we had better ask reliable people for help, so that we can remove our difficulties and feel relaxed.

Dear editor,

I am Li Hua from Xingguang Middle school. I am writing to tell you my opinions about the frequent traffic accidents. I think most road or walking against traffic rules or by careless driving, such as driving beyond the limited speed , driving while the red traffic light is on, driving after drinking wine, crossing the road carelessly and so on. Nowadays, traffic accidents which cause a lot of injuries and deaths happen frequently. I feel sorry for that.

Therefore, I do hope, on the one hand,

some measures should be taken by the government to avoid such traffic accidents .On the other hand , danger on the road. Everyone should obey traffic rules consciously in the daily life ,and pay more attention to the traffic safety , for life is doubly.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

Welcome to our school, I feel it an honour to have the chance to tell you something about our activities at school after class. Some students read books in the reading-room. Some have sports on the playground. Some sing songs in the theater hall. Some learn to operate computers in the lab and others take part in their group work about different subjects. The majority are most interested in sports and computers.

We hope that we can have less homework and more time to join in the activities . we are also looking forward to more visits and tour trips.

That’s all. Thank you.

Dear Andy,

How are you doing these days? I’d like to tell you something about the annual Campus Book Fair in my school.

It was held on the afternoon of last Thursday in order to encourage teachers and students to read more. The latest books of different types brought by the booksellers were displayed for us to read and purchase . Teachers and students also sold or exchanged their used books. I like the fair very much, which not only introduced us to a lot of interesting books but it gave us a chance to make new friends. Do you have similar activities in your school?

学业水平测试七 composition I am Liping, a girl of sixteen, presently attending Guangming Middle School. I like music, especially classical music. I am also interested in photography because it allows me to record the beautiful moments in my life. Through my hobbies, I have made many friends. In fact, I like meeting new people and enjoy talking with them. Believing we all need help from each other, I appreciate friends’ help, and I am willing to help anyone in need.

I love life, Mother Nature as well as peace. I hate any form of violence.

I would like to join the Peace and Friendship Summer Camp since it would be a great opportunity to make friends with young people from different countries and learn about their cultures.


In the picture, a young man with a heavy backpack was trying to ask for directions in a modern community. First, he asked a young man for help and received no reply. Then he came to an old man and tried his luck . The old man silently pointed at a sign which said “Do not talk to strangers! ” And the security guard holding the warning sign was enjoying his daytime sleep.

I feel sorry that such a social phenomenon exists . In my opinion, we should try our best to help strangers. If no one helps strangers , who can we turn to for help when we are in trouble someday?


Recently, I have done a survey of students ’ outdoor activities on weekends, and the results are not pleasing. Students don ’t or seldom enjoy outdoor activities for many reasons. Too much homework and lack of money are two major obstacles for students to take part in outdoor activities. Moreover , parents and teachers are concerned that students may be injured once they are out of reach.

I think outdoor activities are very important for students ’ health and character building . Something should be done to change the situation. First, teachers should give students less homework. The time spent outdoors will refresh students and make them learn more efficiently. Second, students can choose some inexpensive and safe outdoor activities, such as running and playing basketball in the neighborhood.

58% of the students will turn to their classmates or friends because they are of the same age and they can communicate with each other easily. While 16% prefer to talk to their parents. For parents understand and love them very much. They will try their best to help them. About the same percentage of the students choose to turn to their teachers. In their minds, teachers not only have rich experience but are friendly, warm-hearted and can be trusted. Only a few students, who are not good at communication or can not get along well with others, always solve problems by themselves.

In my opinion, when in trouble we had better ask reliable people for help, so that we can remove our difficulties and feel relaxed.


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