


标题:My View on Online Education


Now many places Chinese educational institutions are in the development of the network

education , abroad is the same. Learning is like this convenient way of learning Gradually formed an upsurge

I think the reason for craze formation of network education For the education mode of the broader population and for most people the entrance easier. This method of learning is very

flexible Learning the pass rate is high Can realize the remote sharing of educational resources, can learn knowledge widely. To let student have opportunities for independent learning For most people to learn the convenient

This kind of education is very convenient Good use of the teaching resources. Effectively improve the efficiency of teaching


标题:My View on Online Education


Now many places Chinese educational institutions are in the development of the network

education , abroad is the same. Learning is like this convenient way of learning Gradually formed an upsurge

I think the reason for craze formation of network education For the education mode of the broader population and for most people the entrance easier. This method of learning is very

flexible Learning the pass rate is high Can realize the remote sharing of educational resources, can learn knowledge widely. To let student have opportunities for independent learning For most people to learn the convenient

This kind of education is very convenient Good use of the teaching resources. Effectively improve the efficiency of teaching


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