


故宫是否可以开放星巴克品牌店no starbucks in

the Palace Museum

If there reappears a Starbucks in the Palace Museum,UN-listed human heritage, the world-known Forbidden City will become neither fish nor fowl.I find

it ridiculous for Starbucks to enter such a great historical place.The reasons are as


Firstly, Starbucks is usually regarded as a representative of American way of

life or a symbol of western coffee culture. A cafe in the Forbidden City sounds like a

mixture of coffee and shark-fin soup. Besides. I don't deny that visitors need

something to drink, so a teahouse might be a better idea, for drinking tea is part of

the Chinese tradition. My last point is that KFC, McDonald's and Starbucks can be

open to public outside of the museum at a stone's throw.Although Starbucks is likely to bring in ig bucks,i.e.Considerable commercial benefits for the museum,they will spoil the essence of the ruby of the country.

To sum up, I'm against the invasion of the alien smell to the tea fragrance. (166 words)

此文第一段就出现了主题句,认为星巴克重返故宫“不伦不类”.第二段阐明 了三点理山,其中第三点指出开设咖啡馆纵然或许带来大把钞票,却将破坏文化瑰

宝,同时建议开到门外去。结尾承接上文的特色,仍然采用比喻手法来强化观点· 全文脉络清晰,修辞手法可供借鉴。


故宫是否可以开放星巴克品牌店no starbucks in

the Palace Museum

If there reappears a Starbucks in the Palace Museum,UN-listed human heritage, the world-known Forbidden City will become neither fish nor fowl.I find

it ridiculous for Starbucks to enter such a great historical place.The reasons are as


Firstly, Starbucks is usually regarded as a representative of American way of

life or a symbol of western coffee culture. A cafe in the Forbidden City sounds like a

mixture of coffee and shark-fin soup. Besides. I don't deny that visitors need

something to drink, so a teahouse might be a better idea, for drinking tea is part of

the Chinese tradition. My last point is that KFC, McDonald's and Starbucks can be

open to public outside of the museum at a stone's throw.Although Starbucks is likely to bring in ig bucks,i.e.Considerable commercial benefits for the museum,they will spoil the essence of the ruby of the country.

To sum up, I'm against the invasion of the alien smell to the tea fragrance. (166 words)

此文第一段就出现了主题句,认为星巴克重返故宫“不伦不类”.第二段阐明 了三点理山,其中第三点指出开设咖啡馆纵然或许带来大把钞票,却将破坏文化瑰

宝,同时建议开到门外去。结尾承接上文的特色,仍然采用比喻手法来强化观点· 全文脉络清晰,修辞手法可供借鉴。


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