

Be sensible or sensitive? Jane didn’t answer the question till the end.

In fact, the two sisters represented Jane herself and her sister Cassandra, so Austin hesitated to decide whether sense won or sensibility won while writing, which caused the theme of the story was unclear.

However, in my opinion, it reflects its theme very well: Elinor, who stood for sensibility, gave up forcing herself to forget Edward and overcame all the difficulties to marry him; Marianne, who stood for sense, finally felt Colonel Brandon ’s deep love and made a rational choice to accept him.

That told us though being sensible and being sensitive are two opposite ways to face things, we need both to participate in the process. Y ou may have heard that we only require sensibility. But, that’s wrong.

On one hand, we do need sensibility. Without it, our life will be a mess, full of anger and panic. As the saying goes ‘Impulse is the devil’, sometimes we are risking our life not being sensible.

On the other hand, we need to do what we want to do besides what we should do. Sensibility promotes the development of society. Only in the field of politics, you can give out many examples, like the revolution. Revolutions were all caused by dissatisfaction with the society at that time. If you were sensible enough, you should obey all the unfair and wrong even cruel rules, though you hate them. This is sensibility. While sensitive people would go to any lengths to call for their due rights, even they knew how tragic their endings are. It is those ‘silly ’ guys that promoted social progress.

To sum up, sensibility and sense are all necessary tools people need. The more important problem is how to use them properly. But this is what you learn throughout your growth.

Be sensible or sensitive? Jane didn’t answer the question till the end.

In fact, the two sisters represented Jane herself and her sister Cassandra, so Austin hesitated to decide whether sense won or sensibility won while writing, which caused the theme of the story was unclear.

However, in my opinion, it reflects its theme very well: Elinor, who stood for sensibility, gave up forcing herself to forget Edward and overcame all the difficulties to marry him; Marianne, who stood for sense, finally felt Colonel Brandon ’s deep love and made a rational choice to accept him.

That told us though being sensible and being sensitive are two opposite ways to face things, we need both to participate in the process. Y ou may have heard that we only require sensibility. But, that’s wrong.

On one hand, we do need sensibility. Without it, our life will be a mess, full of anger and panic. As the saying goes ‘Impulse is the devil’, sometimes we are risking our life not being sensible.

On the other hand, we need to do what we want to do besides what we should do. Sensibility promotes the development of society. Only in the field of politics, you can give out many examples, like the revolution. Revolutions were all caused by dissatisfaction with the society at that time. If you were sensible enough, you should obey all the unfair and wrong even cruel rules, though you hate them. This is sensibility. While sensitive people would go to any lengths to call for their due rights, even they knew how tragic their endings are. It is those ‘silly ’ guys that promoted social progress.

To sum up, sensibility and sense are all necessary tools people need. The more important problem is how to use them properly. But this is what you learn throughout your growth.


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