雾都孤儿 英文读后感作文4000字


The Glorious Humanity in the City of Fog

Growing with hunger, loneliness and the anguish of his miserable background and the loss of his dignity; struggling against kinds of devils and persecute. Oliver Twist is the very orphan in the city of fog. Oliver grew up in a workhouse, where he was discriminated against and ill used by others; he was never loved by anyone and led a painful and desperate life. Then nine-year-old Oliver was sent to a bier shop to be an apprentice, where he suffered more, so he decided to escape from the shop to London. However, he was unfortunately kidnapped by thieves and was forced to commit theft, which he even did not know what the meaning of was. Then, he met kindhearted Miss. Rose, Mrs. Maylie and Mr. Brownlow who were so sympathized with him and adopted him. But those thieves still showed least mercy for him and even his elder brother planned to kill him. Luckily, at last with kind people’s help, Oliver identified himself and began his new peaceful life.

After reading the book, Oliver Twist, I began to think it over that how could Oliver survive such a desperate situation other than just feel sorry about his numerous sufferings.

At first, of course, it was because of his kindness, purity,

doughtiness and persistence to live a better life, or he could n’t have the courage to escape again and again, he couldn ’t be so upright and purity a boy after he spent so much time with those cunning, cruel and unscrupulous villains. The extra-strong belief in his weak and frail body was exactly the dim light which guided him in the foggy city and the pillar in his deep heart that supported him under the persecution.

Except for his persistence and strong faith, his survival also owned much to those kindhearted persons. Although the author mould so many villains and forcibly displayed the evil side of human nature, the glorious humanity couldn ’t be obliterated. One is Miss. Rose, another is Nancy.

Miss. Rose also had a miserable background; however, she was much luckier than Olivet. She was adopted by kind Mrs. Maylie and was well treated. Miss. Rose owned the most precious goodness and benevolence; she showed deeply sympathy for Oliver, and adopted him, tried her best to help him ascertain his origin and brought him to the bright and peaceful life.

As for Nancy, she was another victim of that gloomy society , but meanwhile was the key to the turning point of Oliver ’s fate. It was she who betrayed the thieves group and spilt to Miss. Rose and Mr. Brownlow, so that they could save Oliver from the

murder. Nancy knew well that she herself had become the victim; she couldn ’t bear to see wrecked Oliver was persecuted or even killed by those thieves. So the brave and kind woman risked her life telling all the truth to Miss. Rose and saving Oliver, which eventually led her to the sensational death. But at the same time, her death also led the thieves to the tragic end which they actually deserved.

As we can see, Oliver, Nancy and Miss. Rose were all kind and virtuous people. They all suffered a lot from the life and grown up in thick darkness, but weren ’t swallowed by the darkness, by virtue of their purity and goodness. The happy ending of Oliver and the sad result of all the thieves exactly proved that the glorious humanity could survive any kind of darkness or vicious power.

Nowadays, people have been used to discovering the evil side of human nature in our society, but forget that there still exists the glorious humanity which we should pay more attention to and develop and expand. I strongly believe:“Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind” and justice will be the final winner , only if we people can bring into full play our human ’s initial glorious humanity, such as kindness, integrity, bravery „ Oliver Twist not only displays us the glorious love and humanity,

but also highlights the power of that and teaches us to be persistent and doughty to debate all kinds of misery, distress and even evil forces.

The Glorious Humanity in the City of Fog

Growing with hunger, loneliness and the anguish of his miserable background and the loss of his dignity; struggling against kinds of devils and persecute. Oliver Twist is the very orphan in the city of fog. Oliver grew up in a workhouse, where he was discriminated against and ill used by others; he was never loved by anyone and led a painful and desperate life. Then nine-year-old Oliver was sent to a bier shop to be an apprentice, where he suffered more, so he decided to escape from the shop to London. However, he was unfortunately kidnapped by thieves and was forced to commit theft, which he even did not know what the meaning of was. Then, he met kindhearted Miss. Rose, Mrs. Maylie and Mr. Brownlow who were so sympathized with him and adopted him. But those thieves still showed least mercy for him and even his elder brother planned to kill him. Luckily, at last with kind people’s help, Oliver identified himself and began his new peaceful life.

After reading the book, Oliver Twist, I began to think it over that how could Oliver survive such a desperate situation other than just feel sorry about his numerous sufferings.

At first, of course, it was because of his kindness, purity,

doughtiness and persistence to live a better life, or he could n’t have the courage to escape again and again, he couldn ’t be so upright and purity a boy after he spent so much time with those cunning, cruel and unscrupulous villains. The extra-strong belief in his weak and frail body was exactly the dim light which guided him in the foggy city and the pillar in his deep heart that supported him under the persecution.

Except for his persistence and strong faith, his survival also owned much to those kindhearted persons. Although the author mould so many villains and forcibly displayed the evil side of human nature, the glorious humanity couldn ’t be obliterated. One is Miss. Rose, another is Nancy.

Miss. Rose also had a miserable background; however, she was much luckier than Olivet. She was adopted by kind Mrs. Maylie and was well treated. Miss. Rose owned the most precious goodness and benevolence; she showed deeply sympathy for Oliver, and adopted him, tried her best to help him ascertain his origin and brought him to the bright and peaceful life.

As for Nancy, she was another victim of that gloomy society , but meanwhile was the key to the turning point of Oliver ’s fate. It was she who betrayed the thieves group and spilt to Miss. Rose and Mr. Brownlow, so that they could save Oliver from the

murder. Nancy knew well that she herself had become the victim; she couldn ’t bear to see wrecked Oliver was persecuted or even killed by those thieves. So the brave and kind woman risked her life telling all the truth to Miss. Rose and saving Oliver, which eventually led her to the sensational death. But at the same time, her death also led the thieves to the tragic end which they actually deserved.

As we can see, Oliver, Nancy and Miss. Rose were all kind and virtuous people. They all suffered a lot from the life and grown up in thick darkness, but weren ’t swallowed by the darkness, by virtue of their purity and goodness. The happy ending of Oliver and the sad result of all the thieves exactly proved that the glorious humanity could survive any kind of darkness or vicious power.

Nowadays, people have been used to discovering the evil side of human nature in our society, but forget that there still exists the glorious humanity which we should pay more attention to and develop and expand. I strongly believe:“Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind” and justice will be the final winner , only if we people can bring into full play our human ’s initial glorious humanity, such as kindness, integrity, bravery „ Oliver Twist not only displays us the glorious love and humanity,

but also highlights the power of that and teaches us to be persistent and doughty to debate all kinds of misery, distress and even evil forces.


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