

Culture → multi-culture多元文化

A. International business

B. Old building tear down

C. tourism

D .traditional food/clothes /costume

E. museum & gallery (technology)

Abstract 抽象

Culture → multi-culture→ cultural diversity 文化多样性→ cultural difference 文化差异→ cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流→ cultural insight 文化深入→cultural assimilation 文化融合

→ mainstream culture主流文化→ subculture 亚文化→grass-root 草根文化elite 精英→ National identity国家身份→insult 侮辱 heritage 遗产 relic → humane culture人文→ crystallization结晶 → cornerstone 基石→ milestone里程碑→ spirtual civilization 精神文明→ culture devolution 文化倒退

1. International business/ trade →boom of tourism market 旅游市场→attract people to visit humane historic(al) sites历史人文景观→ enrich knowledge 丰富知识→ expand one’s outlook 拓宽视野→ have/keep clear/deep perspectives of the world/ our lives 对.. 有清晰/深刻的认识

2. commercial culture →freezes the culture as performers → generate some superficial elements of culture 形成肤浅的元素→ cultural devolution → destory the local culture→ vandalism 破坏 graffiti 涂鸦

3. acknowledge 认识, 了解→local customs and practises了解当地丰富习惯(costume服装) → religion 宗教/ religious belief 宗教信仰→ generate conflicts between different ethnics/ ethnic groups 种族 → enter some sacred land shrines 神殿Without permission 没被允许 → bring some insult to the religion

4. attract more investment in local areas→ economic profits经济效益→ promote the local prosperity促进当地繁荣→ create more job opportunities 创造更多的就业机会→ increase the local income 增加当地收入→ tax tariff 增加税收

5. museum and galleries → historical atmosphere 历史氛围→ professional introduction 专业讲解→ search historical reference 历史相关资料→accurate information → real experience 真实的经历→ symbol of a nation → nowhere to share/ communicate their artistic concepts /ideas / inspirations灵感

6. preserve 保护/conserve old buildings → incompatiable 不兼容with the modern design → take up large spaces → tear down → saving more spaces 节省空间 ex tra/additional cost 额外花费→ larborforce → generate from our ancestors来自祖先的→ commericial areas

7. the Internet → convenience →reduce the time-consuming 减少时间花费 →the Internet lack of accurancy 精确度→ misleading information 误导性信息→information overload in the Internet → misunderstanding 误导

038 Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

1. enrich one’s knowledge and expand one’s outlook → keep clearly perspectives of the world → establish personal values.

Eg: There is no denying that learning about the past have a positive effect on their personal values. In other word, knowledge about the past could help people enrich knowledge and expand their outlooks.For example, 呼应主题 traditional theories and valuable concepts could help people achieve more extra knowledge. What is more, through learning some previous academic achievement, people would easily set up their academic basic which finally have them do more reasearch and work out more new contributions. Thus, it is necessary for people to learn the past.

2.the boom of tourism market → economic profits → job opportunities → stablity of our society

Ts: learning about the past is associated with the boom of the tourism market.ex: That is to say, traditional values could bring about more economic profits as more and more people begin to acknowledge the past. Since the rise of tourism market,more job opportunities and commericial interest will involve with this learning process which finally promote the local prosperity.


Incompatible with the modern thinkings → misleading impact However, valuable experiences make people easily make progress.

Some people may think that traditional values are incompatible with the modern thinkings or society which may also have some misleading impact on the juveniles. However, most of the past values could bring about some valuable experiences and historic references for modern people which could help them learn the past and easily make progress. Therefore, learning past seems to creat more benefits for the contemporary society.



2. 065 Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

3. 复习education 背 culture

Culture → multi-culture多元文化

A. International business

B. Old building tear down

C. tourism

D .traditional food/clothes /costume

E. museum & gallery (technology)

Abstract 抽象

Culture → multi-culture→ cultural diversity 文化多样性→ cultural difference 文化差异→ cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流→ cultural insight 文化深入→cultural assimilation 文化融合

→ mainstream culture主流文化→ subculture 亚文化→grass-root 草根文化elite 精英→ National identity国家身份→insult 侮辱 heritage 遗产 relic → humane culture人文→ crystallization结晶 → cornerstone 基石→ milestone里程碑→ spirtual civilization 精神文明→ culture devolution 文化倒退

1. International business/ trade →boom of tourism market 旅游市场→attract people to visit humane historic(al) sites历史人文景观→ enrich knowledge 丰富知识→ expand one’s outlook 拓宽视野→ have/keep clear/deep perspectives of the world/ our lives 对.. 有清晰/深刻的认识

2. commercial culture →freezes the culture as performers → generate some superficial elements of culture 形成肤浅的元素→ cultural devolution → destory the local culture→ vandalism 破坏 graffiti 涂鸦

3. acknowledge 认识, 了解→local customs and practises了解当地丰富习惯(costume服装) → religion 宗教/ religious belief 宗教信仰→ generate conflicts between different ethnics/ ethnic groups 种族 → enter some sacred land shrines 神殿Without permission 没被允许 → bring some insult to the religion

4. attract more investment in local areas→ economic profits经济效益→ promote the local prosperity促进当地繁荣→ create more job opportunities 创造更多的就业机会→ increase the local income 增加当地收入→ tax tariff 增加税收

5. museum and galleries → historical atmosphere 历史氛围→ professional introduction 专业讲解→ search historical reference 历史相关资料→accurate information → real experience 真实的经历→ symbol of a nation → nowhere to share/ communicate their artistic concepts /ideas / inspirations灵感

6. preserve 保护/conserve old buildings → incompatiable 不兼容with the modern design → take up large spaces → tear down → saving more spaces 节省空间 ex tra/additional cost 额外花费→ larborforce → generate from our ancestors来自祖先的→ commericial areas

7. the Internet → convenience →reduce the time-consuming 减少时间花费 →the Internet lack of accurancy 精确度→ misleading information 误导性信息→information overload in the Internet → misunderstanding 误导

038 Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

1. enrich one’s knowledge and expand one’s outlook → keep clearly perspectives of the world → establish personal values.

Eg: There is no denying that learning about the past have a positive effect on their personal values. In other word, knowledge about the past could help people enrich knowledge and expand their outlooks.For example, 呼应主题 traditional theories and valuable concepts could help people achieve more extra knowledge. What is more, through learning some previous academic achievement, people would easily set up their academic basic which finally have them do more reasearch and work out more new contributions. Thus, it is necessary for people to learn the past.

2.the boom of tourism market → economic profits → job opportunities → stablity of our society

Ts: learning about the past is associated with the boom of the tourism market.ex: That is to say, traditional values could bring about more economic profits as more and more people begin to acknowledge the past. Since the rise of tourism market,more job opportunities and commericial interest will involve with this learning process which finally promote the local prosperity.


Incompatible with the modern thinkings → misleading impact However, valuable experiences make people easily make progress.

Some people may think that traditional values are incompatible with the modern thinkings or society which may also have some misleading impact on the juveniles. However, most of the past values could bring about some valuable experiences and historic references for modern people which could help them learn the past and easily make progress. Therefore, learning past seems to creat more benefits for the contemporary society.



2. 065 Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

3. 复习education 背 culture


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