智课网TOEFL 备考资料
摘要: 美国人眼中的托福写作高分是什么样的呢? 准备托福考试的同学都想知道这个问题的答案,毕竟知己知彼,百战百胜嘛。我们有幸采访到美国教育专家为大家讲述托福写作拿高分的技巧,希望能给大家带来帮助。
考 托福 的目的是为了赴美 留学 ,因此 托福考试 的一切内容都是以 美国留学 生活为基础的,而 托福写作 则是为了在留学过程中能够正确记录学习生活中所学到用到的内容,那么在美国人眼中的托福高分作文是怎样的呢?
KEY 1:Budget your time carefully.
You have only a half hour in which to complete your work.You should use your time more or less as shown below:
Reading and thinking about the topic 2-3 minutes.
Planning and taking notes 2-3 minutes.
Writing the essay approximately 20 minutes~.
Checking the essay 3-5 minutes.
KEY 2:Read the question carefully.
You must write on the topic exactly as it is given.
KEY 3:Brainstorm.
Before you begin to write, spend a minute or two “brainstorming。” Think about the topic and the best way to approach it .
KEY 4:Plan your essay before you write.
You don’t have to write out a formal outline with Roman numerals, capital letters, and so on. However, you should make some notes. By following your notes, you can organize your essay before you write, leaving you free to concentrate on the task of writing。
KEY 5:Be sure your handwriting is as clear and legible as possible.
Handwriting that is hard to read may unconsciously prejudice the readers who are grading you essay. Be sure your handwriting is not too small or too large.
相关字搜索: 托福高分作文
智课网TOEFL 备考资料
摘要: 美国人眼中的托福写作高分是什么样的呢? 准备托福考试的同学都想知道这个问题的答案,毕竟知己知彼,百战百胜嘛。我们有幸采访到美国教育专家为大家讲述托福写作拿高分的技巧,希望能给大家带来帮助。
考 托福 的目的是为了赴美 留学 ,因此 托福考试 的一切内容都是以 美国留学 生活为基础的,而 托福写作 则是为了在留学过程中能够正确记录学习生活中所学到用到的内容,那么在美国人眼中的托福高分作文是怎样的呢?
KEY 1:Budget your time carefully.
You have only a half hour in which to complete your work.You should use your time more or less as shown below:
Reading and thinking about the topic 2-3 minutes.
Planning and taking notes 2-3 minutes.
Writing the essay approximately 20 minutes~.
Checking the essay 3-5 minutes.
KEY 2:Read the question carefully.
You must write on the topic exactly as it is given.
KEY 3:Brainstorm.
Before you begin to write, spend a minute or two “brainstorming。” Think about the topic and the best way to approach it .
KEY 4:Plan your essay before you write.
You don’t have to write out a formal outline with Roman numerals, capital letters, and so on. However, you should make some notes. By following your notes, you can organize your essay before you write, leaving you free to concentrate on the task of writing。
KEY 5:Be sure your handwriting is as clear and legible as possible.
Handwriting that is hard to read may unconsciously prejudice the readers who are grading you essay. Be sure your handwriting is not too small or too large.
相关字搜索: 托福高分作文