

Spring is the first solar term in Chinese lunar 24 solar terms, when the sun arrived at longitude 315 ° called spring throttle.

Spring is one of the important traditional festival of the han nationality folk."State" is the meaning of "start", since the qin dynasty, China has been to spring as the beginning of the season MengChun.Spring comes up from the astronomical division, spring is warm, charactizing a fine spring day.Spring is the growth, no-till seeding.[1]

The so-called "spring", since ancient times, spring is a traditional festival.Hence great importance have been attached to China since the official to the folk, spring begins on the day of winter jasmine has three thousand years history.When spring begins right head thereof Dan and governors to eastern doctor winter jasmine, pray for a bumper harvest.After come back, to reward ministers, cloth, make by patronage trillion people.This kind of activity affected the subaltern, make it become the later generations of the winter jasmine activities spring is not only the first solar term in Chinese lunar 24 solar terms, spring begins from astronomical divided up, and in nature, in people's mind, spring means beautiful, charactizing a fine

spring day.Spring also means that all things grow, peasant sowing.So the "spring" did: "easterlies by west wind, the rain Yang and the earth. All things Su Meng landscape, at the farmhouse and seeks the plow."(left) the river .In climatology, spring refers to a syndrome (5 days for a syndrome) average temperature 10 ℃ to 22 ℃ slots. Spring is a point in time, can also be a period of time.Traditional Chinese syndrome fifteen (15) days of spring can be divided into three: "a syndrome of the east, two hou sting vibration in the beginning, three hou fish negative accompanied ice", said the dongfeng gifts, the earth began to thaw.Spring begins after five days, secluded in insect slowly wake up in the hole, in five days, the ice began to melt in the river, the fish to swim in the water, and at this point on the surface of the water and not completely dissolved of borneol, like be fish with floating in the water.

Spring is the first solar term in Chinese lunar 24 solar terms, when the sun arrived at longitude 315 ° called spring throttle.

Spring is one of the important traditional festival of the han nationality folk."State" is the meaning of "start", since the qin dynasty, China has been to spring as the beginning of the season MengChun.Spring comes up from the astronomical division, spring is warm, charactizing a fine spring day.Spring is the growth, no-till seeding.[1]

The so-called "spring", since ancient times, spring is a traditional festival.Hence great importance have been attached to China since the official to the folk, spring begins on the day of winter jasmine has three thousand years history.When spring begins right head thereof Dan and governors to eastern doctor winter jasmine, pray for a bumper harvest.After come back, to reward ministers, cloth, make by patronage trillion people.This kind of activity affected the subaltern, make it become the later generations of the winter jasmine activities spring is not only the first solar term in Chinese lunar 24 solar terms, spring begins from astronomical divided up, and in nature, in people's mind, spring means beautiful, charactizing a fine

spring day.Spring also means that all things grow, peasant sowing.So the "spring" did: "easterlies by west wind, the rain Yang and the earth. All things Su Meng landscape, at the farmhouse and seeks the plow."(left) the river .In climatology, spring refers to a syndrome (5 days for a syndrome) average temperature 10 ℃ to 22 ℃ slots. Spring is a point in time, can also be a period of time.Traditional Chinese syndrome fifteen (15) days of spring can be divided into three: "a syndrome of the east, two hou sting vibration in the beginning, three hou fish negative accompanied ice", said the dongfeng gifts, the earth began to thaw.Spring begins after five days, secluded in insect slowly wake up in the hole, in five days, the ice began to melt in the river, the fish to swim in the water, and at this point on the surface of the water and not completely dissolved of borneol, like be fish with floating in the water.


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