


1. 为了更加有责任,我心甘情愿帮助我妈妈打扫房间。

2. 为了更加独立,我强烈希望找一份兼职工作。

3. 我喜欢帮助父母做家务,例如:叠床、洗碗和扫地。

4. 个人认为,做家务是对家长体现我的爱、尊重、理解的最好方法。

5. 我经常有做家务的强烈欲望, 因为它可以使我变得更加独立、负责。

6. 更为重要的是,做家务对我未来生活来说是宝贵的经验。

7. 另一方面,做家务可以帮助我们的家庭有很多共同话题。

8. 做家务就像家长和青少年之间的桥梁,它是建立责任心和耐心的最好方法。

9. 我喜欢扫地和打扫我的卧室,因为整洁美丽的卧室可以带给我温暖的感觉。

10. 我喜欢去商店因为它不但是释放我的压力的好方法,而且是一个很享受的经

历 。

11. 我愿意倒垃圾,因为我可以出去享受新鲜空气。

12. 我经常挤时间洗餐具虽然我有很多作业,我真的很想分担家务使我妈妈放松。

13. 我最喜欢的家务是浇花主要因为绿色植物使我的房间充满生机,它创造了浪漫



1. In order to be more responsible, I’m willing to help my mom clean the rooms. 2. In order to be more independent, I have a strong desire to find a part-time job. 3. I like helping my parents do some chores, such as making the bed, washing de

dishes and sweeping the floor.

4. Personally, doing chores is the best way to express my love, respect and

understanding to my parents.

5. I usually have a strong desire to do chores mainly because it can help us to be

more independent and responsible. ( friendly, understanding, caring, careful , patient …)

6. More importantly, doing chores is a valuable experience (an enjoyable

experience / preparation) for my future life.

7. On the other hand, doing chores can help our family have a lot of same topics. 8. Doing chores is just like a bridge between parents and teenagers. It is the best

way to build up our responsibility and patience.

9. I like sweeping the floor and cleaning my bedroom, because the tidy and

beautiful bedroom can bring me a warm feeling.

10. I enjoy going to the store because it is not only a good way to reduce my

pressure, but also an enjoyable exercise.

11. I ’m willing to take out the trash because I can be outside to enjoy the fresh air. 12. I often make time to do the dishes although I have a lot of homework. I truly

want to share the housework to make my mum relaxed.

13. My most favorite chore is watering our plants mainly because the green plants

make my room full of life. It creates a romantic atmosphere.


1. 为了更加有责任,我心甘情愿帮助我妈妈打扫房间。

2. 为了更加独立,我强烈希望找一份兼职工作。

3. 我喜欢帮助父母做家务,例如:叠床、洗碗和扫地。

4. 个人认为,做家务是对家长体现我的爱、尊重、理解的最好方法。

5. 我经常有做家务的强烈欲望, 因为它可以使我变得更加独立、负责。

6. 更为重要的是,做家务对我未来生活来说是宝贵的经验。

7. 另一方面,做家务可以帮助我们的家庭有很多共同话题。

8. 做家务就像家长和青少年之间的桥梁,它是建立责任心和耐心的最好方法。

9. 我喜欢扫地和打扫我的卧室,因为整洁美丽的卧室可以带给我温暖的感觉。

10. 我喜欢去商店因为它不但是释放我的压力的好方法,而且是一个很享受的经

历 。

11. 我愿意倒垃圾,因为我可以出去享受新鲜空气。

12. 我经常挤时间洗餐具虽然我有很多作业,我真的很想分担家务使我妈妈放松。

13. 我最喜欢的家务是浇花主要因为绿色植物使我的房间充满生机,它创造了浪漫



1. In order to be more responsible, I’m willing to help my mom clean the rooms. 2. In order to be more independent, I have a strong desire to find a part-time job. 3. I like helping my parents do some chores, such as making the bed, washing de

dishes and sweeping the floor.

4. Personally, doing chores is the best way to express my love, respect and

understanding to my parents.

5. I usually have a strong desire to do chores mainly because it can help us to be

more independent and responsible. ( friendly, understanding, caring, careful , patient …)

6. More importantly, doing chores is a valuable experience (an enjoyable

experience / preparation) for my future life.

7. On the other hand, doing chores can help our family have a lot of same topics. 8. Doing chores is just like a bridge between parents and teenagers. It is the best

way to build up our responsibility and patience.

9. I like sweeping the floor and cleaning my bedroom, because the tidy and

beautiful bedroom can bring me a warm feeling.

10. I enjoy going to the store because it is not only a good way to reduce my

pressure, but also an enjoyable exercise.

11. I ’m willing to take out the trash because I can be outside to enjoy the fresh air. 12. I often make time to do the dishes although I have a lot of homework. I truly

want to share the housework to make my mum relaxed.

13. My most favorite chore is watering our plants mainly because the green plants

make my room full of life. It creates a romantic atmosphere.


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