

If you are asked to donate money to a non-profit website,

what will you do? why? Now is the age of network development,naturally there are many websites available. These sites were divided into two kinds of,one is a for-profit, nonprofit.The profitability of money is normal, if the non-profit wants us to donate money, I would not.The reason is very simple, from a rational point of view, now the state expressly anyone any unit shall not privately into

fund-raising, must through charitable organizations, so under the banner of "the banner of money 'is illegal. From perceptual point of view, this is a

non-commercial website, but we give money, profit from, and "non-profit" three words in contradiction, in my opinion is trickery.

So I to donate money to the non-profit website this is not willing to

If you are asked to donate money to a non-profit website,

what will you do? why? Now is the age of network development,naturally there are many websites available. These sites were divided into two kinds of,one is a for-profit, nonprofit.The profitability of money is normal, if the non-profit wants us to donate money, I would not.The reason is very simple, from a rational point of view, now the state expressly anyone any unit shall not privately into

fund-raising, must through charitable organizations, so under the banner of "the banner of money 'is illegal. From perceptual point of view, this is a

non-commercial website, but we give money, profit from, and "non-profit" three words in contradiction, in my opinion is trickery.

So I to donate money to the non-profit website this is not willing to


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